
6 Lessons You Can Learn From The Movie 3 Idiots

6 minute read
Movie 3 Idiots

While planning to go abroad for your studies, did you just out of the blue packed your bags and left for the flight? Or were there any plans, preparations, nervous doubts, or moment chills? How did you cope with it?

Most of the students learn from the experiences. Now you would be wondering, how must you be having experience, even before going? It’s not your personal experiences that we are talking about here, but rather the experiences of the people that you may know. Your family, friends or relatives that live abroad or anywhere away from home. People always seek experiences from people in the same situation. What would you do if none of your known living alone? You are the first one to step out of the house and build your independent life. No worries. There is still a scope of learning and experiences. This gap is filled in many ways, one of which is the industry of entertainment. 

Lessons For Younger Age People From The Movie 3 Idiots

Things get way easier if we take inspiration from the people our age, and in the same situation. The experiences match and the differences are reduced to the extent that the stories become too relatable to feel like your own. 

Movie 3 Idiots is a comedy-drama film. The film is based on the college life of three students. It beautifully depicts the life struggles they face living alone, the challenges they face as they move on the journey of developing their career, and how different yet similar college life is for all the students. Let’s learn from the lessons the iconic movie has given us. 

Movie 3 Idiots
Credit: Facts.net 

All Is Well

The characters of the movie follow one mantra of “All is Well”, which throughout the movie suggests that there is no problem ever big enough to make you feel inferior. As we move ahead in life, a lot of challenges come on our way. Especially when we leave the comforts of our house and decide to take everything on our little shoulders, the burden seems to be too much. The problems seem to be bigger. If for once we take a seatback and let these problems take over them your story will face a dead end. So the best thing to do is to say that everything is well and deal calmly with everything that comes your way. All is well is just the way of telling yourself that no problem can change your goals and way of life. If you believe that everything is well then it eventually will get well, through your will and dedication. 

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Look for excellence and quality, do not target success 

There is one most popular dialogue in this movie “Kabil bano, kamiyabi jhak marke tumhare peeche aygi”. The dialogue means that your priority in everything must be excellence not success. You must look to be the best at preferred things, learn the quality, acquire the status quo and meet the standards that you have set for yourself. If you run behind the right things, success will itself follow you. Success is subjective and objective things are what go into success and the basic goal of everyone should be to gain the objective goals and insights. 

Passion is a very important part of life

Once upon a great man said that make your passion your profession and you will love to work. This statement is very reliable because if you love what you do, you will love to work for it, and you will wish to grow and succeed in it. Whereas if you do not like what you do, if you do not like your profession, it will get harder to manage the will to grow and keep going ahead with that work. It will seem like a burden. So it is really important to love your profession which will be possible by making both the same thing. Even if you can not pursue your passion, even then, not letting it go and continuing it in one way or another is very important to maintain sanity and some glimpses of relief in life. 

Movie 3 Idiots
Credit: MensXps 

Memory is a part of education, real education is about learning

The competition in the world has taken over so much that a big part of our education system believes more in marks and not in intelligence and education. This sometimes comes in the way of actual learning and development. There is no bad in memorising as that is a part of education but it is very important to know the concepts, logic, the behind story everything you believe you know. To actually succeed, it is very important to educate yourself in the true sense. 

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You don’t fail until you believe you failed

Challenges come, competitions come, you participate, you pass or you fail. Either way, you learn! Failing is a part of success. No man who has never failed in life has had the real taste of success. Failing is the biggest teacher of life. You only fail when you start to believe that you can not succeed, until then you try, try again and again and keep the spirit up. Till you are trying in life, till you have the hope and belief that you will make it, till you know that the failure has only got you the learnings which will you perfect for the next time, you are still on the right path to success. 

Movie 3 Idiots
Credit: The Daily Star 

Friendship is a very important part of life

A very important thing that we learnt from this movie is that friendship is a very important part of life. The world is colourless without friends and how long can a person live in the blacks and whites? It’s important to have someone by your side, to motivate you, to encourage you, to laugh with you, to cry with you, and to celebrate with you. Especially when you live away from home. Friends become your family. It is important to cherish people in your life and keep them as important as you would keep the gems. Some say true friendship is a gift, but it requires efforts and intentions to keep the gift afresh. 

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The movie gave us one of the best stories and I am sure some of the best lessons too. Learning from these might not take you closer to yourself and your goal but will definitely work as a ladder for you to climb easily with. Do not forget to apply them in your life and change your view toward it. 

This was all about the lessons one can learn from the movie 3 Idiots. To read more of such interesting blogs on informative and entertaining topics, follow Infotainment Archives and to learn about studying abroad, follow Leverage Edu. Comment below regarding any doubts or suggestions.

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