The 11-day-long Ganesh Chaturthi festival started on 19th September 2023. The Indian streets are filled with Ganesha’s devotees, chanting the popular phrase, ‘Ganpati Bappa Moriya.’ which is a fact about lord Ganesha. Its famous and heartfelt chanting is used during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi in India to celebrate Lord Ganesha’s day. According to Indian mythologies, Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and provider of wisdom and success.
But this is not the only quote or chanting for Lord Ganesha. There are generations-old quotes on Ganesh Chaturthi which are invoked with the blessings and presence of Lord Ganesha. All the quotes on Ganesh Chaturthi are like common greetings and chants, sung by the devotees of Lord Ganesh. Here are some of the popularly known quotes on Ganesh Chathurthi.
10 Best Quotes on Ganesh Chaturthi
Here are some of the popular quotes on Ganesh Chaturthi which are sung by the devotees, especially during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi.
- ‘Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful Ganesh Chaturthi.’
- ‘Ganpati Bappa Moriya. May the blessings of Lord Ganesha always be with you.’
- ‘Let’s celebrate the birth of Lord Ganesha with love and devotion. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.’
- ‘Ganesh Chaturthi is the time to start something new, as Lord Ganesha’s blessings will be there with you always.’
- ‘May the divine blessings to Lord Ganesha bring you eternal bliss and happiness. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.’
- ‘On this auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi, let’s bring happiness and joy into our lives.’
- ‘Let all obstacles be overcome with Lord Ganesha’s help.’
- ‘Ganesh Chaturthi is here! May all our hearts and homes be filled with love and positivity, and may Lord Ganesha remove any obstacles in your path.
- ‘May Lord Ganesha bestow his choicest blessings upon you and your family. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.’
- ‘Let’s all chant Ganpati Bappa Moriya to celebrate the day of Lord Ganesha and spread joy and happiness.’
10 Slogans and Messages on Ganesh Chaturthi
Here are some of the best slogans and messages on Ganesh Chaturthi which can be used on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi –
- Our guide, Ganesha.
- Ekdanta, Madhukar, Vighnaharta,
Ganesh, Ganesh, Jagadkarta. - Ganpati Bappa Morya!
- Remover of obstacles, Ganesha.
- Ganpati Bappa Morya, Mangal Murti Morya!
- Ganesha, Ganesha, Jai Jai Jai,
Apradh Maaf Karo, Jai Jai Jai. - Ganesh, Ganesh, Deva Deva,
Vighnaharta, Jagdeva. - Ganesha, Ganesha, Deva Deva,
- Aum Gan Ganapataye Namaha.
- Mangal Murti Morya!
- May lord Ganesha remove all the obstacles from your life and fill your life with wisdom and prosperity.
- Let the spirit of Ganesha fill your heart with joy and peace.
- May Ganesh’s blessings guide you towards peace and joy.
‘Ganpati Bappa Moriya’ is the famous chanting for Lord Ganesha, which is mostly sung by his devotees during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
The Ganesh Chaturthi festival started on 6th September 2023 and will continue for 11 days straight.
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in the name of Lord Ganesha, who is known as the remover of obstacles and provider of wisdom and success.
You can wish Ganesh Chaturthi by simply saying ” “I wish you a very joyful Ganesh Chaturthi with lots of joy and laughter.”
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