50+ Examples of Phrase Preposition

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Example of Phrase Preposition: Prepositional phrases are versatile and powerful constructs that enhance the richness and precision of our communication skills. Prepositional phrases are used to modify nouns or verbs. They are the combination of a preposition, a modifier, and an object.  In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of prepositional phrases, exploring their structure, and functions, and how mastering them can elevate your writing to new heights.

What are Prepositional Phrases?

A group of words that begins with a preposition and usually ends with a noun or pronoun are called prepositional phrases. The words like “in,” “on,” “under,” “over,” and “between,” are prepositions which indicate relationships between elements in a sentence. The noun or pronoun that follows the preposition is called the object of the preposition. Example of Phrase Preposition: in the garden, there is a preposition that is followed by the object of the preposition the garden. 

Read this exciting blog on Nouns

Structure and Components of Prepositional Phrase

To understand prepositional phrases, it’s essential to grasp their structure. A typical prepositional phrase consists of three components: the preposition, its object, and any modifiers that accompany the object.

Example: In the garden, the red flowers bloomed.

Preposition: In

An object of the preposition: the garden

Explore this blog: Abstract Nouns: Definition, Examples and Usage

Examples of Phrase Preposition

Some of the examples of prepositional phrases are given below.

  1. 📚 On the shelf
  2. 🛏️ Under the bed
  3. 🍽️ In the kitchen
  4. ☁️ Above the clouds
  5. 🚣 Beside the river
  6. 🛣️ Across the street
  7. 📝 Between the lines
  8. ☀️ During the summer
  9. ⛈️ After the storm
  10. 🎤 Before the concert
  11. 🎭 Behind the curtain
  12. 🪞 In front of the mirror
  13. ⛰️ On top of the mountain
  14. 🏢 At the office
  15. 🌆 Within the city
  16. 💐 Among the flowers
  17. 🧱 Against the wall
  18. 🌍 Around the corner
  19. 🪑 Underneath the table
  20. 🏖️ Near the beach
  21. 🏞️ Along the riverbank
  22. 🌙 During the night
  23. ⏳ Before the deadline
  24. 🌊 Across the ocean
  25. 🪑 Between the chairs
  26. 📦 Inside the box
  27. 📍 Beside the point
  28. 🌳 At the park
  29. 😊 With a smile
  30. 🎲 Against all odds
  31. 🌅 Beyond the horizon
  32. 🌄 Upon the hill
  33. 🕳️ Beneath the surface
  34. 🌲 Through the forest
  35. 🚗 Inside the car
  36. 🏜️ Across the desert
  37. ⏰ Throughout the day
  38. 📚 In the classroom
  39. 🎬 Behind the scenes
  40. 🏚️ In the attic
  41. 🏠 On the roof
  42. 🤲 Within reach
  43. 🛣️ Alongside the road
  44. 🕰️ During the meeting
  45. 🌄 Before the dawn
  46. 👫 Between friends
  47. 🔄 Under the circumstances
  48. 🌈 Over the rainbow
  49. 🔥 Near the fireplace
  50. 🌀 Amidst the chaos

Explore this blog Prepositions: Definition, Types, Examples and Exercise

Exercise on Examples of Phrase Preposition

Identify the prepositional phrases from the following sentences.

  1. The cat slept on the windowsill.
  2. We went for a walk along the beach.
  3. The book is under the bed.
  4. The students are studying in the library.
  5. I found my keys between the cushions.
  6. They arrived after the movie started.
  7. The flowers bloomed in the garden.
  8. She sat beside her sister.
  9. The airplane flew over the mountains.
  10. We’ll meet at the coffee shop.
  11. The treasure is buried beneath the old tree.
  12. He ran through the rain to catch the bus.
  13. The painting is on the wall.
  14. The cat jumped onto the table.
  15. They walked through the forest.
  16. The concert starts at seven o’clock.
  17. I put the groceries in the trunk.
  18. The sun set behind the hills.
  19. The car is parked next to the building.
  20. She smiled with delight.
  21. We met after the conference ended.
  22. The dog is outside the house.
  23. The bird perched on the branch.
  24. They sat around the campfire.
  25. The cat squeezed through the narrow opening.


Match your answers with the following sentences.

  1. The cat slept on the windowsill.
  2. We went for a walk along the beach.
  3. The book is under the bed.
  4. The students are studying in the library.
  5. I found my keys between the cushions.
  6. They arrived after the movie started.
  7. The flowers bloomed in the garden.
  8. She sat beside her sister.
  9. The airplane flew over the mountains.
  10. We’ll meet at the coffee shop.
  11. The treasure is buried beneath the old tree.
  12. He ran through the rain to catch the bus.
  13. The painting is on the wall.
  14. The cat jumped onto the table.
  15. They walked through the forest.
  16. The concert starts at seven o’clock.
  17. I put the groceries in the trunk.
  18. The sun set behind the hills.
  19. The car is parked next to the building.
  20. She smiled with delight.
  21. We met after the conference ended.
  22. The dog is outside the house.
  23. The bird perched on the branch.
  24. They sat around the campfire.
  25. The cat squeezed through the narrow opening.

Also Read: Rules for Prepositions in English Grammar with Examples

Example of Phrase Preposition Download PDF Here

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What is a phrasal preposition?

A phrasal preposition is a simple preposition that ends with a word that can be an adverb, adjective, or conjunction. For example because of, out of , along with, etc.

Write five Examples of Phrase Prepositions.

Around the campfire
In the house
Through the forest
After the meal

What are the different types of prepositional phrases?

There are three types of prepositional phrases:
Adverbial Phrase
Adjective Phrase
Prepositional Phrase

We hope you understood phrase preposition with Example of Phrase Preposition. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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