
How to prepare your child for US Studies?

4 minute read

It is natural to be concerned about your child’s future education in the United States. You want your child to be self-sufficient as a parent. However, you are also worried about their well-being and progress abroad. We understand your concerns and have created this quick guide to help you learn from the experiences of other parents. Here’s everything you need to learn to prepare your child for US studies.


Tips to Prepare your Child for US Studies

Your child may experience some difficulty at first adjusting to a new country because the way of life, environment, people, and cultures all change. Here’s how you can make life easier for your child in the United States:

Its A New Start

College is a new beginning. Assist them in viewing their school years in their home country as one chapter and their college years abroad as a new leaf. It will prepare them to deal with situations that are outside of their comfort zone. Most universities provide extensive orientations to assist students in adjusting to their new lives.

Think About Their Career

Helping your child see the big picture is one of the most important things you can do for them. They must not lose sight of the end goal, which is usually a rewarding career. Assist them in making decisions about school, courses, and so on with the end goal in mind. As a result, they should think about the placement services and career training provided by each school.

Pick the University Carefully

In the United States, there are numerous universities and colleges. Always encourage your child to focus on the course of his or her choice before giving preference to a university or college. If your child is an introvert, look for colleges or universities with a low faculty-to-student ratio. Because your child will be unfamiliar with the country, it is best to anticipate these minor inconveniences.

Look Past the Rankings

Various world university rankings published by higher education are beneficial. However, your child mustn’t base their decision solely on the rankings. Their area of interest should play an equal role in their school selection.

Life Skills Education

Encourage them to become as self-sufficient as possible during this stage of their lives. Basic cooking, cleaning up after oneself, and personal financial planning can teach one invaluable life lessons.

Here are some life skills that you can teach to prepare your child for US studies and life in general:

  • Networking and socializing
  • Soft skills (communication, leadership, time management etc.)
  • Money management
  • Stress Management

Gain a Global Perspective

Assist your children in gaining an understanding of cultural differences. Instead of being surprised by new cultures, they could learn from them and gain a more global perspective. Above all, make sure your child understands that you believe in them. Your confidence in their abilities will boost their self-esteem. Assure them that you will always be there for them.

Take a Placement Test

When you are trying to prepare your child for US studies, they must understand the various types of tests that are used and what each one means.

The placement test is a standardized exam designed to evaluate your child’s ability to perform in class. It enables schools to choose which subjects to teach at each grade level. The placement test emphasizes fundamental skills like reading comprehension, arithmetic computation, and language proficiency (listening).

Academic institutions in the United States expect international students to meet certain academic and social standards. Make sure your child is prepared ahead of time!

The academic and social expectations of institutions in the United States vary greatly. In general, international students are expected to achieve the same educational goals as domestic students, but with the added benefit of being able to communicate in their native language (and possibly even take classes in it).

However, there are some differences in how universities evaluate an international student’s performance versus a local student. The best way for parents or guardians to prepare their children for this is to talk to them about what they will see at school—both inside and outside of the classroom—and how they can contribute positively.


How can I prepare my child to study abroad?

This is how you can prepare your child for US studies or study abroad, in general,
Learn about the Basic Requirements
Time-Period for Preparation.
Start Researching.
Study Expenses.
How are The Study Abroad Options Beneficial?
Health Insurance.
Teach Your Child How to Handle.
Top Universities to Pursue Higher Education Abroad.

What is the best age to study abroad?

After finishing high school or the required education in their home country, students typically fly abroad to pursue a bachelor’s/or master’s doctorate degree. As a result, the average age of students enrolling in a course abroad ranges from 18 to 27.

What is the first step for studying abroad?

Register for a Foundations of Study Abroad workshop. This is the first step that all students who want to study abroad must take to learn about the various types of programmes, GPA requirements, how to finance a study abroad experience, housing options, and what questions to ask their academic advisor.

If you want to get into a high-ranked university in the US or any other country, you’ll need more than just good grades; you’ll also need flawless application because the competition is fierce. You may enlist the assistance of Leverage Edu specialists to assist you with the application process so that you can realize your goals. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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