The Most Abundant Metal in the Earth Crust is?

2 minute read
The Most Abundant Metal in the Earth Crust is

The most abundant metal in the Earth crust is aluminium. It is about 8% of Earth’s crust. Iron is second to the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust. Moreover, another abundant element in Earth’s crust is Silicon, though it is a non-metal. 

Composed of metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks, Earth’s crust is rich in basalt and granite, which are igneous rocks, made by the cooling of magma.  It is the thinnest layer of the Earth and has an average thickness of  30km below the land. 

The Most Abundant Metal in the Earth’s Crust 

The most abundant metal in Earth’s Crust is aluminium. Aluminium is a lightweight metal that is durable and also soft. It is also not magnetic. Under the right conditions, the properties of aluminium allow it to dissolve in water, though it is not a normal occurrence. Bauxite rock is required to extract Aluminium.

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Facts About the Most Abundant Metal in the Earth Crust 

As we know by now, the most abundant metal in Earth crust is aluminium. Let us learn about some of its facts. 

  1. The atomic number of aluminium is 13. 
  2. The atomic symbol of aluminium is AI.
  3. The atomic weight of aluminium is 26.9815386. 
  4. The world’s leading producer of aluminium is China. 
  5. Danish chemist Hans Christian Oersted was the first person to extract Aluminium from Alum in 1825. 

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Quiz Time

Q1. Which is the most abundant metal in the Earth crust?

  • Zinc
  • Aluminium
  • Iron
  • Calcium

Correct Answer is Aluminium.

Q2. Why is Aluminium the most abundant metal in the Earth crust?

Aluminium is never found in its free form. The reason it’s found abundantly in the Earth’s crust is because of its reactive nature and low-density.

Q3. Is iron most abundant in Earth crust?

The second most abundantly found metal in the Earth crust is Iron.

Q4. What are the five most abundant metals in the Earth’s crust?

The five most abundant metals found in the Earth’s crust are- Aluminium, Iron, Calcium, Sodium and Pottasium.

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