Facts About Dinosaurs That No One Knows

3 minute read

Facts about Dinosaurs: Thanks to all ‘Jurrasic Park,’ we know something about dinosaurs. Before that, only Ross Geller from ‘Friends’ would have been aware of all these palaeontologist things. Well! When it comes to learning about these extinct animals, we have started learning about them through studies and research very late. From understanding these animals through fossils to making movies that aware people of their existence, every industry has played their part. This article will share some more facts about dinosaurs that you should know. 

Facts About Dinosaurs Extinction

Beginning the series of facts about dinosaurs with some amazing facts about their extinction. So scroll up to scale your knowledge of these animals. 

  1. The theory of dinosaur extinction is here! A massive asteroid impact is the most widely accepted theory for the dinosaur extinction. Evidence of this includes a global layer of iridium (rare on Earth but common in asteroids) at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. 
  1. The asteroid impact triggered catastrophic events like tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. But it was the subsequent global firestorms and dust clouds that blocked sunlight, leading to a “nuclear winter” effect.
  1. The lack of sunlight caused plants to die, affecting the entire food chain. Large, cold-blooded dinosaurs were particularly vulnerable to this dramatic climate change.
  1. Do you think all of the dinosaurs died after this event? While non-avian dinosaurs vanished, some of their feathered relatives survived. These small, bird-like creatures evolved into the diverse bird species we see today.
  1. The asteroid impact is believed to have been the final blow to dinosaur populations. However, they were already struggling with other environmental factors, such as volcanic activity and climate change.
facts about dinosaurs

Facts About Dinosaur Fossils

Now that we know the whole story of dinosaur extinction, it is time we move to some facts about dinosaur fossils.

  1. Dinosaur fossils are formed through a process called fossilization. This occurs when the remains of a dinosaur are buried rapidly in sediment, such as mud or sand. Over millions of years, the organic matter is replaced by minerals, creating a stone-like replica of the original bone. That is how palaeontologists have discovered these animals. 
  1. While dinosaur bones are the most common fossils, other remains can also be preserved. For instance, teeth, footprints, eggs, and even skin impressions. These fossils provide valuable information about dinosaur behaviour and appearance.
  1. Fossil hunting is an art. Discovering dinosaur fossils requires patience and expertise. Palaeontologists carefully excavate fossil sites to preserve fragile remains. The process can be time-consuming and challenging, but the rewards are immense.
  1. Fossils tell a story. Consider dinosaur fossils like puzzle pieces they help scientists reconstruct the prehistoric world. By studying fossils, palaeontologists can learn about dinosaur diets, habitats, and behaviour.
facts about dinosaurs
  1. Fossils are rare finds. Despite what movies might suggest, dinosaur fossils are relatively rare. Only a small fraction of dinosaurs that once lived left behind remains that were preserved as fossils. This makes each discovery even more exciting for scientists.

Facts About Dinosaurs For Kids

All the kids who hopped on to this article, there are some dino-mite facts for all the kids to learn. 

  1. Dinosaurs were HUGE! You might already know this fact about dinosaurs by now from the movie. Some were as big as buildings, while others were small like chickens.
  1. Not all dinosaurs ate meat. Some were plant-eaters and had special teeth for chewing leaves!
  1. Dinosaurs lived a long, long time ago. So long ago that humans weren’t even around yet! That is why we study dinosaurs now. 
  1. Some dinosaurs had feathers. Can you believe it? Even though they couldn’t fly like birds!
  1. Dinosaurs disappeared because of a big rock from space that hit the Earth. Boom!


What is a dinosaur no one knows about?

There could be countless undiscovered dinosaur species hidden beneath the Earth, waiting to be unearthed.

What is unknown about dinosaurs?

Much about dinosaur behaviour, physiology, and the exact causes of their extinction remains shrouded in mystery.

What are some famous dinosaur facts?

Some famous dinosaur facts include the immense size of sauropods, the ferociousness of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the theory that a catastrophic asteroid impact caused their extinction.

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Hope you had fun reading these facts about dinosaurs. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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