Test Your English Proficiency with this Editing Quiz!

1 minute read
Editing Quiz

Are you the grammar nazi of your group? Do you think you know the correct way to use words in sentences? Do you think you have a good command of your English? If you could easily pick up that we should use ‘on your English’ instead of ‘of your English’ in the previous sentence, this quiz is for you. So, let’s get started with the Editing Quiz.

Editing Quiz

How many of the Editing Quiz questions did you get right? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Quora, and Instagram for more such fun educational quizzes! Also, check out our informative blogs on the latest educational news, careers, and courses as well!

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  1. I got 8 correct out of 10 but still I think I am not good speaker. How will I improve my English speaking?

    1. Hi Sunil!

      You can improve your English language skills through books, movies and classes. You should explore our Leverage Live classes where you can improve your speaking and writing skills in no time. Here is the link: https://live.leverageedu.com/
      Best of luck!

        1. Hi Viraj.

          Thanks for adding on to our comment. Reading newspapers and consuming English media in the form of songs, movies, podcasts etc. are all great ways to improve your English.

          If you want to focus on improving English speaking, practice speaking. If you have somebody you can talk to in English, that is a great way to gain confidence in the language too.

          Joining English speaking classes can also help foster a positive and safe environment where somebody who is otherwise hesitant may feel more comfortable in practising their skills.

  2. I got 10, but the answers were subliminal according to the options provided, do you think it is the right way of attempting questions or could it be mastered with anonymous question solving or do I need to go through the rules and definitions again?
    thank you.

  1. I got 8 correct out of 10 but still I think I am not good speaker. How will I improve my English speaking?

    1. Hi Sunil!

      You can improve your English language skills through books, movies and classes. You should explore our Leverage Live classes where you can improve your speaking and writing skills in no time. Here is the link: https://live.leverageedu.com/
      Best of luck!

        1. Hi Viraj.

          Thanks for adding on to our comment. Reading newspapers and consuming English media in the form of songs, movies, podcasts etc. are all great ways to improve your English.

          If you want to focus on improving English speaking, practice speaking. If you have somebody you can talk to in English, that is a great way to gain confidence in the language too.

          Joining English speaking classes can also help foster a positive and safe environment where somebody who is otherwise hesitant may feel more comfortable in practising their skills.