19 Important Facts About Jharkhand 

3 minute read

The Indian state of Jharkhand was formed on November 15, 2000, by carving out the southern part of Bihar. Currently, it lies in the eastern part of the country and has an estimated area of about 79,720 square kilometres. In terms of land area, it is the fifteenth largest state in India. On the other hand, it is the fourteenth state in terms of population. Moreover, it is widely renowned for its lush forests, scenery, and waterfalls. Here are some interesting facts about Jharkhand in English for students to get to know the state better. 

Interesting Facts About Jharkhand 

  1. The name of Jharkhand is made up of two words: “Jhar,” which means forest, and “Khand,” which means land. Accordingly, Jharkhand is also known as the land of forests.
  2. A St. Columbia student in Hazaribagh first proposed the idea of this state in 1912.
  3. In 1955, the States Reorganisation Commission received a memorandum from the Jharkhand Party under the leadership of Jaipal Singh Munda, submitting a demand for a separate Jharkhand state. The claim was rejected due to the many languages spoken in the state.
  4. Jharkhand came into existence after its separation from Bihar in the year 2000. So it is also considered one of the newest states in India.
  5. The state has a large population of elephants and tigers, easily found in its diverse forests. 
  6. Ranchi is the capital of Jharkhand. It is considered the epicentre of the Jharkhand movement, focused on forming a separate state for the tribal areas of northern Orissa.
  7. Spread out across four miles, the Rock Garden of Ranchi is among India’s most spectacular rock gardens.
  8. The state celebrates Shravan Mela annually during the auspicious month of Shravan.
  9. It is considered the first planned industrial city in India.
  10. Palash, Sal, and Koel are the state’s flower, tree and bird respectively.
  11. Its native tongue has many similarities with the languages of the Harappan civilization.
  12. The Bokaro Steel City is one of the first planned communities of Jharkhand. 
  13. Karam, Vat Savitri, and Teej are popular festivals in this state.
  14.  With prestigious universities like NIT and Xavier School of Management, Jharkhand is well-known for its high literacy rate. 

Facts About the Government of Jharkhand 

  1. The government of Jharkhand was determined by the Indian Constitution in the year 1950.
  2. The governor, considered the head of the state, is appointed by the president of India.
  3. In the state of Jharkhand, the legislature is composed of two houses: the legislative council, which is the upper house, and the Legislative Assembly, which is the lower house.
  4. The state is further subdivided into a number of districts. Each of these districts is governed by a deputy commissioner whose alternative duty is to serve as the collector and the magistrate in addition to his or her primary duties.
  5. These districts are further subdivided into divisions, each of which reports to a sub-divisional officer for administration.

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about Jharkhand. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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