
PTE Daily Essay Topic: Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters.

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PTE Daily Essay Topic: Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters.
PTE Daily Essay Topic: Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters.

Q. Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Do you support it or not? (Agree/Disagree)

Ans. I vehemently believe that film and sports stars, while demonstrably talented in their respective fields, should not be held aloft as paragons of virtue or unquestionable role models. Their exceptional abilities within their chosen sphere do not inherently render them exemplars worthy of universal emulation. 


Indeed, I have observed a concerning trend among some segments of contemporary society who idolize celebrities primarily for the purpose of garnering social validation. In my opinion, such individuals are misguided in their search for inspiration. For those seeking aspirations to pursue, I advise looking not to the dazzling yet often ephemeral world of fame, but rather to individuals closer to home whose values and integrity offer a more grounded and reliable foundation for personal growth. These “real-life heroes,” as they might be described, provide models of conduct and achievement far more relevant and attainable than the often-flawed figures elevated to celebrity status. By focusing on such individuals, we can cultivate aspirations that are both meaningful and achievable.

The allure of the celebrity world is undeniable, yet for the sake of our youth, it is crucial to maintain a significant distance. My conviction stems from the belief that this seemingly glamorous facade conceals a perilous undertow, capable of sucking individuals into a maelstrom of despair. Tragically, numerous young people have succumbed to its deceptive appeal, idolising celebrities and emulating their lifestyles. The consequences have been devastating, often leading to destructive paths of debauchery, substance abuse, and other harmful addictions.

In conclusion, idolising celebrities sets a detrimental precedent due to their often excessive lifestyles. The youth should resist emulating these figures and, instead, seek inspiration from individuals with genuine values and responsible conduct.

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