100 Interesting Facts about Solar System for Students [with Quiz]

8 minute read

Among all the celestial wonders, our solar system is a fascinating place whose heart lies around the sun, don’t you find it an interesting fact about the sun? From icy planets like Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, to the fiery sun and beyond, the whole universe remains to be known. Therefore, in this blog, we will learn some of the most interesting facts about solar system, along with its inhabiting planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and the things it is made up of to improve your general knowledge of the universe. 

Fun Facts about Solar Systems for Kids

There are many surprising things about the solar system and the things in it. Knowing unheard facts about it will be interesting and informative for you. So let’s start to know facts about solar system –

Interesting Facts about Solar System
  1. There are hundreds of moons in our solar system.
  2.  The solar system experienced a period of intense asteroid impacts around 4 billion years ago, which helped shape the surfaces of the inner planets.
  3. In our solar system, the sun and planets were formed through the process of accretion.
  4. The distance between the sun and the Earth is 93 million miles.
  5. All the planets in our solar system have different temperatures.
  6. 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system was made from a dense interstellar cloud.
  7. Mercury, Venus and Earth are terrestrial planets.

Check Out Facts About Planets in Our Solar System You Did Not Know

Interesting Facts about Solar System for Class 3

Did you know that the Solar System is a big, busy place? The solar system is very big and has lots of things in it, like the sun, the Moon, the planets, etc. Let’s read some of the interesting facts about solar system below – 

Interesting Facts about Solar System
  1. In the Solar System, everything revolves around the Sun.
  2. Around the Sun, eight planets orbit.
  3. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
  4. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.
  5. Earth takes 365 days to complete a rotation around the sun.
  6. The Milky Way is the galaxy in which we live.
  7. We are held on the Earth due to the force called Gravity.
  8. Earth is the only planet where creatures live.
  9. Not everything in the solar system orbits around the sun directly. 
  10. Earth rotates as it orbits the sun, and this one complete rotation takes a complete day.

Also, read  25+ Facts About Sun Here!

10+ Facts about Sun for Kids

Did you know this Fact about the Sun? The sun is a colossal celestial body, the heart and soul of our solar system. Today we will learn about it more through the facts mentioned below – 

  1. The sun is a huge glowing ball of gas mostly made of hydrogen and helium.
  2. The sun is the centre of our solar system.
  3. The sun is about 4.6 billion years old.
  4. The sun sends out a stream of charged particles called solar wind.
  5. The sun has a hot atmosphere called the corona. It can be seen as a halo around the sun during a total solar eclipse.
  6. The sun’s core is the hottest part, reaching a temperature of over 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Sometimes dark spots that appear on the sun’s surface are called sunspots. These sunspots are the cooler areas of the sun.
  8. The sun sometimes has powerful explosions called solar flares.
  9. The sun is moving through space at a speed of about 500,000 miles per hour.
  10. The sun is the main source of heat and light for the Earth.
  11. The distance between the sun and the Earth is 93 million miles. Also, read  25+ Facts About Sun Here!

Also read Interesting Facts About Earth for Students Here!

Amazing Facts about Solar System Planets

Here we have mentioned some of the most amazing facts about the planets present in our solar system, and we have also mentioned facts about each planet separately after it.Interesting Facts about Solar System

  1. All the planets in our solar system have different temperatures.
  2. Mercury, Venus and Earth are terrestrial planets.
  3. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.
  4. There are three types of planets: Terrestrial planets, Gas giants and Dwarf planets.

Facts about Mercury

  • The closest planet to the sun.
  • Mercury is hot.
  • Mercury is the first planet from the sun.
  • The smallest planet in our solar system is Mercury.
  • Extreme temperatures: very cold on the side and facing away from the sun and very hot on the side facing towards the sun. 
  • Mercury has no atmosphere.

Facts about Venus

  • It is often called Earth’s twin due to its similar mass and size.
  • It has a thick atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide.
  • It rotates backwards compared to other planets.
  • The reason is not known but Venus doesn’t have any moon.
  • Venus is also known as the Earth’s twin.

 Facts about Earth

  • Earth is the only planet where creatures live.
  • The third planet from the sun.
  • It has a large moon.
  • Our home planet Earth is known for its abundance of water and life.
  • 71% of its surface is covered with water.

Facts about Mars

  • Due to its reddish appearance, it is often called the “Red Plant”.
  • Mars has two small moons.
  • Mars is also known as the red planet.
  • It has a thin atmosphere made up of mostly carbon dioxide.
  • It was once believed by Scientists that Mars once had liquid water on its surface.

Facts about Jupiter

  • Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
  • A planet which is a great comet catcher is Jupiter.
  • Jupiter is so massive that it could swallow all the other planets in our solar system more than twice over.
  • It has a great red spot, a giant storm that has been raging for hundreds of years.
  • It has many moons, including the four largest moons discovered by Galileo.
  • It is mostly made up of gas and liquid.

Facts about Saturn

  • Known for its beautiful rings made of ice and rock particles.
  • The most interesting fact about Saturn is that the planet is known for its iconic ring.
  • The second largest planet in our solar system.
  • It has many moons, including Titan, the largest moon in our solar system.

Facts about Uranus

  • The seventh planet from the sun.
  • It rotates on its side.
  • Uranus is more stormy than we thought.
  • It holds a faint ring system.
  • It has many moons.
  • Uranus is an ice giant.

Facts about Neptune

  • It is the farthest planet from the sun.
  • It has a deep blue colour due to methane gas in its atmosphere.
  • It also has a great dark spot.
  • It is also the last planet from the sun.
  • It has many moons, including Triton, a moon that orbits backwards. Isn’t it an interesting Neptune fact?

10 Fun Facts about Stars

Facts about Stars: Those distant twinkling lights in the sky are stars. They are massive and luminous spheres of gas primarily composed of helium and hydrogen. These stars have various facts which we will learn below – 

  1. In the entire sky, there are 9,096 stars which are visible to the naked eye.
  2. In the smaller nurseries stars are born in batches.
  3. Most stars travel the galaxy with companions or in clusters.
  4. It is estimated by the Astronomers that there are trillions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
  5. Trillions.
  6. Most of the stars travel the galaxy with companions.
  7. A massive star lives for millions of years, a cool dwarf lives for billions of years. 
  8. Stars come in different shapes, including red dwarfs, main sequence stars, giants and supergiants.
  9. A constellation is a group of stars that appear to form patterns in the night sky.
  10. The study of how stars form, evolve and die is called stellar evolution.

10 Interesting Facts about Moon

Moon with its eternal glow has taken the attention of all humans and inspired many poets also, but on the other hand, it has many scientific and unknown facts about it, which we mentioned below-  

  1. The Earth’s only permanent natural satellite is the moon.
  2. Moon is the second densest satellite.
  3. It is the dusty ball of the rock.
  4. The moon’s surface is actually dark.
  5. The moon is drifting away from the sun.
  6. It makes the Earth move as well as the tides.
  7. It has quakes too.
  8. The Moon was made when a rock smashed into Earth.
  9. Moon takes 27.3 days to travel all around the Earth and complete its orbit.
  10. A would weigh much less on the moon as compared to the Earth. 

Lesser Known Facts about Solar System Planets

Our solar system has eight planets and many of them have something special about them. To know all the special things about our planets read below – 

Interesting Facts about Solar System
  1. Mercury is hot.
  2. The reason is not known, but Venus doesn’t have any moon.
  3. A planet which is a great comet catcher is Jupiter.
  4. Uranus is more stormy than we thought.
  5. The most interesting fact about Saturn is that the planet is known for its iconic ring.
  6. Uranus is an ice giant.
  7. Venus is also known as the Earth’s twin.
  8. The farthest planet from the sun is Neptune.
  9. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.
  10. Mars is also known as the red planet.
  11. Our home planet Earth is known for its abundance of water and life.

Solar System Quiz

Q.1: Can you name the largest planet in our solar system?

A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Neptune

Q.2: Which is the coldest planet in our solar system? 

A. Saturn
B. Uranus 
C. Venus
D. Mercury

Q.3: Which is the planet nearest to the Sun? 

A. Mercury
B. Earth
C. Saturn
D. Venus

Q.4: Name the hottest planet in our solar system.

A. Neptune
B. Mercury 
C. Venus
D. Earth

Q.5:  Which is the planet farthest from the Sun? 

A. Uranus
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Neptune

Q.6: Which planet is often called the Red Planet?

A. Mars
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Neptune

Q. 7: What is the name of a star that is at the centre of our solar system?

A. Sun
B. Moon
C. Comet
D. Asteroid

Q.8: What is the name of a large ball of ice and dust that orbits the Sun?

A. Comet
B. Meteor
C. Asteroid
D. Planet

Q.9: What is the outermost layer of the Sun called?

A. Core
B. Radiative Zone
C. Convective Zone
D. Corona

Q.10: What is the name of the dwarf planet that was once considered a planet?

A. Pluto
B. Ceres
C. Eris
D. Haumea
Answer 1: C. Jupiter
Answer 2: B. Uranus 
Answer 3: A. Mercury
Answer 4: C. Venus
Answer 5: D. Neptune
Answer 6: Mars
Answer 7: Sun
Answer 8: Comet
Answer 9: Corona
Answer 10: Pluto
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Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about  Solar System. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!

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