Question Mark Upside Down: Explained in Detail

4 minute read
Question Mark Upside Down

Question mark upside down: Did you know that all languages use different symbols to ask questions? For example, some languages, such as Thai, do not use a question mark at all, while Greek uses a symbol that looks like an English semicolon (;) to ask a question. Similarly, in the English vocabulary, at the time of asking a question, a question mark is put at the end of the sentence. Then what is the meaning of an upside-down question mark and this is applicable in which language? To answer these questions, we have put together this blog post where you will learn all about the question mark upside down that is used in the Spanish language. 

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Question Mark Upside Down – Definition

To answer your question, the upside-down ¿ symbol is also known as the inverted or Spanish question mark. It is named so as it is used in the Spanish language at the beginning of a sentence to ask a question. A question written in the Spanish language is then followed by a normal interrogation sign. 

But how is this beneficial, you may ask? Well, in the Spanish language, the wording of some sentences as well as the yes/no is the same.

Spanish question mark upside down fun fact

How to Use Question Mark Upside Down?

The upside-down question marks or the inverted interrogatory marks are primarily used in Spanish at the beginning of a question to signal the same. A regular interrogatory mark (?) is then added at the end. This is helpful because sometimes Spanish sentence structure can make statements and questions sound the same. Here is an example to further give you an explanation. 

Spanish Question Mark Upside Down English Translation
¿Cómo estás?How are you?
¿De dónde eres?Where are you from?

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Question Mark Upside Down – Exceptions

Just like we have exceptions in English grammar, the Spanish language too has exceptions. The position of the question symbol upside down can also be used depending on the situation. This could be in the middle of a sentence, when there is an inquiry being taken for confirmation or when the inquiry also has an exclamation mark. Take a look at the sentences for better understanding.

Spanish Question Mark ExceptionEnglish Translation
¡¿Cómo me llamaste?!What did you call me?!
Vas a venir a mi fiesta de cumpleaños, ¿verdad?You’re coming to my birthday party, right?
Si no puedes ir con ellos, ¿quieres ir con nosotros?If you can’t go with them, would you like to go with us?

Note:- People often face issues when adding the inverted question symbol in their text. So, the only solution is to copy and paste it from somewhere you find it online.

Examples of Question Marks Upside Down in Spanish

To understand how the inverted question marks are used in Spanish sentences, refer to the examples below. 

Spanish Question Mark ExamplesEnglish Translation
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
No sé, ¿qué opinas tú?I don’t know, what do you think?
Mejor hay que comer aquí en la casa, ¿no?Let’s eat at home instead, no?
¿Te gusta el café?Do you like coffee?
No sé cocinar muy bien, ¿me puedes ayudar? I don’t know how to cook very well, can you help me?

Tip: To write an inverted Spanish question marks, one must find a special keyboard designed for Spanish speakers. 

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7+ Example Sentences of Question Marks Upside Down

Find below some example sentences with question marks upside down as written in the Spanish language.

Spanish Question Mark ExamplesEnglish Translation
¿Te gusta el chocolate?Do you like chocolate?
Sí, ¿y a ti?Yes, and you?
¡¿A quién le importa?!Who cares?!
¡¿Qué te pasa?! What’s wrong with you?!
¿¡Cómo pudiste hacer eso?! How could you do that?!
No sé, ¿qué opinas tú? I don’t know, what do you think?
Me prestas tu libro, ¿por favor? Can I borrow your book, please?
¿Cuál es tu película favorita?What is your favorite movie?
¿Quién ganó el partido?Who won the game?
¿Cuántos años tienes?How old are you?
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What does the upside-down question mark mean?

The upside-down question symbol also known as the inverted or Spanish question mark is used in sentences to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences in Spanish and some languages.

What is the (?) symbol?

This symbol stands for a question symbol which is placed at the end of a sentence when a direct question is being asked. 

How do you type a reverse question mark?

To type a reverse question mark press and hold the Alt button on your keyboard (it’s usually on the bottom next to the spacebar).

We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on question marks upside down. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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