Best Books for UPSC Optional Psychology

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Best Books for UPSC Optional Psychology

Aspiring for the UPSC and considering Psychology as your optional subject? Choosing the right books is important for a solid foundation and comprehensive understanding. This blog post presents a curated list of the best books for UPSC Psychology Optional, along with a bonus: free PDF downloads for select titles. From foundational textbooks like Psychology: Themes and Variations by Wayne Dennis and Richard Gross to specialized books like Clinical Psychology by P.L. Shrinivasan, this guide will help you navigate the vast expanse of psychological knowledge. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your knowledge, these books, combined with the accessible buy link, will be your trusted companions on your UPSC journey. Let’s dive into the world of psychology and unlock its potential for your UPSC success!

Best Books for UPSC Optional Psychology- Paper 1

Many subjects in Psychology subjects are covered in the UPSC exam, Methods of Psychology, Attention and Perception, and Therapeutic Approaches. Some of the best books for UPSC Optional Psychology are: 

BooksAuthor NameLink
Introduction to PsychologyMorgan & KingClick Here
Systems & Theories Krawiec & ChaplinClick Here
Social Psychology Baron & ByrneClick Here
Statistics for PsychologyAron, Aron, CoupsClick Here
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural SciencesA K Singh – Bharti Bhawan PublicationsClick Here

Also Read: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology 

Best Books for UPSC Optional Psychology- Paper 2

As said, there are 2 papers in the UPSC Optional Psychology exam. Here are some of the best books for psychology subject for Paper 2:

BooksAuthor NameLink
Applied PsychologySmarak SwainClick Here
Research BookAK SinghClick Here
Theories of PersonalityHall & LindzeyClick Here
Social Psychology TextbookBaron and BranscombeClick Here
PsychologyCiccarelliClick Here
NCERTs 11th and 12thNCERT


Which book is best for Psychology optional?

There are many books like Cognitive Psychology 2nd Edition, Theories of Personality and Applied Psychology 3rd Edition.

Is psychology a good option for UPSC?

Yes, Psychology is one of the most important subjects in the Optional Psychology course.

Which is the best psychology course book?

One of the best psychology coursebooks for students is Psychology XI & XII Std, Introduction to Psychology by Morgan & King, Systems & Theories of Psychology by Krawiec & Chaplin, and Psychology by Morgan and King.

Types of Psychological TestsUPSC Preparation for Working PeopleHow Many Questions are there in UPSC Mains?
UPSC Book ListHow to Prepare for UPSC at Home?Public Administration Books

This was all about the “Best Books for UPSC Optional Psychology”.  For more such informative blogs, check out our UPSC Exams Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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