DPU AIET 2023: Registration, Syllabus, Dates, Results

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DPU AIET 2023: The All India Entrance Test or AIET is conducted annually by DR. DY Patil Vidyapeeth (Pune) to enroll prospective candidates into the institute’s ‘Global Business School and Research Centre’. Individuals aspiring to carve their career trajectories in the field of business can opt for the myriad of intensive MBA and BBA programmes available in the said institute. 

Albeit, it is not a mandate for candidates holding CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT/ATMA scores to sit through the AIET examination to get enrolled in the institute’s MBA programs. The proctored entrance test is conducted in multiple phases DPU AlET is held in various stages – March, April, and July.  

The registration window for the said exam has been officially opened by the conducting body. Candidates prospecting to partake in the said exam can register themselves between 7th January (2023)- 30th March (2023).  Coming to the exam itself, the date for the said examination has been scheduled for 8th April (2023). 

Name of ExaminationAll India Entrance Test (AIET)
Institute (Conducting Body)Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth (Pune)
Level of ExaminationUniversity
Frequency of ExamOnce a year
Mode of ExaminationOnline
Duration of Exam 2 Hour 30 Minutes
Medium English
FeesINR 1,050 (BBA)INR 1,300 (MBA)
Offered CoursesMBA/BBA
Official Website Info.gbsrc@dpu.edu.in

DPU AIET 2023 Exam Dates

It is essential for applicants to evaluate the exam dates for any given exam in order to expedite and devise a strategy for their preparation. It can even be contended that addressing the deadlines can aid applicants in constructing their own credible framework of preparation.

Applicants can adhere to such frameworks to effectively assign their time. Coming to  AIET 2023, the examination date has been officially scheduled for 9th April 2023. Prospective candidates are advised to keep tabs on the body’s official website to keep abreast with the crucial dates. The information provided below will assist you in keeping track of important exam dates. 

Event(s) Date(s) – 2023
Window of Registration8th January – 31th March 
Date of Examination9th April
Result (Release) Yet to be announced 

Must Read: IILET Exam Dates: Latest Updates, Dates

DPU AIET Selection Process

Candidates aspiring to get enrolled in the MBA and BBA programmes offered by the conducting body ( Dr D Y Patil Global Business School and Research Centre) must adhere to the following steps. 


Candidates are required to register themselves to commence their selection procedure. It must be kept in mind that the authorities do not entertain the submission of applications via any other mode apart from online ones. It is imperative for candidates to enter the requisite credentials during the process.

If the body senses some discrepancy or foul play in the candidate’s application, he/she will be debarred from partaking in the said exam.  It is a mandate for candidates to pay the requisite fee (INR 1,300) to complete their registration.  Admit Cards will be provided to prospective candidates prior to the examination date. 

Written Exam 

The AIET Exam for MBA programs predominantly encompasses five major sections, including ‘English Language, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, Test of Reasoning and Business Judgement. On the other hand, candidates preparing for the AIET BBA exam have to cover topics from four sections, such as English Language, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, and Test of Reasoning.

Students who wish to appear for the said exam will have to procure their admit cards on the examination date to help authorities complete the identification and verification procedure. AIET 2023 Exam will be conducted for approximately 150 minutes. 

Counselling, Group Discussion and Personal Interview

Candidates will be called for their Group Discussion and Personal Interview Round at their allocated test centre once they’ve given the written test.  As of 2023, the group discussion and personal interview rounds are speculated to be conducted online (video call). It is imperative for aspirants prospecting to pursue  BBA Courses from the esteemed institute to visit the common counselling sessions for their seat allocation.


Candidates are required to keep an eye on the conducting body’s official body to check the results for the said examination.  It is imperative for applicants to acquire their login credentials to check their secured scores. Participants will receive the merit list once the results are out. 


Candidates appearing for the AIET (2023) exam will be selected on the basis of their cumulative scores secured in the written test, Group discussion and Personal Interview rounds. 

DPU AIET Exam 2023 Application 

The registration window for the DPU AIET 2023 exam will remain open between the 7th of January till the 30th of March. Prospective candidates can acquire their forms (for MBA and BBA courses) from the conducting body’s official website. It is a mandate for candidates to fill in the requisite credentials.

If in any case, authorities get a hint of discrepancy and foul play in the candidate’s application,  his/her registration will get revoked. In order to complete the registration process, one must pay the requisite amount of  INR 1,050 (without a late fee) and INR 1,300 ( with a late fee). It is imperative for applicants to acquire their login credentials prior to registering themselves. 

How to Apply for AIET 2023?

One can refer to the following steps to register themselves for AIET 2023 Exam.

  1. First and foremost, applicants must visit the official website of the conducting body, i.e., Info.gbsrc@dpu.edu.in.
  2. Once redirected to the official webpage, candidates are required to select the ‘Apply Online’ option. 
  3. Candidates are required to fill in their requisite credentials and select the ‘Verify details’ option. 
  4. Once provided with the login credentials, applicants must sign in to their respective accounts.
  5. One must fill out the given forms and upload the requisite documents. 
  6. In order to complete the application process, one must ensure to make the payments through online modes, including credit card/debit card/UPI/net banking. 

It must be noted that the authorities will not entertain any requests for a refund once the payment has been made. 

How to Apply for AIET 2023 (offline)? 

Those who do not wish to, or are unable to register themselves online, can apply for the said examination through offline mode. To do so, candidates are required to: 

  1. Purchase the DPU Entrance Test brochure. Prospective candidates are required to buy the brochures from the institute’s office. 
  2. The brochure encapsulates numerous examination documents, including the  DPU Entrance Test 2023 application form, admit card and letter of authorization.
  3. To commence their registration offline, participants are required to fill out their forms and attach their passport-sized photographs on the application form, admit card and letter of authorisation.
  4. It is a mandate for applicants to have acquired the requisite signatures from their guardians. Apart from that, it is imperative for applicants to attach their relevant photographs to the forms. It is to be noted that the attached photograph has been certified by the ‘Head of the Institution’ and is marked with the official seal of the authority. 

Application Fee

Prospective candidates are requested to pay the requisite amount of fees to complete their registration for the said examination. Refer to the following information to get an in-depth understanding of the course-wise segregation of application fees. 

For MBA 

Processing  AmountINR 300
Test FeeINR 1,000
TotalINR 1,300


Fee(s) Amount 
Amount of ProcessINR 300
Test FeeINR 750 
TotalINR 1,050

DPU AIET Eligibility Criteria 2023

The primary purpose of examining bodies mandating stipulated eligibility criteria for an examination is to ascertain candidates’ academic prowess and competency. The AIET exam, like any other government exam, encompasses its own set of eligibility criteria that must be met by applicants in order to be deemed eligible.  

For MBA Programmes

  • The minimum requisite score that candidates must secure to be deemed eligible for the said exam is 50% marks. Candidates belonging to the Reserved Categories must acquire at least 45 per cent marks.  
  • Those awaiting their final year results can also apply for the said exam. 

For MBA Hospital & Health Systems or Management

Candidates who wish to pursue ‘MBA Hospital & Health Systems or Management Degree Courses’ from Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth (Pune) institute are required to have completed their  (Medical) MBBS, (Indian Medicine)  BAMS, BHMS, BSMS, BNYS, BUMS, (Dental) BDS, and (Allied Health Sciences)  BSc (N), BPharm, BSc (MLT), BPT & BOT BSc degrees. 

For MBA Agribusiness Management Programme

  • Aspirants must hold bachelor’s degrees in the field of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agrochemicals, Diary Science/Technology, Fisheries, Food Science/Technology, Forestry, and  Horticulture. Apart from that, one must have a keen interest and experience in Agribusiness. 
  • The minimum requisite score that candidates must secure to be deemed eligible for the said exam is 50% marks. Candidates belonging to the Reserved Categories must acquire at least 45 per cent marks.  

AIET 2023 Examination Pattern 

To systematise and expedite their study process, students must meticulously adhere to the prescribed pattern for any exam. Acknowledging the layout of an exam might help participants devise a competent framework for their preparation on their own. Such schedules can be followed by applicants to schedule their time and schedule their tasks accordingly.

The AIET 2023 exam will encapsulate a total of 150 objective-based questions for MBA programmes and 100 questions for BBA programmes. Candidates will be awarded 1 mark for every correct answer. Participants can rest assured that there will be no negative marking.   The exam itself will be 150 minutes long. 

Refer to the following table to understand the section-wise demarcation of topics covered in the said exam. 


SectionsNumber of Questions
Business Judgement 30 questions
Numerical Ability30 Questions
English Language 30 Questions
General Awareness30 Questions
Reasoning Ability 30 Questions


SectionsNumber of Questions
Numerical Ability 25 Questions
English Language25 Questions
General Awareness25 Questions
Reasoning Ability25 Questions

AIET 2023 Exam Syllabus 

It’s imperative for applicants to acclimatise themselves with the latest recent curriculum in order to outshine any given exam. Candidates can devise an implementable framework to adhere to and prepare themselves for their exams by keeping in mind the comprehensive nature of the syllabi.  

The AIET 2023 Exam encapsulates topics and subjects that are aimed to evaluate and assess applicants’ academic aptitude. The syllabus for the said exam(MBA) is demarcated into five major sections, such as Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, English Language, Reasoning Ability and Business Judgement.

On the other hand, candidates appearing for the AIET (BBA) Examination are required to cover topics from four major sections, including Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, English Language and Reasoning Ability. 

Refer to the following table to go through the section-wise demarcation of topics.

Numerical AbilityPercentage, Profit and loss, Probability, Surds and Indices
General KnowledgeAwards and Winners, History, Static GK, Geography, World Events
English LanguageAnalogies, Jumbled Paragraphs, Syllogisms, Idioms, Fill in the Blanks
Reasoning AbilityFamily Tree, Arrangement, Calenders, Series, Coding and Decoding

AIET 2023 Preparation Tips

Exam success cannot be exclusively ascribed to the candidates’ preparation. A candidate should always be prepared and equipped with a few tips and tricks to tackle any pressing situation. Practice and revision will only get you so far; ultimately, your aptitude to exceed your opposition will depend on the quality of your preparation. How thoroughly you prepare for an exam is significantly more crucial than how much you’ve studied to pass it. Additionally, we have selected and curated a few ideas to help you ace your exam.

  • It can be beneficial for applicants to expedite and strategize their examination preparation by becoming acquainted with the exam pattern and the provided material. Candidates can lay out a feasible framework to follow and prepare for their exams by keeping up with the recommended routine.
  • By taking mock exams, candidates can better understand the exam format and syllabus structure. As a result, candidates will be more equipped to ace the test.
  • Candidates can benefit from reading the pertinent books to better prepare for the tests.
  • Making notes can be a fantastic technique to remember pertinent and crucial information.
  • Candidates must make sure they frequently revise their topics. One’s accuracy and efficiency can be perfected with adequate study and practice.

DPU AIET Exam Day Guidelines

Prospective candidates appearing for the AIET 2023 exam are advised to keep specific points in mind.

  1. Participants must prepare their laptop/desktop devices a day before the exam date. Applicants must have a computer with an operating system higher than Windows 8.
  2. To ensure a good experience with few hiccups, the minimum internet bandwidth should be 1.5 Mbps.
  3. Candidates must have the most recent browser installed on their computer (s).
  4. Candidates must have a webcam installed to ensure there is no foul play on their end during the examination.
  5. For the identification process, one must procure their DPU Entrance Test Admit Cards as well as the relevant photo identity proof.


When will the registration process for the AIET 2023 exam commence?

The registration process for AIET 2023 Exam has already commenced in the month of January. Prospective candidates appearing for the said exam can register themselves between  7th January (2023)- 30th March (2023).  The entrance exam will be conducted on April 9, 2023.

Who is responsible for supervising the AIET 2023 Exam?

The conducting body responsible for supervising the AIET 2023 is Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune. This institute is behind, in conducting the exam and releasing results.

What is the requisite application fee for AIET 2023?

The requisite fee for AIET 2023 Examination is INR 1,300. The late fee for the said exam is INR 1,550.

The AIET 2023 exam could be a qualitative approach for those looking to assert their academic prowess and competence as well as prove their worth in the business world. Participating in the said exam could indeed serve as a guideline for many candidates hoping to carve an affluent line of work in the said field. Whilst qualifying for the exam may appear daunting and onerous at first, once accomplished, it may open up a plethora of lucrative opportunities for candidates in the said field.

For more such updates stay tuned with our Indian exams page. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

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