
Study Abroad in Australia: Cape Breton Students Now Have Shuttle Services To The Rescue From Housing Issues

2 minute read
Are you a Cape Breton student facing travel issues? Here are some shuttle options by the local community for traveling faster, and cheaper at a cost of only $100!
Are you a Cape Breton student facing travel issues? Here are some shuttle options by the local community for traveling faster, and cheaper at a cost of only $100!
With the rising housing issues in Australia to house international students, JK&B’s Shuttle Service has come to the rescue to pick up and drop off Cape Breton University students from far across the country.

International students are currently flooding Australia, especially from China and India. With the Chinese borders reopening after the pandemic, housing shortages have increased. However, Australian locals do not cease to amaze the student community with their community services. Cape Breton students can now look into great travel options to and fro to attain University classes. 


Shuttle Services For Cape Breton Students

Billy Rohrback and his family own JK&B’s Shuttle Service. This shuttle service started as a result of Rohrback noticing the sheer shortage of affordable travel options for Breton students. Forced by the housing shortages in Australia, the students take up suburban localities to house themselves. This shuttle service is based in Whitney Pier. The owners reported the travel stress of the international students. A Cape Breton student travels from Halifax to Sydney and back just to attend University classes. The family had already faced similar issues while settling in Australia. This community service evolved from the shared pain faced by the family.

JK&B’s Shuttle Service Demand

There is a considerable demand for JK&B’s Shuttle Service among the Cape Breton students. The service is available seven days a week at affordable rates to suit the already hiked prices of Australian housing. The route of service is up and down from Halifax to Sydney. The student community gets stronger every day bringing in more travelers to the shuttle business. With all these great merch points, JK&B’s shuttle service has an affordable rate of $105.

Cape Breton’s Shuttle Services According to Locations

Cape Breton has a lot of local communities that provide shuttle services to various other locations. Some other services namely are Island Shuttle and Cape Breton Shuttle. These are not competitors but hail themselves as community service providers. They have a strong community connection that makes the entire crew of shuttle services popular among Cape Breton Students.

Ocean Wave Shuttle is starting in Dominion soon. This service will get students not only to Cape Breton but also to the mainland. The company set a price below $100 one way for students and seniors between Halifax and Sydney. The owner of Ocean Wave Shuttle says, “This is a noble cause for me.”

Are you a Cape Breton student facing travel issues? Here are some shuttle options by the local community for traveling faster, and cheaper at a cost of only $100!

International students in Australia, especially at Cape Breton University, are in luck to get huge advantages from community services. It shows how education is transforming the world slowly but steadily. While housing issues are creating longer routes to Universities, these generous communities are a huge rescue.

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