15 Psychological Facts About Teenagers: Decoding What Teens Feel

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Psychology Facts About Teenagers

Adolescence is that part of our lives when our bodies undergo numerous physical and mental changes. It refers to the period between the onset of puberty and adulthood where the physical and sexual characteristics of a child start to develop. Reaching the age of adolescence also means that this transitional phase brings unexpected mood swings, changes in behaviour, differences in thoughts, etc. Therefore, you might face difficulty in understanding why your friend is suddenly acting so strange. But worry not, these psychology facts about teenagers will surely provide you with useful insights into how to deal with your teenage friends. 

Psychology Facts About Teen Boys and Girls

1. Teenagers are more likely to remember tasks because of their poor prospective memories. 

2. They find it difficult to read emotions due to their underdeveloped prefrontal cortex of the brain. 

3. Teenagers’ brains are wired differently, making them excited to take risks. 

4. Teenagers who are not on good terms with their parents and friends are more likely to have a substance addiction. 

5. Due to the lack of willingness to sleep, teenagers often stay awake late at night.

6. Children in their teenage are impatient and wish to achieve success quickly. 

7. They are also extremely impulsive and lack self-control. 

8. The teenage phase in life makes children highly prone to social anxiety and other anxiety disorders. 

9. Teenagers are also more likely to get addicted or attached to a TV series, movie, or character than other age groups. 

10. Research shows that over 70% of teens between the ages of 15 and 17 tend to avoid daily activities when they feel conscious of their appearance. 

11. According to a survey conducted, about 44% of girls and 14% of boys in their teenage wish to lose weight.

12. 7 in 10 girls feel they do not stand up to the beauty standards or academic pressure of their lives. 

13. The self-esteem of a teenage girl is more affected by how she perceives her appearance and how much she weighs. 

14. The top wish of teenagers is to have open and effective communication with their parents. 

15. About or at least 40% of boys in their teenage years exercise regularly to increase their muscle mass. 

Hope you had fun reading these psychology facts about teenagers. If you want to read more such interesting facts, then you can also visit our blog psychology facts about men.

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