
Safety And Security Considerations When Choosing A Study Abroad Plan

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Safety And Security Considerations When Choosing A Study Abroad Plan

95% of students who study abroad notice that it helps them mature and learn how to live with confidence independently. Part of ensuring you get the most out of your studies abroad is making sure you’re safe.


Security and safety are paramount for you to have an enriching experience and avoid disasters that could harm your confidence and willingness to explore.

How can you choose a study abroad plan with safety and security in mind? Here is our guide on how to find accommodation and educational institutions that support your safety and comfort.

Why Study Abroad?

Studying abroad can seem intimidating, but there are many plans and programs to help you get started. By choosing to study abroad, you’ll experience the following advantages:

  • Cultural education: The world is vast, and studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn more about another culture and broaden your worldview. 
  • Confidence: Moving countries can be intimidating, but conquering this fear and successfully living abroad can increase your confidence and life skills. It’s an experience that sets you up for more independence and self-reliance later in life.
  • Access: There may be better opportunities for your studies abroad, and a top-level education is always the smartest choice.
  • Reinventing yourself: If you are unsettled in your current living situation, adventuring overseas is a great way to find a connection and reinvent yourself. New life, new you!

Do not let fear overshadow the benefits of studying abroad. You can take plenty of precautions to ensure a positive experience and avoid becoming a victim of crime.

How To Ensure Your Safety When Studying Abroad: Top Considerations

By following the considerations and best practices listed below, you’ll have a safe and enriching experience while abroad.


Before selecting a place to study abroad, it’s important to research the area’s crime rates and safety statistics. No city is perfect, and crime is inevitable. 

But avoiding high-risk areas is a great place to start. Create a list of the institutions you’re interested in, and give them a safety rating. This will allow you to create a hierarchy of institutions. Your safety should be a priority over institution features, so let your crime research inform your decision above all else.

Secure Accommodation And Educational Facilities

Once you have created a priority list based on city crime rates, you can begin researching accommodation and educational institutions in the area. 

Below are some key security features to look out for when choosing. These are essential security features and should educate you on your final choice.

Access Control

Traditional key and lock systems will not guarantee your safety, as there is still room for lockpicking and forced entry. Choose a secure educational institution that offers access control for student safeguarding – this may be a keycard, pin code, fob, or mobile access credential system. 

You will be given your keycard or access credentials, and they will allow you to enter the educational premises or your accommodation. No lock means no potential for lockpicking and an increased guarantee of your safety. Should you lose or misplace your access credentials, report them to the institution immediately so that the access permissions can be revoked and the keycard can’t be used.


If you do fall victim to a crime while studying abroad, evidence will help you make an insurance claim, reclaim stolen goods, or prosecute for harm. School surveillance systems act as documentation for crimes and deter them. Potential intruders or thieves will be deterred by the presence of surveillance, as they fear being recorded and getting caught.

The institution and accommodation you choose will list their security policies, and it’s important to look out for access control and surveillance on this page. If these security features are not listed, email the institution to enquire about their security policy and avoid selecting places without these basic security measures.

Planning Your Commute

You are at risk and vulnerable when traveling to university every day. Prioritizing on-campus accommodation is in your best interest. But, if this isn’t an option, it’s best to plan your commute and ensure it’s as short and safe as possible. For example, make sure your commute does not cut through high-risk areas or high-crime neighborhoods, as this leaves you vulnerable.

Support Networks

Without an effective support network, you have nowhere to turn if you feel unsafe. Before studying abroad, find others who will be international students and join group chats, forums, and open communication networks.

This way, you will always have someone to ask for help when needed, as living alone in a foreign place can be scary and overwhelming without support. Remember not to share your address or personal details on these support channels.


Deciding to study abroad can be an exciting and empowering decision. But your safety always comes first. Select a study location that offers you the safety you need to enjoy and thrive in your studies and ensure your accommodation offers adequate protection. By engaging with a support network before you leave and planning your commute, you’ll be safe and secure to begin your new academic journey!

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