How to Sell an Online Course Easily in 7 Steps

6 minute read
how to sell course online

The online learning industry is continually evolving. There is no better time than now to create your online course and sell it. Creating an online course doesn’t result in any upfront cost. Moreover, there are numerous topics on the internet that you can take up to teach. For example, business, animation, humanities and arts, photography, etc. Selling an online course is also an incredible idea for an entrepreneur as it helps in brand awareness, and builds authority. In this blog, we have explained how to sell course online. 

Select an Online Course Topic 

The first step of ‘how to sell course online’ is to select an online course topic. A course topic can be selected by keeping the target audience in mind. Identify the reasons to meet the interest of the people. Next, make sure the topic has market demand. Visit competitors’ courses and get an idea about the course fees, and the enrollment rates. Lastly, it is important to make sure that you have passion and expertise in the selected topic. For example, a photography expert can teach a beginner photography skills. 

Create a Solid Learning Outcome 

how to sell course online

The next step of ‘how to sell course online’ is to create a solid learning outcome. Ensure the course addresses the learners’ pain points and is relevant. Moreover, the course must provide practical examples and is time-bound. The instructor must make a proper course outline, and decide the type of course suitable for students. For example, they are creating a masterclass or short course. 

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Create a Title & Choose the Right Platform

The course title is the first thing that a learner notices about the course. Therefore, it must be clear, concise, specific, and result-oriented. After the title is selected, the instructor can choose the right platform for selling the course. Choosing the right platform is another major step for ‘how to sell course online’. While selecting a platform consider factors like the cost, the delivery methods, hosting options, and scalability. 

Consider Self-Hosting a Website 

how to sell course online

Another important step of ‘how to sell course online’ is to consider self-hosting a website for the online course. By using a personal website, the instructor can maximise profits and keep complete control of the content delivery and design. Moreover, there is greater flexibility in terms of setting up the price, course format, and marketing strategies. However, the downside is that having a personal website means additional costs. As the creator might have to spend on the hosting service and the domain name. Furthermore, the creator can miss out on the promotion and marketing offered by the existing platform.

Set Up a Pricing Structure 

An important step of ‘how to sell course online’ is to set up a pricing structure. To earn a profit, it is important to set up a pricing structure.  Short courses can be sold for around  $10 to $50, and a full course package can be sold for $100 or $1,000. While determining the price it is important to consider the course value, target audience, competitors price,  and course production costs. Some popular pricing methods are one-time payment methods and subscription methods. It is also possible to provide a course free of charge. Thus, driving traffic to the site and reaching a wider audience. 

5 Pricing Tips to Make a Succesful Online Course

The following are the tips to make the online course a quick seller:

  • Make sure you pick the price which is lower than the competition
  • Bundle up the course and give a discount to sell more and quick
  • Target the audience based on the price, for example, do not target a middle-class audience if the price you quoted is very high or do not sell a very cheap course to very rich people
  • Take surveys to know what price would be suitable and will attract the customers
  • Make sure your course is not the same price as the competitor, this will make the growth stagnant for both

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Improve the Value of the Online Course 

how to sell course online

To gain more profit, it is important to increase the course value. It is an important step in how to sell course online. To increase the course value, the instructor can start a limited-time offer, and provide premium content (like bonus lectures, 1-1 coaching sessions, etc), Creating a course bundle of the related courses and selling them at a discounted price is another way to increasing the value of the course. 

Market the Online Course

The last step for how to sell an online course is to market the course online. Several strategies have proven to be successful in terms of selling an online course. The course creator can experiment with different methods till a method generates a high return on investment. Some of the options to consider are sales funnels and lead magnets. It is also important to ensure that the website is SEO-friendly. Paid advertising and Email marketing are also excellent ways to make an online course. 


3 Tips for How to Sell Course Online 

Here are 3 important tips for successfully selling an online course. Online course creators can keep these things in mind to sell a course.

Watch the video below to learn more about selling online courses:

Credit: @makemoneymatt
  • Build trust with the learners by being transparent, and by sharing reviews, testimonials, and ratings given by previous students. Trust can also be built by sharing the credentials of the instructors. 
  • Another important tip is to make the course easily accessible to purchase. Generally, e-learning platforms take care of the payment methods. However, if the creator has chosen to sell a course on his/her website it is important to make sure that the payment processing is smooth. 
  • Collect Feedback from customers with the help of surveys, discussion boards, 1-1 interviews, etc. Feedback is crucial to learning how the customers feel about the course

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how to sell course online? Well, a course can be sold on an e-learning platform. Some of the popular platforms to create and sell an online course are provided below. To learn about Indian platforms watch the video below:

Credit: @CyberBaba
Platforms Feature Best For Pricing 
SkillshareQuick & easy course setupTeaching creative skillsFree (royalties for premium class minutes watched)
UdemyGuided, proper course creation flowIntroducing 1st online courseFree (3% to 63% revenue share on course sales)
TeachableSeveral AI features in the betaCreating an online school with marketingFree for 1 published course and 10 students 
ThinkificCourse templates, and sufficient sample content Customizable add-onsFree for 1 course and unlimited students (from $36/month)


Where is the best place to sell my course?

Some of the best platforms to sell an online course are Udemy, Kajabi, Teachable, Skillshare, Podia, and LearnWorlds. Creators can earn in these platforms by selling an online course. 

How do I create an online course for free to sell?

First, create a free account in an e-learning platform that is easy to use. Next, create a free account, and get a custom domain/set up a free URL. Next, select brand colours for an online course, and setup the course on the homepage of the website. Lastly, create an online course by using the course builder tool. 

How do I sell an online course with no followers?

It is possible to sell an online course with no follows. For this, you can use marketing strategies music as paid advertising, social media, influencer marketing, and creating lead magnets, among others. This can help the creator to gain potential customers. 

Is it possible to sell an online course with a low budget?

Yes, you can still sell your online course even if your budget is low on the platforms like Amazon or eBay. The Platforms charge minimum or no fee but you will lack the controlling power over these platforms.

Hope this blog provides you with all the important details. For more information about such courses, visit our online courses page.

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