English Proverbs For Class 7 That You Must Know

4 minute read

The English proverbs for Class 7 are a learning lesson for the students that can bring several improvements in them. Proverbs in any language are short sayings in English grammar that represent general truths about life. A piece of advice that the ancestors have left for the younger generation so that they can learn through them. These learnings always grow as proverbs that were spoken in the past are still useful for the people of today. They are wise words of wisdom spoken by great people through their path to success. In this blog, we will discuss some of the English proverbs for class 7 students that will help them grow.

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What are English Proverbs for Class 7 Students? 

The proverbial sayings are a great source of motivation for different classes of students. The proverbs in the class 7 syllabus can be a great addition to the lives of students. These short motivational sayings are created keeping in mind the understanding and need for Grade 7 students to improve their lives. These sayings are a mix of human experiences, truths, and history. 

8 Common English Proverbs for Class 7 with Meanings and Examples

The Class 7 English proverbs is a learning lesson for the students for life. They had diverse sources of origin taken from different cultures and languages. Here are some of the common English proverbs for class 7, with explanations and examples.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

The English proverb first appeared in a book by William Camden. It explains that the bird which rises early in the morning has a higher chance of getting the food. Similarly,  the person who grabs the opportunity at the earliest has a higher chance of success.

English proverbs for class 7

Example: During the holiday, the newspaper shop opens at 7 am, and the early bird catches the worm.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A famous proverb by Thomas Fuller that explains the importance of time. It tells us that finding a solution to a problem at the earliest can help you solve it in time. If you delay the problem then there are chances it could get bigger. 

English proverbs for class 7

Example: He left the city at the earliest before the earthquake so his father said a stitch in time saves nine. 

All that Glitters is not Gold

An old famous saying is from the famous play ‘Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare. It has an important lesson for those who are attracted to the precious items. Things that look charming from afar are not always gold they can turn out to be deceiving items.

English proverbs for class 7

Example: The beautifully painted house turns out to be broken from the inside so it is rightly said that all that glitters is not gold.

Actions Speak Louder than Words

A famous proverb spoken by John Pym during the English Civil War. The proverbs emphasize the importance of actions over words. If somebody wants to prove themselves then they can do this by performing good work not just by speaking about it.

English proverbs for class 7

Example: Tim said that he would win the race but Robin won it. Actions speak louder than words.

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

A popular proverbial saying by John Milton where tells the audience to be hopeful. He explains that bad times are having a positive thing in them. If somebody is facing a bad situation then there is some hope in it as well.

English proverbs for class 7

Example: During his bad time Damien assured him that every cloud has a silver lining.

A Drowning Man Catches All Straws

The famous English proverb for class 7 by Thomas More was spoken in a dialogue during 1534. He explains that a person facing a difficult situation will take any opportunity to come out of it. The proverbial saying refers that when nothing works well a little help can save things.

Example: After spending several months trying for admission to his favourite university. Rohan is willing to take any option available for admission. A drowning man catches all straws.

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

Publilius Syrus gave this famous proverb explaining that the people who keep on moving from one place to another. The person who keeps on changing location lacks stability and finds difficulty in accumulating wealth just like a rolling stone gathers no moss.

Example: Her aunt said that you should find a suitable place and build a home there because a rolling stone gathers no moss.

Proverb vs Idiom for Class 7 with Meaning 

Proverbs are inspirational words that are created for the motivation of people. However, idioms are phrases that have their meaning which is harder to understand. The proverb and idioms are both passed from generation that are symbolic. An idiom is a kind of saying that does not give any moral advice and has a non-literal meaning. In a proverb general truths and pieces of advice are expressed.

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Q1. What are English proverbs for class 7?

English proverbs for class 7 are short and popular sayings that contain a piece of wisdom or advice for the students.

Q2. Give four proverbs for class 7.

Four proverbs for class 7 are:-
1. A cat has nine lives
2. All’s Well That Ends Well
3. Look before you leap
4. You reap what you sow

Q3. How a proverb is written?

The proverbs should be short and simple giving an important piece of advice that motivates people.

We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on English proverbs for class 7 that you must know. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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