
10 Nonverbal and Verbal Communication Skills to Succeed

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non verbal and verbal communication skills

One day, Louis was giving a presentation to a group of clients. He was nervous, but he didn’t let it show. He spoke confidently and passionately about his company’s products. He also made eye contact with each of the clients to show that he was engaged and interested in their feedback. At the end of the presentation, the clients were impressed. They were not only sold on the company’s products but with Louis’ professionalism and communication skills. Louis’ company ended up winning the contract, and Louis was promoted to sales manager shortly after that. All thanks to Louis’ verbal and nonverbal communication skills that landed him a promotion. 

And then, there is Harry who keeps wondering why doesn’t he get a promotion. It is the absence of nonverbal and verbal communication skills that is stopping him. Let’s understand what skills Harry needs to succeed in his career. 

Also Read: Books to Improve Your Verbal & Non-verbal Communication

What are Nonverbal Communication Skills?

Nonverbal communication skills are the ways we communicate without using words. This includes our body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and eye contact. Nonverbal communication can be just as important as verbal communication, and it can be used to send a variety of messages, such as our interest level, our emotions, and our attitudes.

Source: TEDx Talks

Top 5 Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Here are the top 5 nonverbal communication skills that will help you improve your communication at work and build stronger relationships with your colleagues:

  1. Body language

Body language is an effective form of non-verbal communication. It can convey a lot of information about our feelings, attitudes, and intentions. For example, open body language, such as uncrossed arms and a relaxed posture, can convey confidence and openness. Closed body language, such as crossed arms and a hunched posture, can convey defensiveness or disinterest.

In the workplace, body language can be used to make a good first impression, build connections with colleagues, and show confidence. For example, when giving a presentation, you can use body language to show that you are confident and knowledgeable about your topic. When meeting a new colleague, you can use body language to show that you are friendly and approachable.

  1. Facial expressions

Facial expressions are another important form of non-verbal communication. They can convey a wide range of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise. Facial expressions can also be used to communicate our level of interest and engagement.

In the workplace, facial expressions can be used to show your colleagues that you are listening to them, that you are interested in what they have to say, and that you are engaged in the conversation. For example, smiling can convey that you are friendly and approachable. Nodding your head can show that you are listening and engaged in the conversation.

  1. Personal space management

Personal space management is the way we use physical space to communicate with others. Standing close to someone conveys intimacy and trust. Standing further away conveys formality and distance. So, at the workplace, it is important to stay formal and professional. You should respect the personal space of your colleagues and avoid standing too close to them. This might make them uncomfortable. 

  1. Eye contact

Eye contact is another important form of non-verbal communication. It can be used to convey interest, engagement, and confidence. In the workplace, eye contact is important for effective communication. When giving a presentation, you should make eye contact with your audience to show that you are confident. 

  1. Gestures

Gestures are hand movements that are used to communicate with others. They can be used to convey a variety of emotions, ideas, and intentions. Shrugging your shoulders can convey that you don’t know the answer to a question. However, it is important to be mindful of your gestures and to avoid using gestures that could be considered offensive or rude.

Learn these Communication Skills to Succeed at Work

What are Verbal Communication Skills?

Verbal communication skills are the ways we communicate using words. This includes our ability to speak clearly and concisely, to use language appropriately, and to listen effectively. Verbal communication skills are essential for a variety of tasks, such as giving presentations, negotiating deals, and building relationships.

Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 

Top 5 Verbal Communication Skills

Here are the 5 most important verbal communication skills that will help you in the long run:

  1. Active listening

Active listening is the ability to pay attention to what the other person is saying and to respond in a way that shows that you understand. It is important in the workplace because it helps to build trust and rapport, and it ensures that everyone is on the same page.

In a meeting, your manager is discussing a new project. You are actively listening by making eye contact, nodding your head, and asking clarifying questions. When your manager is finished speaking, you summarize what they said to show that you understand.

  1. Clear and concise thoughts

When you communicate clearly and concisely, you are able to get your point across in a way that is easy for others to understand. This is important in the workplace because it helps to avoid misunderstandings and it saves time.

You are giving a presentation to your team about a new product launch. You have prepared your presentation carefully and you are able to deliver it in a clear and concise manner. You use simple language and avoid jargon. You also use visuals to support your key points.

  1. Effective questioning

Effective questioning is the ability to ask questions that elicit useful information. This is important in the workplace because it helps you to learn more about your colleagues, your customers, and your industry. It also helps you to identify and solve problems.

You are interviewing a candidate for a new position. You have prepared a list of questions that will help you to assess the candidate’s skills and experience. You ask the questions in a clear and concise manner, and you listen carefully to the candidate’s answers.

  1. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to resolve conflict in a constructive way. This is important in the workplace because conflict can arise from a variety of sources, such as personality clashes, different perspectives, and competing interests.

You and a colleague have a disagreement about how to approach a project. You are able to resolve the conflict by discussing your different perspectives and coming up with a solution that works for both of you.

  1. Confidence

Confidence is the belief in your ability to communicate effectively. This is important in the workplace because it helps you to project a positive image and to build credibility with your colleagues and customers.

You are giving a presentation to a group of potential customers. You are confident in your knowledge of the product and you are able to deliver your presentation in a confident and engaging manner.


Q.1. What are Non-Verbal Communication Skills?

Ans: Non-verbal communication skills are ways we communicate without using words, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

Q.2. What are Verbal Communication Skills?

Ans: Verbal communication skills are ways we communicate using words, such as speaking clearly and concisely, listening effectively, and using language appropriately.

Q.3. Why are verbal communication skills important for a successful career?

Ans: Verbal communication skills are important for a successful career because they allow you to build relationships with colleagues and customers, give presentations, negotiate deals, and resolve conflicts.

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If you wish to get the best career advice then visit our career counselling page. 

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