Subordinating Conjunctions: Understand Meaning, Types & Exercises [With Answers]

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Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions: Subordinating conjunctions are parts of speech that join dependent clauses to independent clauses. The conjunctions are also referred to as subordinators. Some commonly used words in subordinating conjunctions include in order that, since, so that, though, unless, before, despite etc. To learn more about subordinating conjunctions, continue reading the blog post below.

What are Subordinating Conjunctions?

A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that is used to combine an independent clause and a dependent clause in a sentence. These conjunctions help in forming complex sentences. 


  • If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  • Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.
  • She stayed home because she was feeling sick.

Must Read: List of Conjunctions: Words, Rules, Uses, Types, PPT, Quiz

Types of Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions are of 7 types. Let us understand each one of them one by one. 


Under this, the subordinating conjunctions such as before, after, while, since and when are used. These conjunctions are used to indicate a transition in time. 


  • After he finishes his homework, he will go for a walk.
  • Since it was raining, they decided to stay indoors.
  • When the sun sets, the stars come out.

Cause and Effect

Subordinating conjunctions such as since, as, because, so, so that, provided that and though. These are used to indicate when or how an event took place and what was the result of it. 


  • Since it was raining heavily, the streets were flooded, causing traffic jams throughout the city.
  •  As she missed her train, Sarah arrived late to the meeting and missed the important presentation.


Some of the commonly used words are though, while, even though and whereas. These are used to show the difference between two situations which are happening at the same time in a sentence.


  • Despite his reservations about the project, he decided to proceed with it.
  • While some people prefer hot weather, others enjoy colder climates.
  • Although she had studied hard for the exam, she still didn’t perform well.


Conditional subordinating conjunctions include provided that, unless, if. All these are used to express conditions under which an event may or may not happen. 


  • If it rains tomorrow, we’ll have to cancel the outdoor picnic.
  • She will go to the concert tonight if she finishes her homework on time.
  • Unless you apologize, I won’t forgive you for what you said.

Reason and Purpose

Conjunctions like so that, in order that, so as etc are used under reason and purpose. 


  • She went to the library to study because she had an important exam coming up.
  • Because he wanted to improve his health, he started exercising regularly and eating healthier foods.
  • Since it was raining outside, they decided to stay indoors and watch a movie.


Words like where and wherever are commonly used in sentences which indicate the place where an action took place. 


  • I will go to the store after I finish my homework.
  • She went to the park because it was a sunny day.
  • We’ll meet at the café where we first met for coffee.


Finally, conjunctions like though, although and even if are some of the commonly used words to create sentences. 


  • Even though it was raining heavily, they decided to go for a hike in the mountains.
  • Even though he had saved up money for months, he couldn’t afford to buy the car he wanted.
  • Although she had studied hard for the exam, she still didn’t perform as well as she had hoped. 

Also Read: How to Use Nouns and Prepositions Together in English Grammar

7+ Subordinating Conjunctions List

By now, you must have got a fair idea of common subordinating conjunctions that can be used in sentences. Here is a list showcasing subordinating conjunctions examples: 

AfterBecauseIn order that
WheneverAs long asAs though
ProvidedNow thatEven if

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20+ Subordinating Conjunctions Example Sentences

Here are a few subordinating conjunctions listed below for your reference: 


She went to the store before she went home.
He decided to visit his parents while he was in town.
Let’s go for a walk in the park since the weather is nice.
I’ll meet you at the cafe after I finish my work.
We can go to the beach whenever you’re ready.


While I was waiting for the bus, I read a few chapters of my book.
After I finish my homework, I will go for a walk in the park.
Since I woke up early, I have plenty of time to prepare for the presentation.
Once the sun sets, we can start the barbecue.
Before we leave for the airport, we need to double-check our luggage.


If it rains tomorrow, we will have to cancel the picnic
Unless you apologize, I won’t forgive you.
Provided that you follow the instructions, you should have no trouble assembling the furniture.
Whether we go to the beach or the mountains depends on the weather forecast.
Since you finished your homework early, you can go play outside.

Subordinating Conjunctions Exercises Download PDF

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What are subordinating conjunctions?

A subordinating conjunction is a form of conjunction that introduces a dependent clause and then joins it to a main clause.

What are some 5 subordinating conjunctions?

Some commonly used subordinating conjunctions are as if, although, until, since, after.

How many types of subordinating conjunctions are there?

There are 7 types of conjunctions these include place, time, reason and purpose, concession, condition, cause and effect and contrast.

We hope this blog provides you with all the necessary information. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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