
How Studying Abroad Boosts Your Internship Chances When You Return Home

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Studying Abroad Boosts Your Internship Chances

Studying abroad isn’t just an opportunity to get the best education or travel to a far-off place — it opens up an entire world of new possibilities! It’s been proven that studying abroad has a whole plethora of benefits, including cultural competence, the chance to practice your language skills, global networking, self-sufficiency, and so much more. 


Likewise, most students wonder, ‘ Do internships help you get a job? — and the answer is a resounding yes, especially when those internships are combined with studying abroad. 

In an increasingly globalized world where employers are looking for candidates with diverse skills and cultural competencies, the experience gained while studying abroad can be a powerful asset in getting internships and launching your career. In this article, we’ll talk about how an international academic experience can enhance your resume and provide you with a unique advantage that sets you apart in the job market (and during internship interviews!).

Cultural Competence

One of the first things that come to mind when thinking about the skills gained when studying abroad is cultural competence. It’s no secret that traveling half-way across the world and engrossing yourself in another culture is bound to develop a deep and nuanced appreciation for diverse worldviews and practices. 

As students immerse themselves in a new cultural setting, they learn to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, recognize and respect differences, and adapt to varied social contexts. These skills are increasingly important in today’s globalized job market, where businesses work across borders and multicultural teams are the new normal. 

Besides working in international teams, students also acquire a knowledge of other cultures and business etiquette that will prove helpful with working with international clients. For example, Indians typically place great importance on formal titles, while the Swedish and Danish are on a first-name basis and shy away from hierarchy. 

By showcasing cultural competence gained from studying abroad, you can set yourself apart in competitive internship applications and boost your chances of getting that dream internship.

Language Skills

After cultural competence, the second thing that is usually associated with studying abroad is the opportunity to improve your language skills. According to a recent study, 61% of hiring managers stated that knowing at least two languages is increasingly essential for job seekers — and more employers are actively looking for candidates who have this skill set.
Speaking multiple languages ​​is a valuable skill in practically any profession, and can open doors to amazing internship opportunities with well-known companies. Being bilingual isn’t just about being able to speak more than one language — it also helps you understand different perspectives, lets you communicate with a wider audience, and improves cognitive skills

Soft Skills

Being proficient in a foreign language is considered to be a ‘hard skill’ (skills that are easy to quantify), but fear not — studying abroad also improves your soft skills! 

Studying abroad develops certain soft skills that are useful when interviewing for an internship and in everyday life. Living and studying in an unfamiliar country is a big challenge that requires adaptability, responsibility, and a certain courage to leave your comfort zone. 

To put it into perspective, think of this situation: in any job or internship, there are plenty of unknown situations that arise on a daily basis. While other employees will typically immediately turn to their boss with questions when encountering the slightest problem, an employee with adaptability and responsibility will be able to independently find a way out of any situation, saving time for both themselves and their boss.

International Connections

Studying abroad offers hundreds of chances to meet new people who could become valuable professional contacts for both you and potential employers. The network you build, along with recommendations from professors and fellow study abroad peers, can really set you apart in the job market. 

If you’re eyeing a position at a company that has ties to where you studied, your international connections might just tip the scales in your favor. Employers often see the benefit in hiring someone with overseas connections, as it could pave the way for business growth and fresh partnerships. Plus, it’s a fantastic chance to stay on top of industry trends and swap skills and insights.

Global Mindset

Studying abroad broadens your horizons and helps you develop a global mindset. Graduates from foreign universities are in high demand as they can offer innovative solutions and bring fresh (and global-minded!) perspectives to a business. Moreover, your experience abroad gives you the opportunity to introduce trends that may not yet be popular in your home country.

Prestige and Competitiveness

Last but certainly not least, there’s a certain prestige and competitive edge that comes with studying abroad. Attending a university overseas can add a touch of distinction to your CV, showing potential employers that you’ve met high academic standards. It demonstrates your willingness to embrace challenges, making you stand out as a candidate for internships and future career opportunities.

Good luck and go out there (literally!) to achieve internship — and career — success.

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