11+ Chinese Proverbs About Success with Meaning

4 minute read

Chinese Proverbs About Success: Life is a series of lessons, some of which are learnt easily while others are more challenging. Similarly, in life, everyone faces failure and success, for which we have come up with these Chinese proverbs to help you move ahead. By understanding these proverbs we will help you improve your English language as well. In the blog, we will discuss the Chinese proverbs about success that will help you reach your goals.

Famous Chinese Proverbs About Success

The man learns through the lessons he gets from the various phases of life. These short phrases written or spoken by some of the great leaders, poets, philosophers, etc. will help you get through the life lessons easily. Here are five Chinese proverbs about success with explanations that will motivate you and help you achieve your goals. 

A Man grows most tired while standing stillThe old Chinese proverb emphasizes that we should stay motivated, as doing nothing will lead to sluggishness.
He who asks a question is a fool for
five minutes; he who does not ask
a question remains a fool forever
It implies that if a person does not ask a question remains a fool forever and cannot get the answer to the question for life.
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single stepThis proverb provides a lesson explaining the importance of small things. It shows that working little at the start and continuing till the end will lead to success after some time. So, it is crucial to take a small step to achieve lots of things in life.
If your mind is strong, all difficult things will become easy; if your mind is weak, all
easy things will become difficult
The mindset of a person should be strong, focused, and resilient and have a belief that you can achieve anything in life.
Dig the well before you’re thirstyThe proverb tells us not to start work when there is an urgent need for it. Start preparing for things way before to achieve success in the work.

5+ Chinese Proverbs About Success

Chinese proverbs about success were created by some great men after they had different kinds of experiences in life. They learned some lessons and came up with these proverbs that they thought could be fruitful for society. So, here are some Chinese proverbs about success that will help you in your life.

Teachers Open the Door, You Enter By Yourself

The Chinese proverbs tell about the importance of teachers in life. Teachers just provide you the knowledge and guidance and the rest is up to you to do the hard work to achieve success in life. The teacher provides you with knowledge, learnings, lessons, and the path to success but you have to walk on that on your own in life.

Chinese Proverbs About Success

All Things are Difficult Before They Are Easy

The proverb by Thomas Fuller tells us that all things are difficult before they are easy. The things that are easier now used to be difficult someday so you don’t have to fear how hard the work would be. A person should be patient and keep trying on things until they achieve success in life.

Chinese Proverbs About Success

Control Your Emotions Or They Will Control You.

The proverb emphasizes the importance of controlling your emotions. It does not mean that you have to keep emotions inside or pretend that they don’t exist. You just have to control them during the time you are angry or in a situation where the outcomes could be bad. Try to suppress the negative emotions that can lead to disaster. 

Chinese Proverbs About Success

Be Not Afraid of Growing Slowly; Be Afraid Only of Standing Still

The Chinese proverb explains that you shouldn’t be afraid of growing slowly as it can someday lead to your goal. However, you must be afraid of standing still as there is no progress in it, you just stay in the same position.

Be Not Afraid of Growing Slowly; Be Afraid Only of Standing Still

We Count Our Miseries Carefully And Accept Our Blessings Without Much Thought

In the proverb, Michael Newton wants to say that you must focus on the negative experiences that you have committed in the past as it helps you in learning rather than the positive experiences. One must appreciate the things that they have achieved in life and avoid negative thoughts as they can only lead to depression.

Chinese Proverbs

Everything Has Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It

The Chinese proverb explains that there are so many important things in the world but not everyone sees them. There are so many beautiful things but we appreciate only those which we find useful or need in some way.  Additionally, there is everything in which beauty is present, we just have to find it.

Everything Has Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It
Chinese Proverbs: 13 Famous Quotes and Their Meanings | Words of Wisdom for Chinese Learners
Source: Chinese with Mandarin HQ
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What is the most famous Chinese proverb?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

What is the ancient Chinese proverb about success?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

What is a famous quote about success?

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston S. Churchill.

What is the proverb of success?

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

This was all about “11+ Chinese Proverbs About Success For Reaching Your Goals.” Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar.

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