10 in Roman numerals is X. Roman numerals are based on combining letters from the Latin alphabet to represent values. The letter X symbolises the number 10. In this system, values like I (1), V (5), and X (10) are combined or subtracted to form numbers. Since 10 is a standard numeral without the need for addition or subtraction, it is represented simply as X, following the traditional Roman numeral rules.
Let’s begin exploring how to write 10 in Roman numerals and understanding its place in the Roman numeral system.
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How to Write 10 in Roman Numerals?
To write 10 in Roman numerals, you use the letter X. This comes from the Latin word decem, which means 10. There’s no need for any additional calculations or combinations for this number. The symbol X stands alone to represent 10 in the Roman numeral system.
Number | Roman Numeral |
10 | X |
How to Convert X to Number
To convert X from Roman numerals to a number, you simply need to know the value of the Roman numeral X, which is 10. Roman numerals are made up of seven symbols (I, V, X, L, C, D, M), and each has a fixed value. The symbol X represents 10 in the Roman numeral system.
X = 10 So, if you see X alone, it directly represents the number 10 |
How to write 9 in Roman Numerals?
Exercise on 10 in Roman Numerals
Let us practice some questions on Roman Numerals here.
Addition and Subtraction
Add/subtract the following numbers and answer in Roman Numerals
- 50 + 10 = ___
- 100 – 10 = ___
- 90 + 10 = ___
- 65 – 10 = ___
- 60 → LX
- 90 → XC
- 100 → C
- 55 → LV
Convert to Roman Numerals
Convert the following numbers into Roman numerals:
- 110
- 101
- 90
- 1000
- 110 → CX
- 101 → CI
- 90 → XC
- 1000 → M
Convert to Numbers
Convert the following Roman numerals to numbers:
- CX
- XV
- XVII → 17
- CX → 110
- XII → 12
- XV → 15
Match the Following
Match the following numbers to Roman numerals:
Numbers | Roman Numerals |
(i) 1010 | (a) L |
(ii) 210 | (b) CCX |
(iii) 50 | (c ) MX |
(iv) 301 | (d) CCCI |
(i) 1010 → (c) MX
(ii) 210 → (b) CCX
(iii) 50 → (a) L
(iv) 301 → (d) CCCI
Check other Roman Numerals here:
Ans: X = 10
Ans: 10 in Roman numeral is X
Ans: V in Roman represents 5 in Arabic number system.
Ans: 20 in Roman figures is XX.
Ans: 100 in Roman numeral is C.
Ans: Here is the list of Roman number from 1 to 20:
1= I
2= II
3= III
4= IV
5= V
6= VI
7= VII
9= IX
10= X
11= XI
12= XII
13= XIII
14= XIV
15= XV
16= XVI
17= XVII
19= XIX
20= XX
Ans: IX is 9 in the Arabic number system.
Ans: 11 = XI
Ans: 12 in Roman numbers is XII.
Ans: 14 in Roman numeral is written as XIV.
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