The universe is a vast and mysterious palace, filled with wonders that often defy human imagination. It is so big and full of mysteries that scientists are still trying to understand it all, but they have already discovered a lot of cool facts about the sun, planets, stars, and black holes which are part of the universe. In today’s article, we will concentrate on the facts about the universe, which will surprise you. So without a delay let’s begin this journey.
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10 Universe Facts For Kids
If you want to know fun and surprising things about the universe and the things it has such as planets, stars and black holes then read all the facts mentioned below –
- There are more stars in the universe than the sand grains on Earth’s beach.
- It takes astronauts six hours to put on a space suit.
- In 840 AD, Emperor Louis of Bavaria died from fright during a solar eclipse thinking it was the world’s end.
- Pluto was reclassified as a “dwarf planet” in 2006, 76 years after it was discovered as the ninth planet.
- Earth is so small that it could fit inside the sun 1.3 million times.
- The moon’s gravity and the sun’s create Earth’s tide and move massive amounts of water daily.
- There are many facts about Black hole one of them is it formed when big stars explode. Their gravity is so strong that even light can’t escape.
- The universe has no centre and keeps expanding, making it impossible to reach bits “edge”.
- The Universe is 13.5 billion years old.
- Mercury’s year is 88 Earth days, but one day lasts 176 Earth days.
Also Read – 100 Interesting Facts about Solar System for Students.
9 Mind-Blowing Facts about the Universe
Do you want to know what every Galaxy have in its centre? Or what are neutrinos? To get answers to all these questions read all the facts listed below –
- Every Galaxy has a black hole in its center which weighs more than the sun.
- The leftover heat from the Big Bang, called the Cosmic Microwave Background, fills the whole Universe. What’s amazing is that this heat is almost the same temperature everywhere, even in parts of space that should never have been able to share heat or energy with each other.
- Only 5 % of the universe is made of ordinary matter like stars, planets and us! The rest is invisible: 27% is dark matter, which affects gravity, and 68% is dark energy, which makes the Universe expand faster.
- Every second, 100 billion ghostly particles called neutrinos pass through your thumbnail from the Sun.
- Even in the vacuum of space, there are still a few particles and tiny amounts of gas floating around.
- In the whole universe, Earth is the only place known to have life.
- Most gravity pulls things together, but dark energy has a kind of “repulsive gravity” that pushes galaxies apart and speeds up the Universe’s expansion.
- The universe was started with the Big Bang Theory.
- Many star systems have planets that orbit closer than Mercury or have “ hot Jupiters”, massive planets close to their stars.
Also Read – Scary Facts About Space That Will Keep You Up At Night
GK Quiz on Universe Facts
Test your knowledge about the Universe. Choose the correct option for the given questions and then check your answers from the answer box given at the end.
1. What is the centre of our Solar System?
A. Earth |
B. The Moon |
C. The Sun |
D. Mars |
2. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
A. Jupiter |
B. Mars |
C. Saturn |
D. Venus |
3. What galaxy do we live in?
A. Andromeda |
B. Milky Way |
C. Whirlpool |
D. Sombrero |
4. Which is the largest planet in our Solar System?
A. Earth |
B. Mars |
C. Jupiter |
D. Saturn |
5. What force keeps us on the ground and stops us from floating into space?
A. Magnetism |
B. Electricity |
C. Gravity |
D. Friction |
Answer Keys
1. C) The Sun |
2. B) Mars |
3. B) Milky Way |
4. C) Jupiter |
5. C) Gravity |
Did you know these 100 Interesting Facts About Earth?
The 5 most unique facts about the universe are:-
1. The Universe is constantly expanding, with galaxies moving away from each other.
2. About 27% of the Universe is made up of dark matter, which we can’t see but know exists due to its gravitational effects.
3. Black holes are regions in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape
4. The leftover heat from the Big Bang, known as the Cosmic Microwave Background, is spread evenly throughout the Universe.
5. There are an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in the observable Universe.
Here are 10 facts about space:–
1. Space is vast and possibly infinite, with no known boundaries.
2. Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth.
3. Time moves slower in stronger gravitational fields, a concept from Einstein’s theory of relativity.
4. Millions of asteroids and comets exist in our Solar System, many in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
5. There are eight recognized planets in our Solar System, each with unique characteristics. 6. Neutron stars are incredibly dense remnants of supernova explosions, with a sugar-cube-sized amount weighing as much as a mountain.
7. Supermassive black holes exist at the centres of most galaxies, including our Milky Way, 8. Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime caused by massive events, such as colliding black holes.
9. Thousands of exoplanets (planets outside our Solar System) have been discovered, some potentially capable of supporting life.
10. Pace is a near-perfect vacuum, meaning it has very little matter and almost no air.
This is what a universe is in 10 points:
1. The Universe contains all matter, energy, planets, stars, galaxies, and space.
2. The Universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old.
3. About 27% of the Universe is dark matter, which is invisible but has mass.
4. It began with the Big Bang, a massive explosion that created space and time.
5. There are estimated to be over 2 trillion galaxies in the observable Universe.
6. This is the afterglow of the Big Bang, detectable as faint radiation throughout the Universe.
7. Roughly 68% is dark energy, causing the acceleration of the Universe’s expansion.
8. The Universe contains billions of stars, many of which have their own planetary systems.
9. Earth is currently the only known planet with life, though many scientists search for life elsewhere.
10. The Universe is constantly expanding, with galaxies moving away from each other.
Relevant Reads
I hope you liked reading these Facts about the Universe. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!