Carry the Day Idiom: Meaning, Examples and Synonyms

4 minute read

Carry the day idiom in English means to achieve victory in a contest, competition or battle. It is used to describe a situation where a clear winner emerges. For instance, The team had a bad start in the game of archery but they managed to carry the day in the end. As mentioned in the above example the team was playing badly but ended up winning the game. 

The idiom originated from the “victoriam reportare” which was a Latin expression. It means to carry off the day with privilege. The situation occurs when you win a fierce competition or battle and get an award for it. You must have heard the idiom during an Olympic game or other sports event where a team wins the medal and carries the day.

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Carry the Day Idiom Usage with Example

Illustration of the idiom occurs during the historical times when battle used to take place and someone emerged victorious. The idiom is used to show that a person or team has become the ultimate winner of a competition and captured the thrilling success. Let’s take a look at some of the examples of the “carry the day idiom” usage with Examples.

The judge carried the day by announcing the prosecutor as the winner of the case.

But they worry that the recognition of the politician among party activists could help him carry the day.

He finally carried the day by winning the thrilling wrestling match.

If you show courage on the field then you can carry the day.

The Democrats carried the day by getting the majority. 

Also Read: Seize The Day Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

Carry the Day Synonyms and Similar Words

The synonyms of the idiom ‘carry the day’ give you a clear idea of how it can be represented through different words. Here are some of the carry-the-day synonyms by which you can avoid repetition in your writing and enhance your vocabulary.

  • Prevailed
  • Triumphed
  • Succeeded
  • Won
  • Carried through
  • Overcame
  • Conquered
  • Carried Out
  • Kicked butt
  • Be victorious

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Carry the Day Idiom Quiz

Let’s understand the carry the day idiom with the help of a quiz related to it. It will help you to understand its meaning better.

Q1. What does the idiom “carry the day” mean?

A. To be very tired

B. To be successful or victorious

C. To be very hungry

D. To be very angry

Q2. Which of the following sentences uses the idiom “carry the day” correctly?

A. The heavy rain carried the day.

B. The team’s strong performance carried the day.

C. The old man carried the day.

D. The big dog carried the day.

Q3. If a team “carries the day,” what has it done?

A. Lost the game

B. Tied the game

C. Won the game

D. Played poorly

Q4. Which synonym is closest in meaning to “carry the day”?

A. Lose

B. Fail

C. Win

D. Tie

Q5. What is the opposite of “carry the day”?

A. Lose the day

B. Win the day

C. Tie the day

D. Play the day

Q6. If a student “carries the day” in a debate, what does it mean?

A. The student was very quiet

B. The student lost the debate

C. The student won the debate

D. The student was very tired

Q7. Which sentence best expresses the meaning of “carry the day”?

A. The team played hard but lost the game.

B. The team played well and won the championship.

C. The team was tired after the game.

D. The team played a very close game.

Q8. In the phrase “carry the day,” what does the word “day” represent?

A. A specific day of the week

B. A period of time

C. A competition or event

D. A season

Q9. If a new product “carries the day” in the market, what does it mean?

A. It is unpopular

B. It is successful

C. It is expensive

D. It is old-fashioned

Q10. Which sentence best completes the following: “The team’s star player __________ the day with a last-minute goal.”

            A. lost

            B. carried

            C. tied

            D. failed


1. B. To be successful or victorious

2. B. The team’s strong performance carried the day.

3. C. Won the game

4. C. Win

5. A. Lose the day

6. C. The student won the debate

7. B. The team played well and won the championship.

8. C. A competition or event

9. B. It is successful

10. B. carried

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What is the meaning of carry the day idiom?

To come out victorious from a competition, game, or any battle. It also means that someone is coming victorious and has attained success.

What are the idioms of carry?

Idioms of carry the day are carry away, Can carry a tune, Carryover, Carry one-off, Carry forward, etc. 

What are the synonyms of carry the day?

Synonyms of carrying the day are conquer, take the cake, blow away, Triumph, win hands down, etc.

We hope that this blog helped you understand the meaning of the “carry the day” idiom along with its synonyms and its correct usage in a sentence. To explore more idioms like this and other Learn English topics stay tuned to Leverage Edu. Happy Learning!

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