📋 20 NEET Zoology Chapter-Wise Questions and Answers

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NEET Zoology Chapter -wise Questions

Hey, Students! Please welcome Professor Owl 🦉. He will provide us NEET Zoology Chapter-Wise Questions and answers. Since owls are very wise, Hootfully, He’ll be of help to you! If you scroll further down this blog, you’ll see all the questions and answers you will need!

What if you have a set of NEET Zoology Chapter-Wise Questions during your preparation? What if you know about the important topics of Zoology related to NEET 2024? Well, there is no doubt to say that you’ll have an advantage in comparison to other students. Your chances of getting a good score in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test will significantly increase. To help you better for NEET exam preparation, we have mentioned a set of questions and answers.

📚 NEET Zoology Chapters

Before we proceed with questions and answers of Zoology subject, you should have a fair idea about the chapters of NEET Zoology. Below, we have mentioned the list of chapters. Check them out now.

Chapters of NEET ZoologyClass
Animal Kingdom11th Class
Structural Organisation in Animals11th Class
Biomolecules11th Class
Digestion and Absorption11th Class
Breathing and Exchange of Gases11th Class
Body Fluids and Circulation11th Class
Excretory Products and their Elimination11th Class
Locomotion and Movement11th Class
Neural Control and Coordination11th Class
Chemical Coordination and Integration11th Class
Human Reproduction12th Class
Reproductive Health12th Class
Evolution12th Class
Human Health and Disease12th Class
Biotechnology Principles and Processes12th Class
Biotechnology and its Applications12th Class

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📚 NEET Zoology Chapter-Wise Questions

Now, below we have mentioned chapter-wise questions that will help you to cover topics of this subject. Check out now.

1. Which of the following developed for the first time in annelids?

(A) Triploblastic Development
(B) Bilateral symmetry
(C) Cephalisation
(D) True coelom
Answer: D

2. Homeothermy is exhibited by

(A) Toad
(B) Rabbit
(C) Lizard
(D) Frog
Answer: B

3. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of phylum annelida?

(A) Pseudocoelom
(B) Ventral nerve cord
(C) Segmentation
(D) Closed circulatory system
Answer: A

4. What is common between parrot platypus and kangaroo?

(A) Toothless jaw
(B) Functional post and tail
(C) Oviparity
(D) Homoiothermy
Answer: D

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5. The cells that release heparin and histamine in blood are

(A) Mast Cells
(B) Eosinophils
(C) Mast Cells and Basophils
(D) Eosinophils and Mast Cells
Answer: C

6. In cockroach the formation of ootheca is by the secretion of?

(A) Phallic gland
(B) Colleterial gland
(C) Mushroom gland
(D) Conglobate gland
Answer: B

7. The type of cartilage present in the epiglottis pinna and tip of the nose is

(A) Calcified
(B) Fibrous
(C) Elastic
(D) Hyaline
Answer: C

8. Which of the following does not help in excretion in Periplaneta Americana?

(A) Uricose gland
(B) Malpighian tubules
(C) Fat body
(D) Phallic gland
Answer: D

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9. If DNA percentage of thymine is 20 what is the percentage of guanine

(A) 20%
(B) 30%
(C) 40%
(D) 50%
Answer: B

10. The most abundant elements present in plants is

(A) Carbon
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Iron
(D) Calcium
Answer: A

11. Genes are packaged into a bacterial chromosome by

(A) Acid proteins
(B) Histones
(C) Basic proteins
(D) Actin
Answer: C

12. Most abundant organic compound on earth is?

(A) Protein
(B) Cellulose
(C) Lipids
(D) Steroids
Answer: B

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13. In human beings oblique fissures are associated with:

(A) Right lung
(B) Left lung
(C) Both lungs
(D) None of the above
Answer: C

14. Which of the following is entirely made up of cartilage

(A) Nasal septum
(B) Larynx
(C) Glottis
(D) Trachea
Answer: B

15. Volume of air that will remain in the lungs after a normal expiration is about?

(A) 1200 mL
(B) 2300 mL
(C) 1000 mL
(D) 500 mL
Answer: B

16. What amount of carbon dioxide is delivered by every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood to alveoli?

(A) 12 mL
(B) 7 mL
(C) 10 mL
(D) 5 mL
Answer: B

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17. Which of the following is not seen in hemichordates?

(A) A tripartite body organization
(B) Stomochord
(C) Rudimentary Notochord
(D) Proboscis Gland
Answer: C

18. Key features that appeared for the first time in amphibians do not include:

(A) Legs
(B) Nutritional deficiencies
(C) Lungs
(D) Pulmonary veins
Answer: B

19. Which of the following is not a feature of tunicates?

(A) Only the larvae have notochord
(B) Presence of Endostyle
(C) Secreation of Cellulose sac
(D) Larvae are voracious eaters
Answer: D

20. Which of the following is not an echinoderm character?

(A) Exclusively Marine
(B) Radial symmetry in adults
(C) Protostome embryonic Development
(D) Water Vascular System
Answer: C

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This was all about the NEET Zoology Chapter-Wise Questions.  For more such informative blogs, check out our NEET Exams Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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