
Study in Ireland: 5 UCC International Scholarships for Non-EU Students 

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University College Cork, Ireland offers several international scholarships to students. The scholarships mainly cover the partial tuition fees of the students. However, the exact scholarship amount and eligibility criteria can vary depending on the scholarship type. Most UCC international scholarships do not require any application. That is, the award is automatically given to eligible students. The University College Cork ranks 292 in the world (as per the QS World Rankings 2024). Hence, it is an excellent university to study in Ireland. 

Top 5 UCC International Scholarships for Non-EU Students 

Study in Ireland: 5 UCC International Scholarships for Non-EU Students 

SEFS International Student Merit-Based Scholarship

The SEFS International Student Merit-Based Scholarship awards students enrolling in the College of Science, Engineering, and Food Science for the taught Masters programmes. The scholarship value depends on the academic merit of the student.  Therefore the amount can vary between  €1,000, 10% or a  20% reduction in tuition fee.

SEFS International Undergraduate Scholarship

The SEFS International Undergraduate Scholarship grants international students who have accepted an offer letter from the UCC Application portal. However, this scholarship solely targets students enrolling in the College of Science, Engineering, and Food Science. The scholarship benefit is an amount of 25% reduction in tuition fees. Moreover, the award is renewable for 4 years. 

College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences International Undergraduate Scholarships

This scholarship is available to undergraduate Non-EU students. The scholarship benefit is a reduction in 15% fee reduction in each year of study. Moreover, the scholarship is renewable for 3 years. To receive this scholarship you must receive an offer letter from the university. 

College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences International Merit-Based Scholarships

This scholarship is available to students enrolling in the taught Master’s programme. This is a merit-based scholarship. Therefore, the scholarship amount can vary depending on the GPA of the student. Generally, a tuition fee reduction of 10%, 20% or an amount of €1,000 is given as a scholarship fund. To receive the scholarship, you must have accepted the offer letter.

College of Business and Law International Undergraduate Scholarships

This scholarship is available to non-EU students who have accepted an offer letter from the UCC application portal. The scholarship benefit is  €5,000 per annum to full-time undergraduate students. However, the university awards only one scholarship per full-time international undergraduate student. They grant the award on an annual basis. 

Apply for scholarships in  Ireland. Find out more scholarships and grants here. To discover more news updates like this one visit the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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