50+ Questions of Sentence Completion | Verbal Ability

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Questions of Sentence Completion

Sentence completion tasks are within the English language category and are a significant component of competitive exams for several exams, including TOEFL, RRB, MBA, Bank PO, and CA. The candidate’s vocabulary and understanding of the  differences between terms are assessed by these questions. A few tactics can make a big difference in how well you score on these questions. These sentences are typically lengthy and challenging to understand, but with little practice, one can become proficient in them. Let’s go over it in more depth.

Types of Sentence Completion

Below we have listed out the types of sentence completion questions being aksed in the competitive exams:

1.RestatementThe pickpocket was a trickster; in other words, a ______.Scoundrel
2.ComparisonJack was cleared of all charges; similarly, Jill was ______.Vindicated
3.ContrastAlthough the tiger is a solitary beast, its cousin the lion is a ______ wild animal.Sociable
4.Cause and EffectA truck stole her parking spot; consequently, Rocky’s ______ look showed her displeasure.Scowling

Approaches for Sentence Completion

There is a certain approach to solving questions of sentence completion.Here we have mentioned some tips and tricks for the same :

  • Dissect the sentence to understand its structure and meaning.
  • Check for hints in the sentence that indicate what should go into the blank.
  • Determine if the word needed has a positive or negative meaning.
  • Look for words like but, rather, although, however, and, while, therefore, etc., to understand sentence organization.
  • Think of possible words for the blanks before considering choices.
  • Rule out incorrect choices based on meaning or order.
  • For two-blank questions, eliminate choices based on one word to simplify the process.

Practice Set on Sentence Completion Verbal Ability

1. The detective couldn’t solve the case because ______. 

a) the evidence was too confusing 

b) he lacks experience 

c) witnesses were uncooperative 

d) he was on vacation during the investigation

2. The concert was canceled _____. 

a) despite the rain 

b) due to the enthusiastic audience 

c) because of the new band 

d) since the tickets were sold out

3. The new employee was terminated ______. 

a) after receiving positive feedback 

b) as a result of his exceptional work 

c) due to frequent absences 

d) for attending training sessions regularly

4. The chef prepared a delicious meal ______. 

a) using outdated ingredients 

b) despite the lack of spices 

c) by following the traditional recipe 

d) because the kitchen was unclean

5. The students were awarded scholarships ______. 

a) for failing their exams 

b) based on their academic achievements 

c) despite their lack of participation 

d) after breaking school rules

6. The athlete won the championship ______. 

a) despite a recent injury 

b) by skipping training sessions 

c) due to the lack of competition 

d) after losing every match

7. The scientist conducted experiments ______. 

a) with outdated equipment 

b) to prove an existing theory 

c) because of the lack of interest 

d) despite the funding shortage

8. The project was delayed ______. 

a) due to efficient teamwork 

b) because of unexpected challenges 

c) with the completion ahead of schedule 

d) since the resources were plentiful

9. The novel became a bestseller ______. 

a) after receiving negative reviews 

b) despite the lack of marketing 

c) because it was poorly written 

d) due to its captivating plot

10. The meeting was adjourned ______. 

a) before discussing important matters 

b) after addressing all agenda items 

c) due to lack of attendance 

d) despite the ongoing discussions

11. The museum exhibition featured artwork ______. 

a) created by famous artists 

b) despite the lack of interest 

c) due to limited space 

d) because of the strict curatorial policies

12. The company implemented new policies ______. 

a) without consulting employees 

b) after extensive employee feedback 

c) due to declining profits 

d) because of a sudden increase in productivity

13. The computer system crashed ______. 

a) after regular maintenance 

b) due to a virus attack 

c) despite the advanced security measures 

d) because of insufficient data storage

14. The movie received critical acclaim ______. 

a) despite the exceptional acting 

b) because of the predictable plot 

c) due to negative audience reviews 

d) for its lack of originality

15.The teacher assigned homework ______. 

a) as a reward for good behavior 

b) despite the students’ lack of understanding 

c) because the syllabus was too easy 

d) after the exams were completed

15. The restaurant gained popularity ______. 

a) despite poor customer service 

b) due to a limited menu 

c) because of positive online reviews 

d) after consistent health code violations

16.The marathon runner collapsed ______. 

a) despite proper hydration 

b) due to a lack of training 

c) because of performance-enhancing drugs 

d) after setting a new world record

17.The new policy was implemented ______. 

a) without employee input 

b) after unanimous approval 

c) due to overwhelming opposition 

d) because of the flexible work hours

18. The garden flourished ______. 

a) despite neglect and lack of water

b) because of over-watering 

c) due to poor soil quality 

d) after the use of harmful pesticides

19. The company expanded its operations ______. 

a) due to financial constraints 

b) after facing bankruptcy 

c) because of increased demand 

d) despite a declining market

20. The invention revolutionized the industry ______. 

a) despite being ignored by competitors 

b) due to lack of funding 

c) because of its impractical design 

d) after rigorous testing and research

21. The concert was a huge success ______. 

a) despite the technical difficulties 

b) due to the lack of audience 

c) because of the unpopular playlist 

d) after the cancellation

22. The athlete missed the podium ______. 

a) despite a flawless performance 

b) due to a disqualification 

c) because of a low score 

d) after winning the gold medal

23. The software was updated ______. 

a) without any new features 

b) due to customer demand 

c) because of compatibility issues 

d) despite being the latest version

24. The experiment yielded unexpected results ______. 

a) despite following the established procedures 

b) due to a lack of controls 

c) because of successful hypothesis testing 

d) after multiple failed attempts

25. The team clinched victory ______. 

a) despite a last-minute substitution 

b) because of poor teamwork 

c) due to a lack of strategy 

d) after consistent losses

26. The student aced the exam ______. 

a) despite not studying 

b) due to a difficult question paper 

c) because of poor time management 

d) after completing a comprehensive study plan

27. The car broke down ______. 

a) after regular maintenance 

b) because of a manufacturing defect 

c) despite a recent overhaul 

d) due to a skilled mechanic

28. The fashion designer’s collection received praise ______. 

a) despite being outdated 

b) due to its unique and modern designs 

c) because of the high prices 

d) after being heavily discounted

29. The project was abandoned ______. 

a) despite being on schedule 

b) due to unforeseen obstacles 

c) because of overwhelming support 

d) after completing all milestones

30. The book became a bestseller ______. 

a) despite the lack of promotion 

b) due to negative reviews 

c) because it was poorly written 

d) after the author’s extensive marketing campaign

31. The new law was enacted ______. 

a) despite public opposition 

b) because of widespread support 

c) due to political disagreements 

d) after the successful filibuster

32. The experiment was a failure ______. 

a) despite meticulous planning 

b) due to a lack of clear objectives 

c) because of unforeseen success 

d) after receiving abundant resources

33. The team reached the finals ______. 

a) despite losing key players 

b) due to a lack of competition 

c) because of inadequate training 

d) after consistently poor performance

34. The company faced bankruptcy ______. 

a) despite financial stability 

b) due to poor management decisions 

c) because of consistent profits 

d) after a successful merger

35. The concert was postponed ______. 

a) due to overwhelming demand 

b) despite technical difficulties 

c) because of the artist’s availability 

d) after a successful rehearsal

36. The research paper was rejected ______. 

a) despite groundbreaking findings 

b) due to a lack of originality 

c) because of extensive peer review 

d) after receiving numerous accolades

37. The company introduced a new product ______. 

a) despite low market demand 

b) due to a surplus in inventory 

c) because of the outdated technology 

d) after discontinuing its bestseller

38. The student failed the exam ______. 

a) despite consistent study efforts 

b) due to a lack of preparation 

c) because of an easy question paper 

d) after obtaining a high score

39. The political party lost support ______. 

a) despite widespread public approval 

b) due to a charismatic leader 

c) because of successful policy implementation 

d) after a series of corruption scandals

40. The project was completed ______. 

a) ahead of schedule 

b) despite frequent delays 

c) due to a shortage of resources 

d) after abandoning key milestones

41. The novel was adapted into a movie ______. 

a) despite a lack of audience interest 

b) due to the author’s objections 

c) because of the complex plot 

d) after receiving critical acclaim

42. The team performed poorly ______. 

a) despite rigorous training 

b) due to a lack of motivation 

c) because of favorable match conditions 

d) after consistent victories

43. The technology company filed for bankruptcy ______. 

a) despite a booming industry 

b) due to innovative product launches 

c) because of strong financial stability 

d) after a series of product recalls

44. The student dropped out of college ______. 

a) despite academic excellence 

b) due to overwhelming student debt 

c) because of a lack of interest 

d) after receiving a scholarship

45. The expedition was canceled ______. 

a) despite ideal weather conditions

 b) due to unforeseen natural disasters 

c) because of increased participant interest

\d) after completing extensive preparations

46. The fashion show received criticism ______. 

a) despite featuring renowned designers 

b) due to the lack of diversity 

c) because of excessive ticket prices 

d) after successful collaborations

47. The company thrived ______. 

a) despite facing economic downturns 

b) due to unethical business practices 

c) because of frequent layoffs 

d) after losing major clients

48. The musician’s album flopped ______. 

a) despite an extensive marketing campaign 

b) due to the lack of talent 

c) because of the artist’s popularity d) after multiple chart-topping hits

49. The software upgrade was necessary ______. 

a) despite the current version’s efficiency 

b) due to overwhelming user complaints 

c) because of a lack of technical advancements 

d) after successful beta testing

50. The vacation was ruined ______. 

a) despite breathtaking scenery 

b) due to constant rain 

c) because of exciting activities 

d) after experiencing flawless weather

51. The speech received applause ______. 

a) despite a monotone delivery 

b) due to a lack of audience engagement 

c) because of the speaker’s charisma 

d) after being cut short

52. The project proposal was rejected ______. 

a) despite meeting all requirements 

b) due to a lack of supporting documents 

c) because of overwhelming positive feedback 

d) after numerous revisions

53. The athlete faced suspension ______. 

a) despite fair play 

b) due to a lack of doping allegations 

c) because of consistent sportsmanship 

d) after testing positive for banned substances

54. The movie sequel was highly anticipated ______. 

a) despite the original’s success 

b) due to poor box office performance 

c) because of the lack of a dedicated fan base 

d) after receiving negative reviews

55. The new policy was implemented ______. 

a) despite unanimous disapproval 

b) due to overwhelming employee support 

c) because of a lack of need 

d) after a successful trial period

56. The business partnership dissolved ______. 

a) despite continuous success 

b) due to creative differences 

c) because of increasing profits 

d) after overcoming financial challenges

58. The experiment yielded groundbreaking results ______. 

a) despite using outdated equipment 

b) due to a lack of funding 

c) because of unforeseen variables 

d) after rigorous control measures

59. The employee received a promotion ______. 

a) despite consistent underperformance 

b) due to a lack of job responsibilities 

c) because of a recent demotion 

d) after exceeding performance expectations

60.. The protest gained momentum ______. 

a) despite the media blackout 

b) due to widespread government support 

c) because of a lack of public interest 

d) after peaceful demonstrations

Answer Key for Practice Set on Sentence Completion 

  1. The detective couldn’t solve the case because ______. Answer: c) witnesses were uncooperative
  2. The concert was canceled _____. Answer: a) despite the rain
  3. The new employee was terminated ______. Answer: c) due to frequent absences
  4. The chef prepared a delicious meal ______. Answer: c) by following the traditional recipe
  5. The students were awarded scholarships ______. Answer: b) based on their academic achievements
  6. The athlete won the championship ______. Answer: a) despite a recent injury
  7. The scientist conducted experiments ______. Answer: b) to prove an existing theory
  8. The project was delayed ______. Answer: b) because of unexpected challenges
  9. The novel became a bestseller ______. Answer: d) due to its captivating plot
  10. The meeting was adjourned ______. Answer: b) after addressing all agenda items
  11. The museum exhibition featured artwork ______. Answer: a) created by famous artists
  12. The company implemented new policies ______. Answer: c) due to declining profits
  13. The computer system crashed ______. Answer: b) due to a virus attack
  14. The movie received critical acclaim ______. Answer: a) despite the exceptional acting
  15. The teacher assigned homework ______. Answer: b) despite the students’ lack of understanding
  16. The restaurant gained popularity ______. Answer: c) because of positive online reviews
  17. The marathon runner collapsed ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of training
  18. The new policy was implemented ______. Answer: a) without employee input
  19. The garden flourished ______. Answer: a) despite neglect and lack of water
  20. The company expanded its operations ______. Answer: c) because of increased demand
  21. The invention revolutionized the industry ______. Answer: d) after rigorous testing and research
  22. The concert was a huge success ______. Answer: a) despite the technical difficulties
  23. The athlete missed the podium ______. Answer: b) due to a disqualification
  24. The software was updated ______. Answer: c) because of compatibility issues
  25. The experiment yielded unexpected results ______. Answer: a) despite following the established procedures
  26. The team clinched victory ______. Answer: a) despite a last-minute substitution
  27. The student aced the exam ______. Answer: a) despite not studying
  28. The car broke down ______. Answer: b) because of a manufacturing defect
  29. The fashion designer’s collection received praise ______. Answer: b) due to its unique and modern designs
  30. The project was abandoned ______. Answer: b) due to unforeseen obstacles
  31. The book became a bestseller ______. Answer: a) despite the lack of promotion
  32. The new law was enacted ______. Answer: b) because of widespread support
  33. The experiment was a failure ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of clear objectives
  34. The team reached the finals ______. Answer: a) despite losing key players
  35. The company faced bankruptcy ______. Answer: b) due to poor management decisions
  36. The concert was postponed ______. Answer: b) despite technical difficulties
  37. The research paper was rejected ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of originality
  38. The company introduced a new product ______. Answer: a) despite low market demand
  39. The student failed the exam ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of preparation
  40. The political party lost support ______. Answer: d) after a series of corruption scandals
  41. The project was completed ______. Answer: a) ahead of schedule
  42. The novel was adapted into a movie ______. Answer: d) after receiving critical acclaim
  43. The team performed poorly ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of motivation
  44. The technology company filed for bankruptcy ______. Answer: b) due to innovative product launches
  45. The student dropped out of college ______. Answer: c) because of a lack of interest
  46. The expedition was canceled ______. Answer: b) due to unforeseen natural disasters
  47. The fashion show received criticism ______. Answer: b) due to the lack of diversity
  48. The company thrived ______. Answer: a) despite facing economic downturns
  49. The musician’s album flopped ______. Answer: a) despite an extensive marketing campaign
  50. The software upgrade was necessary ______. Answer: b) due to overwhelming user complaints
  51. The vacation was ruined ______. Answer: b) due to constant rain
  52. The speech received applause ______. Answer: c) because of the speaker’s charisma
  53. The project proposal was rejected ______. Answer: b) due to a lack of supporting documents
  54. The athlete faced suspension ______. Answer: d) after testing positive for banned substances
  55. The movie sequel was highly anticipated ______. Answer: a) despite the original’s success
  56. The new policy was implemented ______. Answer: a) despite unanimous disapproval
  57. The business partnership dissolved ______. Answer: b) due to creative differences
  58. The experiment yielded groundbreaking results ______. Answer: c) because of unforeseen variables
  59. The employee received a promotion ______. Answer: d) after exceeding performance expectations
  60. The protest gained momentum ______. Answer: a) despite media blackout

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