
Politics Related Vocabulary for IELTS

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Politics Related Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary plays an important role in articulating content. Vocabulary is of significant importance in IELTS speaking and Writing section. A good vocabulary will assist you to write meaningful and concise content instead of lengthy and dull ones. To help you enhance your score in the IELTS speaking and writing section, we have shared some politics-related vocabulary for IELTS exam preparation. 


Politics is an important topic as it is the foundation of the Constitution and human rights. Usually, you may face questions related to political topics. Now, if you have a rich vocabulary then your written answer will look more presentable. Undoubtedly, you will score well here. Here are some reasons why you should learn about Politics-related Vocabulary. 

  • Politics is an important subject that affects the economic decisions in the country. 
  • Learning Politics-related Vocabulary will help you to write an essay on politics-related topics such as Democracy, government, Human Rights, Constitution, Voting, etc.
  • It will help you to speak on topics such as Democracy, government, Human Rights, Constitution, Voting, etc in the IELTS Speaking test. 

Must Read: Tips to Improve Your Vocabulary For Best PTE Score

Opinion-based questions regarding government or politics are very common in English proficiency tests like IELTS, and to respond well you need a strong politics-related vocabulary. Here are some politics-related vocabulary terms to learn along with its meaning. 

Words Meaning 
Adhere To act according to rules
AusterityWithout comfort
BudgetBasic rights are given by the constitution to all the Indian citizens 
Political campaignPromotion for voting 
CorruptionMisuse of power
DemocracyVoting for elected representatives 
ImpeachCharge with misconduct
LegislationMaking a law legal
Right-wingSupporting capitalism
Reform Modification
Central governmentFederal government
ElectTo Vote 
Local government Administers a specific region 
State government Administers a specific state
PolicyA proposed set of plan 
Ruling governmentA political body that administers and regulates the country
Indian ConstitutionA document comprising laws, powers, government structure, and fundamental rights 
Fundamental Rights Rule of Conduct
LawRule of conduct

Synonyms are helpful in communicating an idea or thought in different ways. Below we have mentioned similar words related to politics and government that you can use to enhance your content. 

  • Bureaucratic
  • Political
  • Civic
  • Constitutional
  • Government-related
  • Legislative.
  • Official

Tips to Improve IELTS Vocabulary 

With each new term that you learn, you open a way to communicate an idea. Vocabulary improves the quality of a sentence by making it more concise and meaningful. Here are some tips to improve your vocabulary 

  • Reading Enriches Your Vocabulary- Read from as many sources as possible. You can read blogs, newspapers, magazines, comic books, articles etc. Search for the meaning of the words that you are unfamiliar with while you are reading. 
  • Write New Words- Keep a notebook, flashcards or sticky notes with you where you write down the words you are learning daily. It’s an easy way to revise the terms you are memorising. 
  • Learn From Internet- Watch vocabulary videos available on the internet. You must also switch on the lyrics or subtitles while watching a series/movie to get familiar with new words. 


What is the importance of learning IELTS vocabulary?

With each new term that you learn, you open a way to communicate an idea. Vocabulary improves the quality of a sentence by making it more concise and meaningful.

Why is it important to learn politics-related vocabulary for the IELTS exam? 

Learning politics-related vocabulary will help you to write an essay on topics like Democracy, government, Human Rights, Constitution, Voting, etc. Also, you can speak on them too in the IELTS speaking test.

Is politics-related vocabulary important for IELTS speaking section?

Yes, it is. By adding a political term in your IELTS test answer, you’ll make your answer more presentable.

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