
Studying Abroad Dreams for Indian Women: US Tops List

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Indian women are increasingly looking towards international education to build their careers, with nearly half (49%) citing better job prospects as the main motivator, according to a recent survey by MSM Unify, a platform for studying abroad. The good news? More women than ever are considering this path – 71% of female respondents in the survey said they were exploring study abroad opportunities.


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However, there are hurdles to overcome. The biggest challenge, according to a whopping 67% of women surveyed, is financial. This includes a lack of awareness about scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options. Visa processes and long waiting times were another concern for 17% of respondents.

Studying Abroad Dreams for Indian Women: US Tops List

This trend aligns with a historical milestone. In 1883, Anandibai Joshi became the first Indian woman to study abroad, pursuing medicine in the US. Today, 141 years later, almost half of all Indian students studying abroad are women.

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MSM Unify Survey Highlights

  • Top Motivator: Career Advancement: Nearly half (49%) of the women surveyed said better career prospects were the main reason for considering studying abroad. They believe an international education will open doors to better jobs compared to studying in India.
  • Subject Choices: Science (21%), Management (17%), Arts (12%), Technology (7%), and Languages (5%) emerged as the top areas of interest for women seeking to study abroad.
  • Financial Hurdles: The biggest challenge for women was financial constraints (67%). This includes a lack of awareness about scholarships and financial aid options.
  • Visa Concerns: Lengthy visa processes and waiting times were another major concern, impacting 17% of respondents.
  • Destination Choices: The US and the UK remain the most popular study destinations for Indian women. However, the survey also indicates a growing interest in exploring alternative study abroad locations.

MSM Unify surveyed over 1250 students and 250 education consultants to gain these insights.

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Planning for Your Study Abroad Dreams

The MSM Unify survey results highlight the aspirations of Indian women and the challenges they face in pursuing international education. Here are some takeaways for students considering studying abroad:

  • Research Scholarships and Financial Aid: Don’t let finances be the sole deterrent. Explore scholarships, grants, and financial aid options offered by universities, governments, and private organizations.
  • Start Early: The application and visa processes can be lengthy. Starting your research and planning well in advance can ease the pressure.
  • Explore All Options: While the US and UK are popular choices, consider other countries with strong academic programs and potentially less competitive admissions processes.

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Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, and with careful planning and resourcefulness, Indian women can turn their dreams of international education into reality. Want more such updates? Make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates.

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