Plurals Quiz: Time to Test Your Knowledge 

4 minute read

Plural Noun refers to more than one person, thing/object, place or idea which is used very commonly in the English vocabulary. It denotes a quantity greater than the default quantity represented by that noun. There are many rules for plural nouns. There are irregular nouns which take unique forms. They are used to indicate more than one person or thing. If you wish to know more about plural nouns then this is the best place. Here you will find a plurals quiz which will help you test your knowledge.

Must Read: All You Need to Know About Nouns

What is a Plural Noun?

Plural Noun is defined as ‘relating to or constituting a class of grammatical forms usually to denote more than one or two objects, things, people etc. A word can be changed into a plural noun simply by adding ‘s’, ‘es’, ‘ves’, ‘ies’ etc. Plural nouns are termed irregular nouns. 

Common nouns can be changed into plural nouns by simply changing the spelling or by adding a suffix to the root word. 


  • Strawberry – Strawberries
  • Mango – Mangoes
  • Wolf – Wolves
  • Dog – Dogs

Quick Read: Singular vs. Plural Nouns: Learn Key Differences through Rules & Examples

Plurals Quiz 1

Choose the correct option from the multiple choices given below:

  1. What is the plural form of “child”?
  1.  childs
  2.  childen
  3.  children
  4.  childes
  1. What is the plural form of “fox”?
  1.  foxen
  2.  foxes
  3.  foxies
  4.  foxs
  1. What is the plural form of “goose”?
  1.  gooses
  2.  geese
  3.  gooseen
  4.  goslings
  1. What is the plural form of “knife”?
  1.  knifes
  2.  knives
  3.  knive
  4.  knifis
  1. What is the plural form of “person”?
  1.  persons
  2.  peoples
  3.  people
  4.  personses
  1. What is the plural form of “leaf”?
  1.  leafs
  2.  leafen
  3.  leaves
  4.  leavies
  1. What is the plural form of “mouse”?
  1.  mouses
  2.  mice
  3.  mices
  4.  mouseys
  1. What is the plural form of “cactus”?
  1.  cactuses
  2.  cacti
  3.  cactuss
  4.  cactuseses
  1. What is the plural form of “woman”?
  1.  womens
  2.  womans
  3.  women
  4.  womanes
  1. What is the plural form of “tomato”?
  1.  tomatos
  2.  tomaties
  3.  tomatoes
  4.  Tomatoees

Check Your Answers

  1. children
  2. foxes
  3. geese
  4. knives
  5. people
  6. leaves
  7. mice
  8. cacti
  9. women
  10. tomatoes

Plurals Quiz 2

Choose the correct option from the options given below:

  1. What is the plural form of “cat”?

A. cats

B. caties

C. caten

D. catz

  1. What is the plural form of “book”?

A. books

B. bookies

C. bookens

D. bookz

  1. What is the plural form of “car”?

A. cars

B. caries

C. caren

D. carz

  1. What is the plural form of “baby”?

A. babies

B. babys

C. baben

D. babez

  1. What is the plural form of “house”?

A. houses

B. housen

C. hice

D. housies

  1. What is the plural form of “dog”?

A. dogs

B. dogies

C. dogen

D. dogz

  1. What is the plural form of “chair”?

A. chairies

B. chairs

C. chairz

D. chairen

  1. What is the plural form of “child”?

A. childs

B. childen

C. childies

D. children

  1. What is the plural form of “tree”?

A. trees

B. treeies

C. treen

D. treez

  1. What is the plural form of “person”?

A. persons

B. people

C. personen

D. peoplen

Check Your Answers

  1. cats
  2. books
  3. cars
  4. babies
  5. houses
  6. dogs
  7. chairs
  8. children
  9. trees
  10. people

Plurals Quiz 3

Here’s a quiz on plurals with fill-in-the-blank questions:

  1. The __________ (child) played in the park.
  1. We have two __________ (dog) at home.
  1. She bought three new __________ (dress) for the party.
  1. The teacher handed out pencils to all the __________ (student).
  1. There are many different species of __________ (fish) in the ocean.
  1. The shelves were filled with colorful __________ (box).
  1. My grandmother has a collection of antique __________ (clock).
  1. The farmer planted rows of __________ (tomato) in the field.
  1. The company hired several new __________ (employee) last month.
  1.  He collects rare __________ (coin) from around the world.

Check Your Answers

  1.  children
  2.  dogs
  3.  dresses
  4.  students
  5.  fish
  6.  boxes
  7.  clocks
  8.  tomatoes
  9.  employees
  10.  coins

Plurals Quiz 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct plural nouns.

  1. The ___________ chased the mice away from the barn.
  2. There are five ___________ on the shelf.
  3. My aunt has two ___________ named Max and Ruby.
  4. The farmer planted several ___________ in the orchard.
  5. She bought three new ___________ for her kitchen.
  6. In the forest, we saw many tall ___________.
  7. The teacher handed out papers to all the ___________.
  8. The park has several benches for ___________ to sit on.
  9. Our cat had four ___________ last spring.
  10. Can you pass me two ___________ from the basket?


  1. cats
  2. books
  3. cats
  4. trees
  5. pots
  6. trees
  7. students
  8. people
  9. kittens
  10. apples

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What is plural nouns?

A plural noun is a noun that refers to more than one person, thing, place etc. They are formed in various ways, depending on the singular form. The most common way of changing a word in plural nouns is by adding an ‘s’ to the word. 

What are the 4 rules of plural nouns?

Here are 4 rules of plural nouns which can be used when changing a word to a plural noun:

  • Add -s or -es suffixes at the end of the word to make it plural.
  • Add -y or -ie suffixes at the end
  • Nouns ending with -s, -sh, -ss, -z, -x, -ch, and sometimes -o need to have an -es added.
  • For nouns that end in -y; change the y to an i and then add -es.

What are examples of plural nouns?

Here are some examples of plural nouns:

  1. Man  – Men
  2. Child – Children
  3. Foot – Feet
  4. Tooth – Teeth
  5. House – Houses

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