
Mahatma Gandhi Fellowship 2023

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Just as the name of the scholarship sounds full of intrigue, therapeutic values, and resilience, Mahatma Gandhi Fellowship stands for its values in building the youth of India. The fellowship is immensely sought after as a certificate program from the Government of India. This two-year course has the capability to direct the course of a student’s mind into the game of cultivating development in the rural parts of India. The Gandhi fellowship is given the name as it stands for the same determination that Gandhiji had: to make the youth of India powerful.

Name of the CourseMahatma Gandhi Fellowship 2023
Hosting BodyIIM
Last Admit Year2022- 2024
Course Duration2 years
StipendINR 14,000
ExposureRural India
EligibilityUG/PG (+ experience)
Application FeeINR 500
Age to Apply18 to 26 years
Scheme FounderMinistry of Skills Development
Scheme PartnerState Skill Development Missions (SSDMs)

About Gandhi Fellowship

The Gandhi Fellowship is very distinctive in its nature. It embeds determination in the mind of the students through its immersive practical projects in rural India where development is required. The two-year course transforms the lives of the fellows and the people connected with them. The Fellowship started in 2008 with a group of just 11 fellows in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. Today, at the further edge of the 21st century, the fellowship builds the youth into transformational leaders who foresee opportunities and take up challenges for India’s development.

Gandhi Fellowship Curriculum

The Gandhi Fellowship has the objective to measure the overall holistic development of each candidate. Leadership is the main skill that this fellowship focuses on. The curriculum is developed accordingly that allows the full-fledged development of the learner. These are the core areas that are included in the fellowship curriculum. 

  • Leadership Curriculum
  • Monthly Workshops
  • Boot Camps
  • Kaun Banega The New Millionaire (K.B.T.N.M)
  • Learning Journey
  • Field Support
  • Community Immersion
  • Classroom Immersion
  • Government System Immersion
  • Vipassana
  • Debriefs
  • One-on-one

As one can see and understand, every nook and corner of personal and professional development is taken care of. There are absolute practical projects while those of a balance of core theories and putting them to work. The best part is that the curriculum has the clarity to change as per the requirements of the time and the developing issues.


There are some rigid eligibility criteria for applying to this fellowship.

  • The candidate should be an Indian.
  • Aces at academics and extracurricular activities.
  • Sensitive enough to realize the depth of national issues.
  • Candidate should be having UG or PG certification.
  • The marital status of the candidate must be ‘Single’.


The application process is absolutely online. The link for the current session is yet to appear on the official portal of the fellowship. The Gandhi Fellowship is being held by the Indian Institute of Management.


While there is no official notification about intakes in the year 2023, one might find the data of last year’s intake useful. In the Gandhi fellowship 2022 batch, the last date of application was March 31st, 2022.


The biggest support to the fellows of the Gandhi fellowship is that they are provided with stipends. INR 14,000 is dispensable towards the development of the fellow with INR 600 provided exclusively for the phone bills. The fellows are also entitled to some additional allowances:

  • Rent-free accommodation.
  • Travel expenses covered.
  • Miscellaneous expenses are optionally covered.

Apart from these, the basic taxable amount of INR 14,000 is divided into two chunks:

  • Pre-tax sustenance allowance of INR 7,000.
  • Cumulative interest-free value of INR 1.61 Lakhs.

An applicant has to pay a fee of INR 500 to enter this fellowship, a 2-year-long certificate program.

The cumulative amount is disbursed to the candidate after the successful completion of 23 months in the fellowship. The Fellows are free to utilize this amount at the end of the curriculum to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey. Also, they may use the amount for their higher studies in the same direction.

Operative Locations

The Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship operates in a few states of the country.

  • Delhi, 
  • Rajasthan, 
  • Jammu & Kashmir, 
  • Gujarat, Maharashtra, 
  • Madhya Pradesh, 
  • Andhra Pradesh, 
  • Assam, 
  • Orissa, 
  • Jharkhand, 
  • Bihar, 
  • Uttar Pradesh, 
  • Haryana, and 
  • Uttarakhand.

Responsibilities to Bear

Education is the chief area that is currently taken into account by this fellowship. The rural areas have a huge lack of literacy which is why the development is negligible. Thus, the stakeholders are being taught about the child that has to be educated. To enhance the all-round development of the child through proper education, these young leaders are taught to strategize the market and drive growth in favour of the development of the children of rural areas. This is because these kids will bring future steps towards the development of their coming generations. And, it all starts with breaking the boundaries of their academic and extracurricular activities. Through the program, the leaders also drive change in their local communities so that more people are reached. Mid-day meals are focussed on so that the kids know what healthy food habits hold for their brighter future ahead. The youth leaders also work with officials at the district and state levels to erode the obstacles and foster growth and fruition. 

Thus, the Gandhi Fellowship is dedicated to the real development of the Indians. It starts to look at the core issues that hinder education and growth in rural areas. Its aspiring leaders get to the core of the issues taking the government officials on a tour towards the plausible efforts that can change the rate of development in these areas. Leaders trained from this Fellowship would thus be a huge part of India’s development in the recent future.


What is the last date of the Gandhi Fellowship?

The last date to apply for the Gandhi fellowship is the 31st of March 2023.

What is the fee for Mahatma Gandhi fellowship?

An applicant has to pay a fee of INR 500 to enter this fellowship, a 2-year-long certificate program.

What are the advantages of the Gandhi Fellowship?

The Mahatma Gandhi Fellowship is a youth growth program where the candidates are trained to look at and solve the issues in the rural areas of India. These candidates are trained to better the development of rural India. The students are also provided a stipend amount of INR 14,000 to supplement the work that the student undertakes during the certificate course time.

What is the age limit for MGNF?

The applicants of the Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship should be between an age of 21 to 30 years. Also, the students must have proof of being an Indian citizen.

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