Interesting Facts About Autumn You Didn’t Know

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Autumn is the season of transformation from summer heat to winter cold. It is also known as the fall because tree leaves fall, creating stunning landscapes. This season is famous for harvest times, and cooling temperatures. Do you want to know some fun facts about Autumn? You can read this blog to understand the science behind the falling leaves to the ancient origin of festivals. We have covered several interesting facts about Autumn that you probably didn’t know about. 

What is Special About the Autumn Season?

There are many interesting facts about the Autumn season. Do you know why the season is so special? There are several reasons for this. Some of these reasons are provided below-

  1. Autumn is the season of vibrant colours. This is when trees shed their green leaves and turn into shades of orange, red, and yellow.
  2. The summer heat fades and it begins the preparation for winter. The air also becomes refreshing.
  3. Several festivals are celebrated during this season.  For example. Halloween. It is also a harvest season.
  4. During the Autumn season, people wear sweaters and enjoy warm drinks 
  5. Autumn also creates beautiful golden sunsets.

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10 Interesting Facts About Autumn for Kids

When the summer fades, the Autumn begins. These are some interesting facts about this season that you didn’t know.

Facts About Autumn

1. Equinox is the Beginning of Autumn 

Autumn starts with the Autumnal equinox. The autumnal equinox refers to September 22 or 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere. It refers to March 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. During this time the Sun shines directly on the equator. This makes the day and night of equal length. When the Autumn progresses the nights become longer leading to Winter.

2. The Color of the Leaves Change Due to Chlorophyll Breakdown

One of the well-known facts about Autumn is that the colour of the leaves changes. However, do you know this colour change is because the trees don’t produce chlorophyll? Chlorophyll is responsible for the green colour of the leaves. Since the trees are not producing chlorophyll, the other pigments like carotenoids which are yellow and orange, become visible.

3. It is a Season of Harvest Festivals 

Autumn has been linked with harvest festivals. For example, Oktoberfest in Germany, Thanksgiving in Canada and the USA, and China’s Mid-Autumn Festival. Ancient civilisations like the Celts celebrated this festival. It has influenced the celebration of Halloween.

4. It is a Time When Animals Prepare for Winter 

Autumn is the season when the animals prepare for the winter season. For example, bears enter hibernation. On the other hand, squirrels and beavers get busy gathering food for the winter. This is one of the interesting facts about Autumn. Even birds like swallows migrate to the areas with warm climates. 

5. Fall is the Short Form for Fall of the Leaf 

As we all know, Autumn is when the leaves fall. Therefore, the term fall is used as a short form for the phrase ‘fall of the leaf’. Even the word ‘Autumn’ is taken from a Latin word (autumnus) meaning the season of plenty. North Americans use the term ‘fall’ and the British use the term ‘Autumn’ to describe the same season.

6. Autumn Can Create Nostalgia, Scientifically 

One of the interesting facts about Autumn is that it can create nostalgia. The reason? The fallen leaves can create a connection to the olfactory system, and our brain’s memory centre. Therefore, it creates nostalgia. This has been scientifically proven. 

7. It is a Time for Cozy Traditions 

Autumn is the time season when you have to take out your warm blanket. At the same time, you get to enjoy pumpkin spice and bonfires. This is another one of the cool facts bout Autumn. Baking apple pies, drinking hot cider, and carving pumpkins is a tradition. 

 In the UK, Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night) is held on November 5th every year.  This is a major event when people welcome Autumn with fireworks and bonfire nights.

8. Autumn is Not the Same Everywhere 

One of the facts about Autumn is that it is not the same everywhere. The landscapes are not the same. A lot of factors come into play. For example, sunlight, rainfall, and temperature. In the USA, and New England seasons Autumn days are sunny, and the nights are cold. This creates orange and red leaves. On the other hand, areas that are cloudy, and have wet autumns have duller leaves.

9. It is the Time for Diwali in India 

In India, autumn is the time for the festival of lights.  This is another one of the facts about Autumn. Diwali is a festival that symbolizes the win of the good over the evil. This festival is celebrated in October or November. People light oil lamps called diyas, share sweets and burst crackers.

10. Autumn is Perfect for Stargazing 

Autumn is a time for stargazing. The nights are cooler and clear. You can also view iconic constellations like Andromeda, Pegasus, and the Pleiades star cluster. You can also get a clear view of the Meteor showers. For example, Orionids in October. In several cultures, Autumn is used as a seasonal calendar.

Autumn is a season of cultural traditions and stunning landscapes. The festive celebrations and the golden leaves make fall unforgettable.

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Why was it called autumn?

The word Autumn is taken from a Latin word called autumnus. The main meaning of the word was the passing of the year. Autumn is also called fall. It means falling off the leaves.

What is the real name of autumn?

The real name of Autumn is autumnus in Latin. Autumn is also known as fall. It is also known as the season of harvest. During the earliest days, people used to refer to autumn as the season of harvest.

What are the facts about autumn in India?

Autumn in India is for two months. It makes the change from monsoon to winter. In the countryside, there is a pleasant climate and beautiful landscapes. In India, autumn is the time for vacations.

Why is fall the best season?

Fall is considered the best season because of the beautiful scenery, and comfortable weather. Moreover, fall creates the perfect time for festivals, You can also participate in activities.

This was all about the facts about Autumn. If you find it fascinating and wish to read more such interesting facts, then stay tuned to the General Knowledge page of Leverage Edu!

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