
The Secret to a Great GRE Score

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The secret to a great GRE score

The GRE is a popular entrance exam that is required by the majority of the world’s top universities. A high score here can increase your chances of admission to your dream university. Students are always looking for efficient ways to perform well on this exam. In this blog, you’ll find the secret to a great GRE score and some tips that will help you perform better in the exam.


Tips to Score 330+ in GRE

Here are some tips for a great GRE Score:

  1. Expect a 330 on the GRE

The difference between a 330 and a 320 score, according to the high scorers, is only one exception: vocabulary. The GRE deliberately tests a small amount of material.

It does not, however, test trigonometry, calculus, art history, or underwater basket weaving. Once you’ve mastered the GRE material, improving your score is no longer a matter of learning new things and following preparation tips.

You must first learn the material, and you must learn it thoroughly. That is the only requirement for obtaining a score of 330 or higher, but it is not the end of the story.

2. Be a Good Test Taker

Before deciding to aim for a 340, you must first outperform at least 325-330 on your first couple of practice exams. Preparation with GRE tips allows you to take and perform well on other ETS exams.

This is extremely useful if you are familiar with the general style of ETS question writing. You’ve mastered the fundamentals when you consistently score at least 165-167 on each section.

You need to review a few vocabulary words or math problems that you keep forgetting. Once you reach the 336+ range, the only difference between a 339-340 and a lower score is a couple of mistakes and ignoring some critical GRE preparation tips.

3. Not difficult, but study wisely

GRE Tip: Study wisely to achieve a GRE score of 320 or higher.

Constantly studying hard does not help.

Develop a systematic approach to studying using GRE tips, as well as hard work in areas that require improvement. This allows you to achieve better results faster and get closer to your target score.

4. Determine the Most Effective way

Determine how you study and, more importantly, how you prepare and the strategies you employ. Some people learn better by writing things down, while others study by hearing the information and letting it sink in.

There are only a few GRE prep sites available today that can help you score 320+ with effective GRE exam tips. You can also look back at successful study habits from college to determine your learning strengths and create a solid study plan.

5. Find a Creative Studying Method

The faster you work without sacrificing accuracy, the more likely you will be able to respond. Practice with a stopwatch until you can time lengths of 1 or 2 minutes. Experiment with longer and timed problem sets. Don’t let yourself go over the time limit. Begin with shorter sets and progress to longer, timed problem sets.

Even during practice sessions, don’t go over the time limit. If necessary, make educated guesses during these sets. Try these GRE preparation tips with both randomly selected problems and problem sets focused on specific topics. Take your long problems as seriously as your mistakes. Even if you get it right, spending more time on these problems will help you improve.

6. All hail the GRE Official Guide!

The official GRE guide published by ETS is the most effective and authoritative test preparation resource. ETS, as the GRE’s conductor, will find accurate GRE-style questions in the guide. Using this guide to practise will help you get a sense of what to expect.

Although the book is not exhaustive in terms of GRE preparation, it is crucial. Because the GRE is an online exam, studying from a book may not be the best way to improve your time management skills.

7. Don’t Expect the Cram

Cramming is not a good way to preserve “mental acquisition.” If you are looking for last-minute GRE tips or want to study for ten hours a day or two before the test, you are more likely to get a lower score. Nothing you study will stick, and it is critical to take the day before the test off.

8. Mental Math Tricks to Master

A quick calculation is essential for moving through the Quant section. Knowing where the graph for x2=12-x would touch the axes will give you an extra 30 seconds to solve the next question.

Each problem should take no more than two minutes to solve. Use the calculator sparingly and take your time with word problems. When answering problem-solving questions, use the backup strategy. Improve your phrasing skills and respond confidently. As a result, you can reduce the number of times you read.

10. Remember to take a practice test

The GRE is a four-hour exam that comes with its own set of pitfalls. When attempting a GRE test session, you should be in a Zen state. If you’re not paying attention, you could make silly mistakes. Furthermore, you may lose some important GRE preparation tips along the way.

To effectively deal with this, one must become as familiar with the GRE test environment as possible. Investing in a mock test source can help you improve your attention, focus, and concentration. There are several free GRE practice tests available on the internet, but only a few of them are even remotely comparable to the real thing.

11. Be content and unwind

Even if it sounds silly, believing in yourself is the best way to get a good GRE score.” This is the top GRE tip that leads to more high scores. “Once you truly believe in yourself, you’ll be looking forward to the test because you know you’ll do well.”

Finding the right mental composure is essential for perceiving the test positively and knowing how much time to devote to fully comprehending the GRE exam. The day before the test, go to the test centre so you know exactly how to get there and what traffic might be like. If you stick to your study schedule and find a good GRE prep resource, you’ll be well on your way to test-taking success.

GRE Score Range

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the GRE range from 130 to 170. In contrast, the Analytical Writing Assessment has a score range of 1 to 6. As a result, the minimum AWA score required on the GRE is between 1-6. While the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning scores rise by one point each, the Analytical Writing score rises by half a point.

SectionScore Range
Verbal Reasoning130 – 170 with intervals of 1 (scaled)
Quantitative Reasoning130 – 170 with intervals of 1 (scaled)
Analytical Writing Assessment1 – 6 with intervals of 0.5

Analytical Writing has a maximum score of 6 and a minimum score of 0. To determine the maximum GRE score, you must first determine the composite scores. The highest composite GRE score is 340, while the lowest GRE score is 260. The composite score incorporates the Verbal and Quant sections’ scores, whereas the AWA section score is presented separately. However, the GRE cut-off for each university varies, so check before applying to the institutions of your choice. The GRE score range for individual subject tests is 200 to 900, increasing in 10-point increments.

Percentile Rank

GRE scores are also converted into percentile ranks before being calculated. The percentile ranking indicates where you stand in relation to the other candidates. If you have a GRE score of 170 in each component (Verbal and Quant), your percentile rank is 99. This indicates that you outperformed 99 other people who took the test. Similarly, if you score 165 in each component, your percentile rank is 96.

Why is it Important to Choose a Target Score?

It is critical to pay attention to the GRE cutoff for the colleges to which you have chosen to apply. Each college will have a different cutoff score, and you must try to exceed it in order to be considered for admission. So, what is the key to selecting the appropriate target score? You may be wondering if 300 is a good GRE score, 320 is a good GRE score, or 330 is a good GRE score. To answer these numerous questions, it is critical to consider the college’s cut-off scores rather than randomly assuming a number is a good GRE score.

Colleges frequently provide cutoff scores as a range, such as 320-330, or as a single figure, such as 332. The higher cutoff scores are the safest bet for selecting your GRE target score. If the range you’ve been given is 320-330, it’s a good idea to set 330 as your target score to account for the margin of error or unforeseen circumstances on the exam.

Key Takeaways

The bottom line is that studying for the GRE is the only way to significantly improve your score. Unfortunately, there is no magic secret trick to improving GRE scores other than studying efficiently. The more you want to improve, the more you’ll need to study.

However, there are a few factors that may make it easier or more difficult to improve your score through study:

  • If you’ve already studied extensively, you may find it more difficult to obtain a significant point increase simply because you’ve addressed many of your weaknesses.
  • The faster you learn new material, the less time it will take you to gain a point increase.
  • You’ll be able to raise your score relatively easily if you have a solid content foundation that you just need to brush up on. If you have significant gaps in your understanding of math concepts or reading comprehension, it will take more effort to close those gaps and earn a point increase.


Q1. How can I improve my drastically GRE score?

A. Some pointers to improve your GRE Score are:
Make a list of how you have been studying for the GRE.
Create and stick to a study schedule.
Keep an Error Log.
Review GRE Vocabulary.
Take practice exams on a regular basis.

Q2. Is a GRE score of 320+ easy?

A. To achieve a GRE score of 320 or higher, I strongly advise you to devote at least 30 days to preparing. Almost everyone who scored 320 or higher prepared in roughly the same way. You can modify the plan based on the amount of time you have available for studying each day and the resources you want to use for preparation.

Q3. What is 75% on the GRE?

A score of 157, which is in the 75th percentile, means you outperformed 75% of the test takers, which is something you should be very proud of. With a score in this range, you can apply to most graduate programmes and have a good chance of getting in without retaking the GRE.

This was all about how you can improve your GRE score. If you wish to prepare for GRE, let us assist you in the journey. Contact our Leverage Edu experts and book your 30-minute free trial on 1800 57 2000

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