‘On’ and ‘In’ Preposition with Usage, Examples and Exercise

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On and In Preposition: Prepositions play an extensive role in the English language, providing essential information about the relationships between different elements in a sentence. Prepositions are words used to denote the time, location, direction, etc. of a noun or a pronoun in a sentence. 

Two commonly used prepositions, “in” and “on,” are versatile and have diverse applications in various contexts. While “in” often signifies containment or immersion within something, “on” typically indicates a surface or position. In this blog post, we’ll learn about the prepositions in and on uses, and examples to enhance your understanding of the concept.

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Usage of ‘In’ Preposition with Examples 

The proposition of In is used to define certain things:

1. ‘In’ – Location within a space.

Example: The cat is in the box.

2. ‘In’ – Time

Example: She will arrive in an hour.

3. Inclusion

Example: There is milk in the refrigerator.

4. ‘In’ State or condition

Example: He is in a good mood.

5. ‘In’ Communication or contact.

Example: We talked in person.

6. Belonging: Demonstrating ownership or membership.

Example: I have a friend in the soccer team.

7. ‘InMode of transport

Example: They travelled in a car.

8. ‘In’ Surroundings: Describing the environment or surroundings.

Example: The flowers bloom in spring.

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On Preposition Usage with Examples

 Here is the description of the use of prepositions along with examples.

1. ‘On’ Surface: Used to indicate a position on a surface.

Example: The book is on the table.

2. ‘On’ Days and dates: Referring to specific days or dates.

Example: The meeting is on Monday.

3. ‘On’ Events: Indicating participation in an event or activity.

Example: He is on the soccer team.

4. ‘On’ Media: Referring to content in a specific medium.

Example: I read about it on the news.

5. Communication: Indicating a form of communication or agreement.

Example: Let’s discuss it on the phone.

6. Expressing a state or condition.

Example: He is on fire with enthusiasm.

7. Transportation:

Referring to a means of transportation.

Example: She is on the bus.

8. Attached or positioned:

Example: The note is on the door.

Explore this blog Prepositions: Definition, Types, Examples and Exercise

On and In Preposition Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition:

  1. The cat is __________ the roof.
  2. We have a meeting scheduled __________ Monday.
  3. There is a stain __________ your shirt.
  4. She is interested __________ learning a new language.
  5. The book is __________ the table.
  6. The concert is happening __________ the weekend.
  7. I found the keys __________ the drawer.
  8. The movie will start __________ 7:00 PM.
  9. They live __________ the same neighborhood.
  10. The children are playing __________ the backyard.

On and In Preposition Answers

  1. The cat is on the roof.
  2. We have a meeting scheduled on Monday.
  3. There is a stain on your shirt.
  4. She is interested in learning a new language.
  5. The book is on the table.
  6. The concert is happening on the weekend.
  7. I found the keys in the drawer.
  8. The movie will start at 7:00 PM.
  9. They live in the same neighbourhood.
  10. The children are playing in the backyard.

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What is the preposition of time?

Prepositions that are used to indicate the duration of a particular action are called prepositions of time. For example: in, at, and on.

Which preposition can be used to refer to a particular day?

We can use prepositions ‘on’ to refer to a particular day.

Give a few examples of prepositions in and on.

The cat is in the box.
He is in a deep sleep.

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