Essay on Mangal Pandey in 100, 200, and 300 Words for Students

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Essay on Mangal Pnadey

Essay on Mangal Pandey: Mangal Pandey was one of the early Indian revolutionaries who fought against the British forces before the Revolt of 1857. Today, Mangal Pandey is known as ‘Shaheed Mangal Pandey’ due to his sacrifice for the welfare of the nation. His undying efforts to liberate India from the evil British forces laid the foundation of the Revolt of 1857. 

Today, we learn that Mangal Pandey was known for his audacity and fortitude to fight against injustice to his personal beliefs and the religious sentiments of all Indians. He mutinied against the newly introduced Enfield P-53 rifle cartridge by the East India Company. The cartridges were greased with animal fat from pigs and cows, which was against the sentiments of Hindus and Muslims. After knowing the truth, Mangal Pandey attacked and killed British officers at Barrackpur on 29th March 1857. On 8th April 1857, Mangal Pandey was hanged to death. 

essay on Mangal Pandey
Source – Oneindia

Essay on Mangal Pandey in 100 Words

‘Mangal Panday was an Indian Revolutionary, who raised flags against the British forces. He was a sepoy in the 34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry in Barrackpur. He joined the Indian Army at the age of 22. During his posting in the 34th, the British Government introduced a new Enfield Rifle, in which the cartridge was made of animal fat, mainly cow and pig. He raised objections against the new cartridge but his superiors claimed that these were just rumours. After knowing the truth, Mangal Pandey mutined against the British regime. He was so angry that he attacked British officers with a gun and shot at one of them, after which he was caught. Later on, he was given a death sentence and was hanged till death.’

Source: Geetanjali Kids (YouTube)

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Essay on Mangal Pandey in 200 Words

Mangal Pandey was a courageous soldier who played a key role in India’s first war of independence. He was born on July 19, 1827, in Nagwa, Uttar Pradesh. He served as a sepoy in the British East India Company’s army, in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry.

Mangal Pandey is best known for his rebellion on March 29, 1857. The British introduced new rifle cartridges greased with cow and pig fat, which hurt the religious beliefs of Hindu and Muslim soldiers. Pandey refused to use them and attacked British officers in protest. He was later captured and sentenced to death. On April 8, 1857, he was executed, but his bravery inspired others.

His actions sparked the Revolt of 1857, also called the First War of Independence. This movement spread across India, with many soldiers and common people joining the fight against British rule. Though the revolt was eventually suppressed, it marked the beginning of India’s long struggle for freedom.

Mangal Pandey is remembered as a symbol of courage and patriotism. The Indian government honored him by issuing a postage stamp in his name. His life was also depicted in films and books. Today, he continues to inspire Indians with his fearless fight for justice and independence.

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Essay on Mangal Pandey in 300 Words

‘Mangal Pandey was an Indian soldier who joined the Indian Army at the age of 22. He was a sepoy in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry in Barrackpore before the 1857 rebellion occurred. His courageous and undying efforts to fight against the British forces made him a national hero. 

In early 1857, the British forces introduced the Enfield P-53 rifle. The cartridge of this rifle was made out of animal fats, mainly cow and pig, here soldiers were supposed the bite the greased cartridge before putting gun powder into the rifle. According to the Hindu religion, Cow is a holy animal and for Muslims, pigs were considered abhorants. Both Hindu and Muslim soldiers in the infantry refused to bite the cartridge. Initially, the British officers claimed that this was just a rumour and that no animal skin was used in making the cartridge.

The rebellion reached its climax on 29th March 1857, when Mangal Pandey shot at his superiors, Sergeant-Major James Hewson and Lieutenant Baugh. The British officers narrowly escaped, but his defiance symbolised the growing discontent and desire for liberation.

Later on, Mangal Pandey was arrested and taken into custody. He was presented in court, where he accepted all the charges and was found guilty. Although Mangal Pandey failed in his attempt to kill the British officers, his actions ignited the flames of rebellion that soon spread like wildfire.

His bold and courageous actions against British forces made him a symbol of resistance and a source of inspiration for millions of Indians. The rebellion he sparked grew into a widespread movement challenging British dominance. It was his fire that sparked India’s First War of Independence, the Revolt of 1857. Mangal Pandey became a hero of the resistance against foreign rule.

Source – Narendra Modi (X/ Twitter)

10 Lines on Mangal Pandey in English

Here are 10 popular lines on Mangal Pandey. Feel free to use them in your academic writing and professional arena.

  1. Mangal Pandey was a sepoy in the 34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry.
  2. He was born on 19 July 1827 to Diwakar Pandey and Abhay Rani.
  3. He was only 22 years old when he joined the Indian Army.
  4. He was one of the most prominent figures of the Revolt of 1857.
  5. Mangal Pandey was posted in Barrackpur when the new Enfield P-53 rifle cartridge was introduced.
  6. He claimed that by biting the rifles’ cartridges, they would become infidels.
  7. Mangal Pandey attacked his British officers on 29th March 1857.
  8. Mangal Pandey was sentenced to death on 8th April 1857.
  9. To inspire the youth about Mangal Pandey, a movie titled ‘Mangal Pandey: The Rising’ was released in 2005.
  10. A public park in Barrackpur has been named after Mangal Pandey to honour him, named Shaheed Mangal Pandey Maha Udyan.

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Q1. Who was Mangal Pandey?

Ans: Mangal Pandey was an Indian Sepoy during the British rule in India. He was recruited in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry when the British forces introduced the Enfield P-53 rifle. He raised the flag of mutiny against the British forces, in 1857 and became one of the prominent figures of the Revolt of 1857.

Q2. What is a 100-word essay on Mangal Pandey?

Ans: ‘Mangal Panday was an Indian Revolutionary, who raised flags against the British forces. He was a sepoy in the 34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry in Barrackpur. He joined the Indian Army at the age of 22. During his posting in the 34th, the British Government introduced a new Enfield Rifle, in which the cartridge was made of animal fat, mainly cow and pig. He raised objections against the new cartridge but his superiors claimed that these were just rumours. After knowing the truth, Mangal Pandey mutined against the British regime. He was so angry that he attacked British officers with a gun and shot at one of them, after which he was caught. Later on, he was given a death sentence and was hanged to death.

Q3. Did Mangal Pandey start the Revolt of 1857?

Ans: Mangal Pandey’s actions were like fuel in the fire. He shot at British officers as he rose in mutiny against the British forces, who were forcing the Indian soldiers to use the greased cartridge of the new Enfield rifle. This greased cartridge was made from the fat of cows and pigs. Mangal Pandey and his comrades refused to bite the cartridge.

Q4. Why is Mangal Pandey famous?

Ans: Mangal Pandey is famous for his act of rebellion on March 29, 1857, when he attacked British officers in protest against the use of greased cartridges that hurt religious beliefs. His courage inspired many Indians to fight for freedom.

Q5. How did Mangal Pandey contribute to India’s freedom struggle?

Ans: Mangal Pandey’s actions sparked the Revolt of 1857, encouraging soldiers and people across India to rise against British rule. Though he was captured and executed, his bravery made him a hero in India’s history.

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