Adverb of Degree: Meaning, List, and Usage with Examples [A Guide]

4 minute read

It is important to learn the art of mastering the use of adverbs of degree for effective communication skills. If a person wants to convey enthusiasm, emphasize the importance, or want to add depth to the writing. The adverbs can significantly enhance your language skills. Whereas, the Adverbs of degree are the words that express the intensity or extent of an action or quality.

In this blog post students will understand what are adverbs of degree and try to incorporate them into their daily communication and writing to experience noticeable improvement in the impact of your writing.

Also Read: Adverbs: Definition, Types, Use, Examples & Exercises

What is the Adverb of Degree?

Before understanding adverbs of degree let us revise the meaning of adverbs. Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Based on the same concept adverb of degree as the name suggests defines the degree or intensity of something or someone. Adverbs of degree are commonly used before verbs, adjectives, or adverbs that they modify. Some of the common examples of adverbs of degree are very, extremely, enough, and too, etc.

Adverbs of DegreeModifierExamples
extremelyadjectiveThe coffee is extremely hot.
quiteadjectiveThe novel is quite interesting
justverbShe was just going.
almostverbHe has almost finished.
veryadverbHe is running very fast.
tooadverbRita is walking too slowly.
enoughadverbSunita is running fast enough.

Definition of Adverb Of Degree

The Cambridge Dictionary quotes adverbs of degree are the words that define the intensity or degree of something. These adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs and are usually placed before them” As per the Oxford Dictionary, adverbs of degree are the words that define “the extent, measure or scope of an action.

Also Read: Conjunctive Adverbs Meaning, Examples & Exercises

List of Adverbs of Degree

The words that show the degree or the intensity of a thing or a person are called adverbs of degree. The below table shows the list of adverbs that define the degree of the thing or a person.

PrettyEnough Largely
LeastLess Much

Check this out:  Adverbs for Manner: Meaning, Definition, Examples, Exercises

Adverb of Degree Examples

Let us understand the concept of adverbs of degree with the help of examples for the proper understanding of the concept.

  1. Very: She was very pleased with the results.
  2. Extremely: The weather was extremely hot today.
  3. Quite: The new restaurant is quite popular in the neighbourhood.
  4. Too: The coffee was too hot to drink immediately.
  5. Absolutely: I am absolutely certain about my decision.
  6. Incredibly: The magician performed an incredibly impressive trick.
  7. Particularly: I am particularly fond of classical music.
  8. Really: The movie was really entertaining.
  9. Nearly: We are nearly finished with the project.
  10. Almost: He was almost late for the meeting.

Also Read All About Regular and Irregular Verbs

Practice Exercise on Adverb of Degree

Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate adverbs of degree.

  1. The concert was _________ loud that my ears were ringing afterwards.
  2. She worked __________ hard to meet the tight deadline.
  3. The car was parked __________ close to the entrance, making it difficult to open the door.
  4. The dessert was __________ delicious that everyone wanted seconds.
  5. I was __________ surprised to find out that she had won the competition.
  6. The mountain peak was __________ high that it seemed to touch the sky.
  7. He spoke __________ softly during the intimate conversation.
  8. The students were __________ excited about the upcoming field trip.
  9. The sun was shining __________ brightly, warming up the entire beach.
  10. The professor explained the concept __________ clearly, making it easy for everyone to understand.

Also Read Adverb of Time: Explore Meaning, Usage & Examples 


Match your answers with the solved exercise:

  1. The concert was so loud that my ears were ringing afterwards.
  2. She worked extremely hard to meet the tight deadline.
  3. The car was parked too close to the entrance, making it difficult to open the door.
  4. The dessert was incredibly delicious and everyone wanted seconds.
  5. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she had won the competition.
  6. The mountain peak was so high that it seemed to touch the sky.
  7. He spoke whisperingly softly during the intimate conversation.
  8. The students were wildly excited about the upcoming field trip.
  9. The sun was shining exceptionally brightly, warming up the entire beach.
  10. The professor explained the concept remarkably clearly, making it easy for everyone to understand.

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What is the Adverb of Degree and give some common examples?

The Adverb of degree as the name suggests defines the degree or intensity of something or someone. Adverbs of degree are commonly used before verbs, adjectives, or adverbs that they modify. Some of the common examples of adverbs of degree are very, extremely, enough, and too, etc.

Where is an adverb of degree placed in a sentence?

Adverbs of degree are commonly used before verbs, adjectives, or adverbs that they modify. 

What are some examples of adverbs of degree?

Some of the common examples of adverbs of degree are very, extremely, enough, and too, etc.

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