10 Memes That Every Student Can Relate To

4 minute read
student memes

The best part of our day has become the time when we are scrolling through our Instagram feed. Moreover, ‘memes’ a name we used to google a few years back has become a norm for every section of life. 

Where students back in the 90s and 2000s stole moments to have a samosa party or meet someone special, today we love to find a relatable meme to share. Times change, but a few things always remain relatable. Therefore, we thought of bringing these 10 memes to which every student can relate. 

Let’s also pay tribute to 25 Years of Karan Johar and His Journey With Study Abroad

For Those Who Went Studying Abroad

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Source: Esquire

They talk endlessly about their experiences. That too, is when their IG feed is already full of the exotic places that they had once only seen in the movies. With an acquired style and aura around them, the expression can match 100% with this meme. Additionally, you can encounter this unspoken wisdom around them and why not, the ones who were used to getting their dinner plates served on the couch managed to live in a foreign country all alone! Hence, the vibe shifts.   

Students While Filling All Important Forms

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Source: Boston University

We do not need to speak that out loud, but honestly, have you ever read the ‘terms and conditions’ on any admission forms or other college forms? Well, you are not to be blamed, it is a bit too much to click on the link, open a new window, read some jargon, not understand a word, get anxious to submit the form quickly and then tick the box and submit the form. Chill, let’s tick the box right away, I am anyway not going to understand a word. 

P.S. It is important to read the terms and conditions. If you find them boring, give it to a boring person to read and ask them to make you understand that. 

The One Who Reads Only the Important Questions

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Source: Pinterest 

We test our power to memorise at different levels but the ones who put it to real challenge are those studying a day before the exam. The best part, they promise to self to prepare early for the next semester. Luck has got you this time, well it gets you every time. 

Mind Boggling trivia: What If Akbar The Great Had Gone To Study Abroad?

Engineers ‘Forcefully

student memes

Though this thing is not in trend anymore, however, there are still many students who give up on passion because… you got it. The best thing you guys can do is make your parents talk to your teachers and talk to them with a personal approach. But in any case, don’t take a Rancho home to talk your parents through or else be ready for a nuclear war. 

That One Zoned-Out Student

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Especially during the morning lectures, there is that one student in every class who gets crazy behind the attendance mark. The fun part is that mostly no one could notice this student was in the class before the attendance. These are the students who zone out probably because they must have partied at night or worked part-time jobs after college. Poor thing :(. 

Do check out The Smart Side of Poo From K3G

When You See the Benefits of Postgrad 

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Source: Indian Meme Templates

Joined a job after completing your bachelor’s? And now you see your classmates moving abroad for their master’s, MBA and doctoral degrees making an international career. Agree or not, this is the first thought that comes to mind. We didn’t want to grow up so fast, we wanted to enjoy our college life after COVID-19 successfully ruined most graduation experiences. Well, do not overthink, postgrad is worth it and you can do it now!


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Source: Pinterest

It is difficult to get out of the exam anxiety but does it feel to have none? Only two rare types of students experience this, the ones who have studied everything and the ones who know that their seat partner has studied everything. Which one are you? 

Almost All of Us

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Source: X.com

Let’s make an exception for that group of studious kids, we all have faced this time in our lives when everything is on the edge and we just turn our attention to memes. This is not going to solve your problems and you should stop procrastinating, but ahh, you work exceptionally under pressure. Got it!

When You are Targetting the Fall Intake Abroad 

Source: De Milked
Source: No Guilt Life

Do you believe that talking too much about something good jinxes it? Or maybe it just got your nerves. Anyhow, you can relate to Pepa Madrigal from Encanto. If yes, take a deep breath, this is not the end of your career and you can focus better on your SATs when not worried about someone talking about it. All the best. 

After the Term Ends

Source: De Milked
Source: De Milked 

Did you ever feel that it took your soul to write an exam? It takes a 15-hour sleep to rejuvenate after that. Such exams always have a story to tell and they are funnier than any of the college year stories. Therefore, tough exams are not only hard to crack they are also hard to recover from. 

If you found any of these memes relatable do come back to read more such fun content. For more such bing boggling content stay tuned to our Infotainment section. 

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