
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed anymore.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed anymore.

Brainstorming Ideas

a) I believe that computer screens will never be able to replace physical museums as they provide an immersive experience and help people have a direct connection with history.

b) These institutes have an ambience that helps them in a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 

c) These places also host workshops, lectures and guided tours and are representatives of preserving cultural heritage.

d) They give platforms to various artists and scholars to display their works and if we replace all of these with screens then it won’t remain the same anymore.

e) On-ground exposure to art and history ensures that everyone regardless of social and economic status gets to share and learn about the cultural heritage.

mind map

Q. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Ans. The advancements in technology have revolutionised the way people access information and engage with historical places and artworks. Some people argue that public museums and art galleries have become obsolete as they can be seen through computer screens. I strongly disagree with this, as I feel that physical museums and art galleries have a stronger purpose in life. 


The main reason for this is that art galleries and museums provide immersive experiences that can never be replaced with a computer screen. Staying in the presence of a historical artefact helps people time travel to different eras and cultures. The tangible experience that comes with having a direct connection with history and art in their direct scale and detail, is unbeatable. The ambience of these institutions fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage. For example, a history lesson becomes more interesting and engaging when students have direct contact with artefacts of that era. In addition to these, museums and art galleries are essential for education as they offer direct interaction with the subject matter. They also play an important role in preserving cultural heritage.

Moreover, many workshops, lectures and guided tours held in museums offer insights to the people from the perspective of experts, which further enhances the learning experience. They give platforms to artists and scholars to display their works and research. These places are also known to hold exhibitions, events, and community programs that build social interaction and community engagement. On the other hand, if one views art and historical objects through computer screens, it will devoid them of such things. Apart from that, not everyone has stable access to a computer or internet, especially in less developed regions. On-ground exposure to art and history ensures that everyone regardless of their social and economic status gets to share and learn about the cultural heritage. 

To conclude, although digital technology helps people view art and historical objects at their convenience, they can never replace the hands-on experience that one gets by physically going there. These institutions enrich people’s understanding of the past, enhance the present learnings and inspire future developments. That’s why I do not support the idea that technology will replace museums and art galleries.


Paraphrased Statement: The advancements in technology have revolutionised the way people access information and engage with historical places and artworks. Some people argue that public museums and art galleries have become obsolete as they can be seen through computer screens.

Thesis Statement:  I strongly disagree with this, as I feel that physical museums and art galleries have a stronger purpose in life. 

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: The main reason for this is that art galleries and museums provide immersive experiences that can never be replaced with a computer screen. Staying in the presence of a historical artefact helps people time travel to different eras and cultures. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:  The tangible experience that comes with having a direct connection with history and art in their direct scale and detail, is unbeatable. The ambience of these institutions fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage. For example, a history lesson becomes more interesting and engaging when students have direct contact with artefacts of that era. In addition to these, museums and art galleries are essential for education as they offer direct interaction with the subject matter. They also play an important role in preserving cultural heritage.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Moreover, many workshops, lectures and guided tours held in museums offer insights to the people from the perspective of experts, which further enhances the learning experience. They give platforms to artists and scholars to display their works and research. 

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: These places are also known to hold exhibitions, events, and community programs that build social interaction and community engagement. On the other hand, if one views art and historical objects through computer screens, it will devoid them of such things. Apart from that, not everyone has stable access to a computer or internet, especially in less developed regions. On-ground exposure to art and history ensures that everyone regardless of their social and economic status gets to share and learn about the cultural heritage. 

Conclusion: To conclude, although digital technology helps people view art and historical objects at their convenience, they can never replace the hands-on experience that one gets by physically going there. These institutions enrich people’s understanding of the past, enhance the present learnings and inspire future developments. That’s why I do not support the idea that technology will replace museums and art galleries.

Vocabulary in Use

AdvancementsProgress or enhancements in a particular field.
RevolutionisedTransformed something significantly for the better.
ObsoleteNo longer in use due to the emergence of newer and superior alternatives.
Immersive experiences Experiences that use digital technology to create a realistic and engaging environment.
Artefact A man-made object, often of historical significance.
TangibleSomething that can be physically touched or felt.
AmbienceThe mood or atmosphere associated with a particular place or thing.
Subject matterThe topic being discussed or the focus of a piece of art or literature.
InsightsDeep and often sudden understanding of a complex problem or situation.
Devoid Lacking in a typical or expected attribute.
On-ground exposurePractical experience gained in a real-world setting. The exact meaning can vary based on context.
Hands-on experienceActive participation in an activity, as opposed to just learning about it.
EnrichTo enhance the quality or value of something by adding to it.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the Linkers and Connectors:

  1. The advancements in technology have revolutionised
  2. Some people argue
  3. I strongly disagree with this, as I feel
  4. The main reason for this is:
  5. For example:
  6. In addition to these
  7. Moreover
  8. On the other hand
  9. Apart from that
  10. To conclude
  11. That’s why

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