
Difference Between GPA vs. GRE

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gpa VS gre

When pursuing higher education abroad, questions are asked related to GPA vs GRE, such as “What is your GRE score?”. It is quite obvious to get worried about GRE scores as it is used by most consultancies for shortlisting universities. GPA too is equally important in the application process as these are the two basic requirements. Further, a low GRE or GPA score calls into question your ability to handle the curriculum. So, whereas a low GRE score does not automatically disqualify you, it does place you at a significant disadvantage. Many of us overlook several other factors when planning our master’s. Of course, the GRE must always be a priority but don’t overlook the other important requirements. So, to determine the difference between GPA vs GRE, we have covered all of the details in this article.

What is GPA?

Grade Point Average (Grade average) is a number that indicates how well you scored on average in your courses. It is predestined to score on a GPA scale ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 during the studies as well as display whether the overall grades were high or low. Your GPA is the sole measurement system or calculation that shows how good a scholar you are and whether you’ve been doing well during your university education.

In certain situations during your bachelor’s or master’s degree program, you would be asked to provide your GPA. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Participating in an organisation or club
  • Participating in any extracurricular activities
  • Scholarship application
  • Interested in pursuing a post-graduate or graduate degrees degree (Master’s, PhD)?

When academic institutions want to know exactly what sort of student you are, if you are a hardworking, striving student or someone who does not excel in their coursework, they look at your GPA.

What is GRE?

The standardized test known as the GRE (Graduate Record Exam) is used to get into graduate or business school in many countries, especially the United States. At 700 test centers, more than 100,000 graduate school applicants from approximately 160 nations take the GRE General Test. The GRE exam can be taken by applicants who want to pursue a master’s degree, specialized master’s course, MS, MBA, MEM, or doctoral degree. Six GRE subjects tests, in addition to the revised general test, assess candidates’ knowledge of their chosen field. The Educational Testing Service, or ETS®, administers the GRE exam.

GPA vs GRE: Key Areas to Focus

Some of the key areas that you may required to focus upon are as follows;

  • The versy essential factor is the requirement of GPA and GRE. GPA is basically grade point average with determines how well you have scored in the exam whereas GRE is a standarlised test conducted by ETC as a precondition for admission  in various institutions. Thus it is very important to decide and prepare well.
  • In case you have low GPA then you must take GRE test to increase your chances of admission into the universities and courses. 
  • You must also focus upon the application deadline, programs offered by the universities that accepts GRE scores. 
  • The majority of people disregard other aspects of their applications; They may have done social work or be great dancers, making them stand out from the crowd.
  • The inability of students to express themselves in the essay is a major obstacle. An essay is your chance to shine.  This kind of student needs someone who can find out a lot of information about him. After evaluation this person basically a professional can string important facts together to create a stunning canvas that perfectly depicts you.
  • A great place to start is to get in touch with a friend who has successfully gone through the process and discuss your profile with them. 
  • Further, your low GRE score can be made up for by a great essay; It may explain your academic failings and the lessons you learned the hard way; If done right, it can be extremely beneficial.

GPA vs GRE: Which is More Important?

GPA represents your academic achievement during your studies. It is more thoughtful and is used in often these admissions, whereas the GRE is regarded as a test which can be taken multiple times. GRE and GPA both have a significant impact on the application to international universities. As a result, it is best to excel academically while also performing well on the GRE. 

All you need to memorise is that the score isn’t just one of the eligibility criteria. A strong inspiration and study strategy is always beneficial to your career success.

What to do in Case of a Low GPA (CGPA) Score?

In case you got low GPA scores then you might feel that you may not have any option as you have minimum chances of getting into a good university. However, in this case, you can pursue your higher education in equally good universities such as Virginia Tech or Stony Brook University only because they have a different approach to admitting students. These universities basically evaluate students on their overall profile rather than their GPA or CGPA scores. 

You must now realize how crucial it is to create an overall profile that is compelling enough to gain admission to reputable universities. If your CGPA is low, you can still get into other prestigious institutions that use a holistic approach that considers a variety of factors.

Improve your profile holistically by having the following:

  • Strong research experience, as evidenced by -research papers or research programs
  • Powerful Statement of Purpose and Letter of Recommendation: Colleges that take a holistic approach usually place a high value on this factor, which many students are unaware of, and thus spend the least amount of time and energy on it. I probably spent 2-3 months customizing SOPs for each college, and more than a month on LORs.
  • Work experience: If you have done exceptional work, your job experience coupled with one LOR from your workplace can help you.


What are GRE acceptable scores?

Most schools or programmes that require the GRE have no set minimum score requirement. Acceptable scores differ depending on the university, programme, application pool, and other aim is to apply you submitted, such as coursework, Grade average, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and so on.

What is an acceptable minimum GPA for graduate school application?

Some universities or programmes do not have a minimum GPA requirement, while others do. Most programmes will not accept applicants with almost a 3.0 GPA; however, there will always be exceptions. Many students with under a 3.0 GPA are admitted to graduate programmes. More than a 3.5 GPA is required for highly viable programmes.

What do you mean by GRE?

The GRE stands for “Graduate Record Examination.” It is a highly standardized test administered by ETS as a prerequisite for admission to universities across Canada, the United States, and a few other countries.

So, study hard and get a good GRE score, but keep in mind that this is not the primary or only part of getting into the dream university. GRE is more of an addition to your main formula (research papers, CGPA, SOP and LOR). As a result, work to improve your student visa prospects by emphasising all requirements as well as eligibility criteria. Contact our Leverage edu team for more information and assistance. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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