Punctuation For Class 7 Students: Examples and Exercise

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Punctuation For Class 7

The English Grammar Punctuation for Class 7 is an important chapter that students must learn properly. Learning the lesson in the early classes (Class 1 punctuation and Class 4 punctuation) always helps in preparing the students for upcoming classes. The level goes up for the students as they learn new things on similar topics in different classes. The punctuation for the Class 7 chapter is curated in such a way that students can learn the basics and use them in their writing. 

Punctuation Marks for Class 7 Students

Punctuation Marks are the symbols that are used in sentences to express certain emotions. They denote the end of a sentence when there is a pause etc. Not only this, they are an important part of the writing which helps to make the meaning of sentences clear to understand. To help you out, we have compiled all the punctuation marks for Class 7 students that will assist you in making clear sentences.

Period ( . )

The period punctuation ( . ) is an important punctuation that is usually used at the end of the sentence in English Grammar. Both in the written and spoken languages the period is used at the end of the sentence after the ending word.

For Example:  

I am coming back.
He is going to work.

Comma ( , )

The comma punctuation ( , ) is a punctuation that indicates a break or pause in the sentence. It is normally put before a phrase or conjunction (like and, or, but) at the closing of the sentence.

For Example:

but I am going home, but he is not going with me.
andThey have bought apples, grapes, and oranges from the fruit shop.
or Did it arrive today or did it arrive yesterday?

Question Mark ( ? )

The question mark ( ? ) is used in the sentence to show a question and is normally placed at the closing of the sentence. However, if the question is incomplete, it can also be used in the middle of the sentence.

For Example:

Are you coming to the party? 
Why are you looking outside the window?

Exclamation Mark( ! )

The Exclamation Mark ( ! ) is used to display strong emotions and feelings in a sentence. Normally, this punctuation is placed at the end of the sentence but it can also be used at the middle of the sentence.

For Example: 

I can’t believe you played that song!
Get off my garden!

Semi Colon( ; )

The semi-colon is mainly used for joining two independent clauses in a sentence. It can also be used for separating the list of items.

For Example:

I am going to the party; you can stay here.
The meeting attendees included Mark, the CEO; Sarah, the CFO; and David, the COO.

Colon ( : )

A colon punctuation is used to introduce the texts or lists, to give emphasis, and for the clarification of the composition titles. 

For Example:

They brought three things from the grocery store: bread, egg, milk, and butter.
The movie was a one-time watch: the acting was fine, the plot was mysterious, and the ending was clueless.

Apostrophe( ‘ )

The Apostrophe is used to show contraction or possession in a sentence. In the case of possession, the apostrophe can be placed before the noun and an s can be added. However, for contractions, the apostrophe can be placed after the missed letter.

For Example: 

Apostrophe UsesExamples
PossessionThe dog’s food is on the floor.
ContractionYou can’t just play like that.


The Eliipses is a type of Punctuation mark that shows a trailing off or omission in a sentence. There are usually three dots in ellipses which can be added more if required. 

For Example: 

I was thinking about you today…
He was going to say…forget it.

Quotation Marks(“ “)

Quotation Marks show the speech, article, or book’s title. Moreover, quotation mark can be placed around the quoted words.

For Example: 

“Animal Farm” is a Classical novel. 
She said, “I will play with you”.

Dash( — )

The dash shows a break in a particular sentence like an interruption. It is also used when we want to give some extra information in a sentence.

For Example: 

They were on vacation from 5–10 July.
Many children–playing video games–do not know what playing outside feels like.

Hyphen( – )

The hyphen is mainly used in English Grammar for combining two words such as a suffix, and a prefix or a compound word.

For Example:

He arrived at the party empty-handed.
The editor-in-chief is on holiday today.

Underscore ( _ )

Underscore is used in a sentence to provide observation about the situation, idea or fact. They are particularly used in urls, file names or email addresses.

For Example:

His email address is [email protected]
The diary is _ the table.

Importance of Punctuation for Class 7 Students

Learning Punctuation for Class 7 students is crucial as it helps in understanding the meaning of the sentence. It also helps in learning about the usage of punctuation marks in a sentence. If you know how to use Punctuation in the right way then it can help you in writing clear sentences. However, if you do not know Punctuation for class 7 fully you will get confused while writing it. The Punctuation is also important as it completely changes the meaning of the given sentence.

Source: Magnet Brains

Punctuation For Class 7: Exercise

 Punctuation For Class 7


Q1. How should students learn Class 7 Punctuation?

Ans: Students can learn the punctuation for Class 7 by taking online classes and practising examples of it.

Q2. Why is Punctuation used in a sentence?

Ans: Punctuation helps in providing precision and clarity in writing sentences. It allows the writer to pause, stop or give emphasis to some words in the sentences.

Q3. How to use a semicolon?

Ans: A semicolon can be used to join the independent clauses that are closely connected.

Q4. Why underscore is used? 

Ans: The underscore is used for creating visual spacing between a sequence of words where the use of whitespace is not allowed.

Q5. When do I use a comma?

Ans. Commas are used in many ways! Here are a few key situations: In lists: To separate items in a series (e.g., “I bought apples, bananas, and oranges.”)
To separate independent clauses: When joining two complete sentences with a coordinating conjunction (e.g., “I went to the store, and I bought some groceries.”)
To set off introductory phrases: (e.g., “After the rain stopped, we went for a walk.”)
To set off non-essential clauses: (e.g., “The book, which I borrowed from the library, was very interesting.”)

Q6. What’s the difference between a period and an exclamation point?

Ans. Period (.) is used at the end of a declarative sentence (a statement). Example: “The sun is shining.”
Exclamation point (!) is used at the end of an exclamatory sentence (expressing strong emotion). Example: “Wow! That was amazing!”

Q7. When do I use quotation marks?

Ans. Quotation marks (” “) are used to:
Enclose direct speech: (e.g., “Hello,” she said.)
Show the title of a short work: (e.g., “The Road Not Taken” is a famous poem.)
Highlight a word or phrase: (e.g., The word “fabulous” perfectly describes this experience.)

Exclamation Mark examplesTop 14 Punctuation Marks in English Grammar
Punctuation for Class 3 English GrammarWhat is a Colon Symbol (:)? 
Punctuate the Following SentenceSemicolon Examples and Tips to Use
Colon Punctuation ExamplesCapital Letters and Punctuation: Rules And Usage

This was all about the “English Grammar Punctuation For Class 7” and more in grammar. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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