The Whole Nine Yards Meaning, Example, Usage

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The Whole Nine Yards

The meaning of the idiom the whole nine yards is all of something or entirely. Linguists are unsure of the exact origin of this idiom.

The term was first used in America in 1907 but gained popularity in the 1960s. The term was first recorded in the New Albany Daily Ledger (New Albany, Indiana, January 30, 1855) in a piece titled “The Judge’s Big Shirt.”

The phrase was first used as an idiom in The Mitchell Commercial, a newspaper in the small town of Mitchell, Indiana.

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Usage With Examples

“The whole nine yards” is an idiomatic expression that is frequently used in everyday conversation. In recent years, there has been some controversy about the phrase’s origin. The term “the whole six yards” is thought to be derived from the phrase “the whole six yards,” which was first encountered in a news story in 1912. It is thought that the number was just inflated over time to “the whole nine yards,” yet both words signify the same thing. Mentioned below are some examples of the idiom the whole nine yards.

  • He is the love of my life. For him, I’ll go the whole nine yards.
  • It was an adventurous tour, but we didn’t go the whole nine yards.
  • I will do whatever it takes to make my start-up a successful one – I will go the whole nine yards.

Also Read: Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences and Meanings

Synonyms and Similar Words to The Whole Nine Yards

Mentioned below are the synonyms and similar words for the whole nine yards:

  • All out
  • All the way
  • To the max
  • Totality
  • Whole
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The Whole Nine Yards Meaning Quiz

“The firefighters went the whole nine yards concerning their efforts to save the family involved in the house fire that occurred last night.”

  • Going above and beyond
  • High and low
  • Up and down

Ans. Going above and beyond

Also Read: Idioms for IELTS

This was all about the idiom the whole nine yards. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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