How to Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years’ in an Interview?

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Where do you see yourself in five years

Do you have any future plans? We all do, some different, some similar, but we all have a vision, a goal, a destination for which we strive, make compromises and work deliberately hard. Most of us have a predetermined goal but struggle to discuss it in a professional environment. Can you confidently answer the question, ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’ These types of questions are asked either in a job or university/ college interview to determine what plans you have for your future. On this page, we will discuss some pro-level tips to answer ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

When asked, ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’ you are expected to discuss your long-term goals, professional ambitions, and personal values that coincide with those of the organisation. They also want to know if you intend to continue with the organisation in the long run. 

This can be a challenging question to answer, however, with some preparation, you can structure your response in a way that illustrates your attention to your work while also underlining your desire, whether you’re looking for an entry-level or a more senior position.

Also Read: Handle Tough Interview Questions With Ease

Sample Answers for ‘Where do You See Yourself in Five Years’

The sample answers to the question “Where do you see yourself in five years?” are provided below. These sample answers can help you properly understand how you should go about answering this question. 

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years: Sample 3
Where do You See Yourself in Five Years Sample 2
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years: Sample 1

Tips and Tricks for Answering ‘Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?’

With an appropriate response to this question, you can demonstrate to employers that you are dedicated to professional development that will assist the company’s short- and long-term goals, culminating in your hiring for the desired position.

Consider the following answers to the question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” 

Also Read: How to Answer Common Interview Questions?

Adapt Your Response to the Provided Job Description

Your goal should be to demonstrate how your long-term ambitions match the mission, values, and job description of the organisation.

For example, if you’re applying for a position as a marketing manager, you may say you see yourself in a leadership role inside the company, working on innovative campaigns that will help the company grow.

If you’re applying for a job as a web developer, you might mention that you want to improve your skills and keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

Make Sure to Highlight Your Skills and Accomplishments

In addition to tailoring your response to the job description, you should highlight the skills and accomplishments that make you the best applicant for the position.

If you’re seeking a job as a sales representative, for example, you may highlight moments when you exceeded your previous position’s sales targets.

Bring up any honours or specific qualifications that illustrate your ability to excel in the profession for which you are now being interviewed.

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Make a List of Your Short-Term and Long-Term Objectives

Listing both short-term and long-term goals demonstrates that you are thinking about your professional development in the long run and have a plan in place to get there.

You may suggest accomplishing a particular number of sales within the first year or being promoted to a management position as examples of short-term goals.

Long-term aspirations could include things like becoming a firm partner or assisting the company in opening an overseas office.

Also Read: Best Way to Present Yourself in an Interview 

Be Genuine and Truthful

Hiring managers, employers, and interviewers can spot inauthentic comments a mile away, therefore being sincere in your response is the most critical component.

Don’t try to answer that you think the interviewer wants to hear, or invent an objective that contradicts your personal values. 

Be Aspirational but Practical

While being ambitious in your response is essential, you must also ensure that your goals are feasible.

For example, if you apply for a job as an entry-level customer care representative, you are unlikely to become the company’s CEO (Chief Executive Officer) within five years. The goal is to achieve a balance between being ambitious and having realistic goals.

Also Read: How to Answer, ‘What You Can Bring to the Company?’

Keep Things Simple

While it’s crucial to be specific about your skills and accomplishments, don’t get too bogged down in the details. Your goal should be to give the interviewer a broad overview of your plans while also demonstrating that you are thinking about your long-term professional development.

Conclude With a Question When Answering ‘Where do You See Yourself in Five Years’

After you’ve responded to the inquiry, ask the interviewer a follow-up question. This shows that you are interested in the firm and want to learn more about how it may help you achieve your objectives.

“What opportunities for professional development does this company provide?” you might ask.

Also Read: Self Introduction Sample for Job Interview

This question will be likely asked of you at some point in your career. Luckily, you now know you have the skills to respond with a slam dunk. So, think about what you want to accomplish in the following five years and be honest in your response.


What are some points that I need to keep in mind while answering the question “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

There are certain crucial things that you need to keep in mind while answering this question, which are as follows: 

Make a list of your short-term and long-term objectives,
Adapt your response to the job description,
Highlight your abilities and accomplishments,
Be genuine and truthful,
Keep things simple,
Be aspirational but practical, and
Conclude with a question when appropriate. 

How should you conclude your answer?

After you have properly responded to the question, ask the interviewer a follow-up question. This demonstrates that you are interested in the company and want to learn more about how it may help you achieve your objectives.

Why do interviewers ask “Where do you see yourself in five years?” during an interview? 

When interviewers ask you this question, they are interested in knowing your long-term aspirations, professional ambitions, and whether your personal principles align with those of the company.

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For more information on questions related to the interview process and similar topics, visit our career counselling page and follow Leverage edu.

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