45+ Amazing Facts about Walnut Nutrition for Health Benefits

5 minute read

Facts about walnut nutrition: Packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants and healthy fats, walnuts offer various health benefits to the human body. From boosting brain health to supporting heart functioning, these nuts are a delicious and nutritious addition to our diet. Interestingly, a fact about the brain that coincides with walnut facts is that the nut has a shape like a human brain. Don’t you think it is an interesting fact about the brain?  Its unique nutritional profile rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, protein and vitamins contributes to a wide range of health advantages. Let’s know more nutritional value of walnuts through the facts listed below.

Facts about Walnut Nutrition for Health Improvement

Walnuts, often overlooked as a mere snack, are actually packed with essential nutrients that can significantly benefit your health. Know about its benefits by reading the facts below – 

  1. Walnut improves heart health. 
  2. Walnut helps in weight management and weight loss.
  3. Its consumption preserves brain health as you age.
  4. It reduces the risk of Prostate cancer.
  5. Dietary components in Walnuts counter inflammation.
  6. Walnut helps to boost mood.
  7. Dating back to 7,000 BC, walnuts are one of the oldest tree foods known to humans.
  8. Walnuts are actually fruits, while they are commonly referred to as nuts.
  9.  Walnut is a significant source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that’s crucial for heart health.
  10. Walnuts may reduce bad cholesterol. 
  11. While improving cognitive function antioxidants in walnuts can help protect brain cells from damage.
  12. Regular walnut consumption may help improve overall heart health and lower bad cholesterol.
  13. The wrinkled shell of a walnut is often compared to a human brain, which has led to the belief that eating walnuts can enhance brain function.
  14.  Walnuts can be enjoyed in various ways, from snacking on their own to adding them to salads, savoury dishes and desserts.
Facts about walnut nutrition
  1.  Walnuts can help you to learn better.
  2. Walnuts have special fats that help you grow stronger and taller.
  3. In ancient cultures, walnuts were often considered symbols of wisdom and fertility.
  4. The oil extracted from walnuts is a popular ingredient in cooking and skincare products.
  5. Walnuts are a valuable food source for many wildlife species, including squirrels, birds, and deer.
  6. You can try walnut milk too which is beneficial in many ways. 
  7. Walnuts contain Omega-3.
  8. Monounsaturated Fats which are beneficial for heart health, are also found in walnuts.
  9. Walnuts can lower your blood pressure.
  10. Walnuts are packed with vitamins like B vitamins, and vitamin E and minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese.
  11. Walnuts are great food for diabetics.
  1. Walnuts also keep your heart and gut healthy.
  2. They are linked to better cognitive function and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Walnuts are a good source of dietary fibre, which aids digestion, promotes gut health, and can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Also Read – 25+ Interesting Facts about Nutrition in Food for Kids

Interesting Facts about Walnuts around the World

 These ancient nuts walnuts have been prized for centuries for their nutritional value and intriguing characteristics. Read interesting facts about it below – 

Facts about walnut nutrition
  1. Persian walnuts and black walnuts are also varieties that may be available in some areas.
  2. Annually California produces roughly one billion pounds of walnuts.
  3. The first National Walnut Day was created by the  Walnut Marketing Board.
  4. It is technically considered a tree nut but botanically it is classified as a fruit.
  5. Per year its tree grows at a rate of 24 inches.
  6. There are more than 4,500 California walnut growers.
  7.  Walnut wood is highly prized for its beauty, durability and rich colour, making it a favourite among woodworkers.
  8. In some cultures, walnuts are associated with prosperity and good luck.
  9.  The shell of a walnut resembles a human body part which is the head.
  10. People in ancient times used walnut milk as a sweet refreshment.

Unique Facts about Walnuts 

There are many nutritional values of walnuts and other uses too which we don’t know. Let’s get to know all the things about it through the facts mentioned below –

  1. “ California walnuts” are used for milk rather than consumed as it is.
  2. To break the world record In India, Prabhakar Reddy P crushed 212 walnuts by hand in a single minute.
  3. They are versatile and tasty.
  4. Roasting walnuts is a great way to add extra texture and flavour to your favourite snacks and meals. 
  5. Walnut smashing is a popular sport in Kashmir.
  6.  Walnut tree elements were used as medicines by the Chinese ancient.
  7. 2,500 years ago, walnuts were treated like jewels. 
  8. Compared to English walnuts, Black walnuts have a flavour that’s bolder, richer, and earthier.
  9. Walnuts are great pregnancy food.
  10.  Walnuts provide a moderate amount of protein, making them satisfying and nutritious. 

10 Amazing Facts about Walnuts Nutrition Usage

Walnut has many fascinating benefits, history and usage and to know all the values of a walnut read the facts listed below – 

Facts about walnut nutrition
  1.  Walnuts can be used in baked goods like cookies, cakes, and bread for a nutty crunch.
  2. You can make a creamy pesto sauce by blending walnuts, basil, garlic, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.
  3. Walnuts are a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savoury dishes and sweets.
  4. Shells of walnuts can be used as a natural abrasive.
  5. The Romans believed that walnuts could ward off evil spirits.
  6.  There are two main types of walnuts: English walnuts and black walnuts.
  7. Walnut trees can help improve soil health by reducing erosion and increasing organic matter content.
  8. The United States celebrates National Walnut Day on June 29th, honouring this nutritious and delicious nut
  9. Walnuts grow on tall trees with big, leafy branches.
  10. Squirrels and birds love to eat walnuts.

Also Reads –  Facts About Milk

Walnut Nutrition Quiz with Answers for Kids

Q.1: Which part of the walnut is commonly eaten?

A. Kernel
B. Shell
C. Husk
D. Leaf

Q.2: What is the walnut tree’s scientific name?

A. Corylus avellana
B. Carya illinoinensis
C. Juglans regia
D. Prunus dulcis

Q.3. Which omega-3 fatty acid is found in walnuts?

A. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
B. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
C. Linoleic acid (LA)
D. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Q.4: Which one vitamin is abundant in walnuts?

A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin E

Q.5: Which country is the largest producer of walnuts globally?

A. China
B. Iran
C. India
D.South Korea


What are the 5 benefits of eating walnuts?

5 benefits of eating walnuts it keep you healthy, provide nutrition, are healthy for your heart, do brain boosting and are rich in antioxidants.

How many walnuts to eat per day?

For most adults, consuming 1-3 walnuts per day is generally considered a healthy amount.

What are 3 facts about walnuts?

The 3 facts about walnuts are:-
1. Walnuts grow on tall trees with big, leafy branches.
2. Squirrels and birds love to eat walnuts,
3. They are versatile and tasty.

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Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about walnut nutrition. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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