What is the Noun of Maintain? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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Noun of maintain

The noun of ‘maintain’ is ‘maintenance’ which refers to keeping something in good condition and preventing it from getting worn off over a while. However, this word can refer to several things you come across later in this blog. Some of the common synonyms for ‘maintenance’ related to this word are upkeep, keeping, preservation, care and several others. To gain more information about the noun ‘maintenance’, then continue reading this blog post. 

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What is the Noun of Maintain? – Meaning & Origin

As discussed above, the noun for the noun of ‘maintain’ is ‘maintenance, you must also understand that this word will fall under two categories: abstract noun and uncountable noun. An abstract noun refers to all the things that one can’t see, feel or taste. Therefore, it represents the act of maintaining something, which is an intangible process. On the other hand, it is an uncountable noun as it refers to a singular, abstract concept rather than separate, measurable units.

In a nutshell, maintenance refers to the practices that keep things running smoothly and efficiently. It applies to a wide range of contexts, from machinery and buildings to software and even our bodies.

The word “maintenance” entered the English language around the 14th century. It comes from Middle English “mayntenaunce,” which in turn derives from Old French “maintenance.”

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Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Maintain

Now that you are aware of the meaning and origin of the word ‘maintenance’. It’s now time that you go through the synonyms of this word which will help you in using them in sentences. Take a look at the list below which enlists some of the synonyms for you. 


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Pictures of Abstract Noun of Maintain

To add more variety to your writing and avoid the usage of the same word, we have put together a list of a few more synonyms through the picture which will be of some use to you. You can also save and download this picture and use it as a reference in future. 

Noun of Maintain: Synonyms of Maintenance

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Examples of Maintain as Noun in Sentences

We have compiled a few sentences on ‘maintenance’ which will give you an understanding of how they can be made and will help you later on. 

  • She meticulously maintains her garden, ensuring vibrant flowers bloom all season.
  • Regular maintenance on your bike prevents breakdowns and keeps you riding smoothly. 
  • To maintain its good reputation, the restaurant prioritises using fresh, high-quality ingredients. 
  • He struggled to maintain his composure during the emotional speech. 
  • The factory scheduled a week-long shutdown for essential maintenance on the machinery.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

After you have gone through all the information above, here is a small quiz on the ‘noun of maintenance’ which will be of quite use to you. With the help of the answers below, you will be able to check your understanding. 

  1. Which of the following is the PRIMARY goal of maintenance?

a) To create something new

b) To keep something in good condition 

c) To analyze how something works

  1. What type of maintenance involves fixing things after they break?

a) Reactive maintenance 

b) Predictive maintenance

c) Proactive maintenance

  1. Which word is NOT a synonym for “maintain” in the context of keeping something functional?

a) Upkeep

b) Enhance 

c) Preserve

Check Your Answers!

  1. b) To keep something in good condition
  2. a) Reactive maintenance
  3. b) Enhance

Find more related reads on Nouns below!

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This was all about the “noun of maintain.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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