
How to Answer, ‘What is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?’

4 minute read
What is your greatest professional achievement

Discussing one’s greatest accomplishment can be a daunting task during a job interview, as it falls among the most challenging behavioral inquiries. From a young age, we are taught to be humble and refrain from boasting in social situations due to it being perceived as impolite. Consequently, as adults, we often feel uncomfortable discussing our greatest professional achievement, even if prompted directly. This inner hesitation may stem from a fear of appearing unlikable or arrogant.

However, during a job interview, the primary objective is to persuade the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate for the position. Embracing and confidently expressing what sets you apart becomes crucial in this context.

This article will delve into the purpose of behavioral interview questions, shedding light on what interviewers genuinely seek when they inquire about your greatest accomplishment.

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Tips to Keep in Mind While Answering What is Your Greatest Professional Achievement

Here are some tips which a candidate can keep in mind while answering, “What is your greatest professional achievement”: 

1. Choose a Relevant Achievement: Select an accomplishment that is directly related to the job you are applying for. Tailor your response to highlight skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position. This will demonstrate your suitability for the role and show that you understand the company’s needs.

2. Be Specific and Quantify Results: Provide concrete details about your achievement to make your response more impactful. Use numbers, percentages, or any measurable outcomes to illustrate the significance of your accomplishment. This showcases your ability to deliver tangible results and adds credibility to your claim.

3. Describe Your Role and Actions: Clearly explain the role you played in achieving the outcome. Focus on your actions, decision-making process, and problem-solving abilities that contributed to the success. Emphasize your individual contributions while acknowledging any collaboration with a team.

4. Highlight Challenges and Solutions: Discuss the challenges you faced during the achievement and how you overcame them. Interviewers are interested in understanding your problem-solving skills and resilience in the face of obstacles. Demonstrating your ability to handle challenges effectively will portray you as a valuable asset to the organization.

5. Showcase Learning and Growth: After describing your achievement, explain how it has positively impacted your professional growth and learning journey. Share how the experience has influenced your approach to work and contributed to your skill development. This demonstrates a growth-oriented mindset and a willingness to continually improve.

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Reasons Why Interviewers Ask About Your Greatest Professional Achievements

Here are some reasons why an interviewer asks the candidate about their greatest professional achievements:

  • Evaluating Skills and Competencies: The interviewer wants to understand the skills, abilities, and strengths you possess to assess your fit for the role.
  • Measuring Motivation and Drive: Discussing achievements showcases your motivation and drive to excel in your professional life.
  • Assessing Cultural Fit: Your achievements may reflect your alignment with the company’s values and culture.
  • Predicting Future Performance: Past achievements can be indicative of your potential to succeed in future roles.
  • Learning about Problem-Solving Abilities: How you handled challenges in your past achievements provides insight into your problem-solving approach.

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Sample Answers

Below are some answers that the candidate can refer to while answering about their greatest professional achievements:

Sample Answer 1: Project Management

“One of my greatest professional achievements was leading a high-profile project for a multinational client. Our team faced aggressive timelines and complex requirements, but through effective communication, collaboration, and agile project management, we completed the project two weeks ahead of schedule. As a result, the client praised our commitment and awarded us with a multi-year contract extension.”

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Sample Answer 2: Sales and Business Development

“My most significant achievement was securing a major client account that had been a long-standing target for the company. By building a strong rapport with the client, thoroughly understanding their needs, and presenting a tailored solution, I successfully closed the deal, bringing in a high-value contract that contributed significantly to the company’s revenue growth and market expansion.”

Sharing your greatest professional achievements during an interview is an opportunity to showcase your skills, problem-solving abilities, and determination. By following the tips provided and understanding the reasons behind this question, you can effectively demonstrate your value to prospective employers and leave a lasting impression. Remember, it’s not just about boasting but rather demonstrating your ability to overcome challenges and contribute positively to any organization you become a part of.


Q.1. What are some tips that a candidate can keep in mind while answering about their greatest professional achievements?

Ans: The candidate can select an accomplishment that is directly related to the job that they are applying for. The candidate can tailor their response to highlight skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position. This will demonstrate their suitability for the role and show that they understand the company’s needs. Apart from this, the candidate can explain the role that they played in achieving the outcome. Focus on the actions, decision-making process, and problem-solving abilities that contributed to the success. 

Q.2. Why does an interview ask, “What is your greatest professional achievement?”

Ans: Here are some reasons why an interviewer asks the candidate about their greatest professional achievements. The candidate must evaluate skills and competencies. The interviewer wants to understand the skills, abilities, and strengths that the candidate possesses to assess the fit for the role. 

Q.3. How do you talk about professional achievements?

Ans: While answering this question, a candidate can consider an accomplishment that is relevant to their field. The candidate can also think about what achievement excites them the most and they can also highlight their strategies and skills. 

This was all about how to answer, “What is your greatest professional achievement.” Follow Leverage Edu for more interesting content and some of the best tips on interview preparation

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