Tips to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for SNAP Exam 2024

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Tips to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for SNAP Exam

Tips to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for SNAP: The SNAP exam has moderate difficulty so it requires enough practice to score well. The Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR) section has the maximum weightage in the SNAP exam so it should be prepared well. Enough practice is required in the section as it mostly has questions that check logical and analytical ability. Additionally, the questions are from topics that require different ways of thinking as you should give proper focus on the details in the question. There are preparation tips for analytical and logical reasoning for the SNAP exam that you can follow. In this blog, we will discuss some of the Tips to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for the SNAP exam 2024.

Exam NameSNAP
Full NameSymbiosis National Aptitude Test 
Exam Conducting BodySymbiosis International University (SIU) Pune
Exam SyllabusGeneral English Analytical & Logical ReasoningQuantitative, DI & Data Sufficiency
Exam Frequency 3 dates in a year
Exam LevelModerate
Exam DateDecember 2024
Exam Application FeesINR 2,250
Official Website

Syllabus for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for SNAP Exam 2024

The Analytical and Logical Reasoning section in the SNAP exam consists of 25 MCQ-based questions. Each question is of 1 mark and there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer. Additionally, if you can attempt 18 to 19 questions with an accuracy of 85% you can score well. The syllabus for the Analytical and Logical reasoning section for the SNAP exam is given in the table below:

Analogy & SeriesBlood Relations
Direction SenseCoding-Decoding
Family TreeClocks and Calendars
Cause and AffectVerbal Reasoning
Critical ReasoningSyllogisms
Word MatrixMathematical Reasoning
Visual ReasoningSeating Arrangement
PuzzlesAssertion and Reasoning

Also Read: What is the MBA Selection Criteria through SNAP?

Tips to Clear the Analytical and Logical Reasoning Section of SNAP Exam 2024

The Analytical and Logical Reasoning in the SNAP exam is an important section that should be properly prepared by the candidates. Some tips that you can follow to clear the Analytical and logical reasoning section are given below for your easy reference:

  • Regular practice is necessary when you are preparing for the A-LR section of the SNAP exam. It will improve and enhance the understanding of the subject. Take the best book for the SNAP exam to solve enough questions related to the section.
  • Knowing about the question type is necessary when you have to solve them in the exam. 
  • Manage the time well as you have to do 1 question in 1 minute. Try to do questions you know well first then move to the difficult ones.
  • Use different tricks and shortcuts to solve the questions in a fast and efficient manner. 
  • Maintaining accuracy is one of the key things that you can follow in the section. So, solve the questions you know perfectly to score well then start answering quickly.
  • Being calm is the key that should be done throughout the examination to handle the questions effectively.
  • It is important to analyze the previous year’s questions along with solving them as it will help you understand the difficulty level and the exam pattern. 
  • Practice as many mock tests as possible keeping in mind the time limit and accuracy.

Also Read: What is the Scoring Criteria for the SNAP Exam? Check Marking Scheme

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Analytical and Logical Reasoning

The candidates tend to make some mistakes during the SNAP exam which need to be avoided for a smooth conduct of the exam. Some of the common mistakes that you can avoid during the SNAP examination are:

Proper Practice

Enough practice helps you to understand questions in a better way and it also does not let you get confused during the examination. Practice helps you understand the unknown shapes, symbols, and signs that will be asked in the questions. 

Going Too Fast

Avoid showing a hurry during the exam as you can make unnecessary mistakes. Do the questions in a calm and composed manner.

Avoiding Instructions

Read all the questions well following the instructions given in it. Sometimes, there is hidden information given so read every information carefully. 

Different Approach for Every Question

Every question is unique in the A-LR section so the same approach will not work for different questions. Analytical and logical reasoning questions require different approaches to solve any problem so it should be practised accordingly. 

Also Read: SNAP Counselling: Documents Required & Participating Colleges

Best Books to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning SNAP Exam 2024

The Analytical and Logical reasoning books for the SNAP exam preparations are made keeping in mind the exam pattern of management exams in India. To help you ace this part of the exam, we have tabulated some important books below:

Analytical and Logical Reasoning BooksAuthor/Publication
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CATArun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Logical ReasoningRS Aggarwal
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CATNishit K Sinha
19 Year-wise SNAP Previous Year Solved Papers (2005 – 2023) and 5 Mock Tests 16th Edition Disha Experts
Map the SNAP – 5 Mock Tests and Solved Papers (2023-2025) Disha Experts

Also Read: Is CAT Necessary for MBA? Evaluate and Check MBA Options without CAT

Last Minute Preparation Tips for SNAP Exam 2024

The SNAP exam 2024 will be conducted in December 2024 so candidates are required to keep in mind some last-minute tips to prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning for SNAP Exam 2024, which are as follows:

  • Solve the mock tests till the last week of the exam as it helps you to solve different kinds of questions.
  • Try to practise questions which you have already mastered to avoid any last-minute confusion. 
  • Know about the documents and the stationary items that are required to be carried carried.
  •  All the important documents, such as identity proof and admit card should be kept in a safe place so they would not get lost on the exam day.
  • Revise all the tips and tricks along with their usage and application which are used in the exam.

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How to prepare for the reasoning section of the SNAP examination?

Take the best books and start preparing by doing the proper practice of the questions. Solve as many questions as possible using proper tricks and tips along with their applications.

How to score well in the Analytical and logical reasoning section of SNAP?

Practice regularly and understand the kind of questions you are going to face in the examination. Focus on accuracy and try to answer questions correctly.

Can you crack SNAP in 1 month?

Cracking SNAP in a month is a difficult task but it is not impossible so focus on preparing important topics well. Practice enough questions within the time limit and get to know tricks and tips that are required in the examination.

This was all about the “Tips to Prepare for Analytical and Logical Reasoning For SNAP” blog. Check out our Management Exams Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our Indian Universities page.

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