Which Type Question is Easiest in an Exam?

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Which Type Question is Easiest in an Exam

Staring down an exam can feel like facing a situation with multiple fronts – each front offers a different question type!  Multiple choice with its tricky options, true/false with its 50/50 chance, and essays that demand comprehensive knowledge.  But which question type is secretly the easiest?  The answer might surprise you!  In this article , we’ll dissect the different questions on your exam and analyze which type question is easiest in an exam. 

Type of Exam Questions

Just like clothes, some question types fit you better than others. Let’s break down the most common ones first before answering :which type question is easiest in an exam:

Types of Exam Questions
Multiple ChoiceConsists of 3-5 answer choices; assesses understanding— Covers broad range of content 

— Provides basis for discussion 

— Easy to score 

— Saves writing time
– Facilitates cheating
— Time-consuming to create
True/FalseConsists of True/False options; evaluates understanding— Tests large amounts of content 

— Easy to write and score
— Guessing may inflate scores 

— Requires large number of items for reliability
CompletionStatement or paragraph with blanks; tests knowledge level– Minimizes guessing
— Encourages attentive study 

— Allows for creative answers
– Time-consuming to grade 

— May lead to disjointed learning
MatchingTwo sides with
corresponding items;
tests relationships
– Covers maximum knowledge levels in minimal space 

– Valuable in data-rich content areas 

— Reduces guessing – Easy to grade
— Takes longer time for students 

— Not suitable for high-level students
EssaysQuestions with sub-questions; tests synthesis and analysis– Allows for explanation and creativity 

— Promotes analyzing and critical thinking 

— Encourages efficient studying 

— Provides insight for instructors 

— Develops practical skills
– Subjective assessment.

–Time-consuming to write and grade

Must Read:What Do You Do If You Don’t Know Anything in an Exam? 

Different Test Question Types: How to Solve Them Easily?

Exams can be tough, but with good studying, you can get them correct!  The easiest questions are the ones you know well, so make sure to prepare.  Teachers often hint at what question styles will be on the exam, so listen up!Here in this section we have discussed certain tips to make each question type your strength:

Multiple Choice:

  • Clear Options: Multiple-choice questions provide a set of clear options, reducing the need for recall or extensive reasoning.
  • Process of Elimination: Test-takers can often eliminate obviously incorrect choices, increasing the chances of selecting the correct answer.
  • Partial Knowledge: Even if the test-taker is unsure, there’s still a chance of guessing the correct answer among the provided options.
  • Objective Grading: Since answers are predefined, grading is straightforward and less subjective compared to other question types.
  • Efficiency: Multiple-choice questions allow for testing a wide range of knowledge within a shorter time frame, making them efficient for both test-takers and graders.


  • Binary Options: True/false questions provide a straightforward binary choice, simplifying the decision-making process for test-takers.
  • Quick Evaluation: Test-takers can quickly determine whether a statement is true or false without needing to recall extensive information.
  • Clarity: True/false questions often present clear and concise statements, minimizing ambiguity for the test-taker.
  • Efficiency: Grading true/false questions is efficient, as it only requires marking answers as correct or incorrect, without the need for partial credit.
  • Suitability for Basic Knowledge: True/false questions are particularly suitable for assessing basic factual knowledge, making them relatively easy for test-takers.


  • Partial Recall: Completion questions require recalling specific details or terms, but test-takers don’t need to generate entire responses, making them easier.
  • Simplicity: Test-takers only need to provide a single word or short phrase to complete the statement, reducing the cognitive load.
  • Objective Evaluation: Grading completion questions is straightforward, as answers are either correct or incorrect, without ambiguity.
  • Focus on Key Concepts: Completion questions often focus on key terms or concepts, allowing test-takers to demonstrate basic understanding without extensive elaboration.
  • Efficiency: Despite requiring some recall, completion questions are efficient for both test-takers and graders, as they don’t require generating full responses.


  • Direct Association: Matching questions require directly associating items from two lists, simplifying the cognitive process for test-takers.
  • Visual Organization: Matching questions often involve visually organizing information, which can make it easier for test-takers to identify correct pairings.
  • Limited Options: Test-takers are typically provided with a finite set of options to match, reducing the complexity of decision-making.
  • Clear Relationships: Matching questions typically involve clear relationships between items, making it easier for test-takers to identify correct pairings.
  • Efficiency: Despite requiring some cognitive effort, matching questions are efficient for both test-takers and graders, as they provide clear criteria for correct answers.


  • Personal Reflection: Essays allow test-takers to express their thoughts and opinions, which can feel more intuitive and less constrained.
  • Creativity: Test-takers have the freedom to approach essay prompts creatively, which may make them feel more engaging and less restrictive.
  • Subjective Grading: While subjective, essay grading can sometimes be perceived as easier for test-takers, as it may feel less formulaic compared to objective question types.
  • Deep Understanding: Essays provide opportunities for test-takers to demonstrate deep understanding and critical thinking skills, which can be satisfying despite the challenge.
  • Long-Term Retention: Writing out answers in essay format may facilitate long-term retention of information, providing a sense of accomplishment beyond the test itself.


Which type of test questions are the easiest?

Generally, multiple-choice questions tend to be the easiest because they offer predefined options to choose from, increasing the likelihood of a correct answer.

Which is the world’s easiest question?

“What is your name?” is often considered the world’s easiest question because it requires basic self-identification.

What is the most common type of questions used on tests?

Multiple-choice questions are the most common type used on tests due to their efficiency in grading and ease of administration.

Should I do the easy questions first?

Yes, it’s a good strategy to start with the easy questions to build confidence and momentum before tackling more challenging ones

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This was all about ”Which Type Question is Easiest in an Exam?”. For more such informative blogs, check out our Study Material Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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