Subject-verb agreement: it’s the grammatical dance that keeps our sentences flowing smoothly. However, as we explore more complex sentence structures in Class 10, this dance can sometimes feel more like a tricky tango. Are you ready to refine your grammar skills and master the art of subject-verb agreement? This comprehensive guide, complete with a specially designed subject verb agreement worksheet for Class 10, will help you do just that.
In this blog, we will not only review the essential rules but also tackle the more nuanced challenges you’ll encounter at this level, from tricky intervening phrases to the complexities of collective nouns. Get ready to strengthen your writing, ace your exams, and communicate with clarity and confidence! Download the free worksheet and let’s get started!
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What is Subject Verb Agreement for Class 10 Students?
Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that dictates that the verb in a sentence must agree in number (singular or plural) with its subject. For Class 10 students, this concept is crucial not just for basic grammar, but also for more complex sentence structures they encounter at this level. Here’s a breakdown tailored for them:
Core Principle:
- Singular Subject = Singular Verb: If the subject is one person, place, thing, or idea, the verb must be in its singular form. Example: The cat sits on the mat.
- Plural Subject = Plural Verb: If the subject refers to more than one, the verb must be in its plural form.
Example: The cats sit on the mat
Find Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets
Key Rules of Subject Verb Agreement for Class 10
Here’s a breakdown of the key rules of subject-verb agreement for Class 10, going beyond the basics and focusing on the nuances expected at this level:
1. Singular vs. Plural Subjects (Review & Reinforcement):
- A singular subject takes a singular verb. Example: The dog barks.
- A plural subject takes a plural verb. Example: The dogs bark.
- Key Point: Be able to identify singular and plural nouns, including irregular plurals (e.g., child/children, mouse/mice).
2. Compound Subjects:
- “And” (Usually Plural): Two or more subjects joined by “and” usually take a plural verb. Example: John and Mary are going.
- Exceptions:
- If the parts of the compound subject refer to a single idea, a singular verb is used. Example: Bread and butter is my favorite.
- If the subjects are modified by “each” or “every,” the verb is singular. Example: Every boy and girl has a ticket.
- “Or/Nor” (Proximity Rule): The verb agrees with the subject closest to it.
- Example: Neither the cat nor the dogs were fed.
- Example: Neither the dogs nor the cat was fed.
3. Collective Nouns:
- Group as a Unit (Singular): If the collective noun is thought of as a single entity, the verb is singular. Example: The team is playing well.
- Members Individually (Plural): If the focus is on the individual members of the group, the verb is plural. Example: The team members are discussing the strategy.
- Common Collective Nouns: family, team, group, committee, class, jury, crowd, etc.
4. Indefinite Pronouns:
- Always Singular: each, every, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, either, neither, one, another. Example: Everyone is here.
- Singular or Plural (Context Dependent): some, all, any, most, several. Look at the nouns they refer to.
- Example: Some of the water is gone. (Uncountable = singular)
- Example: Some of the students are absent. (Plural)
5. Intervening Phrases and Clauses:
- Ignore Them! Phrases or clauses that come between the subject and verb do not affect agreement.
- Example: The book, which is very interesting, is on the table. (Subject is “book”)
- Example: The students who study hard do well. (Subject is “students”)
6. Special Cases:
- “Neither/Nor” and “Either/Or” (Reiterated): The proximity rule is crucial here.
- “Many a” and “A number of”: “Many a” is singular; “a number of” is plural.
- Example: Many a student has made this mistake.
- Example: A number of students have asked for help.
- Units of Measurement/Money/Time (Usually Singular): When considered as a whole, these are generally singular.
- Example: Ten dollars is too much.
- Example: Five miles is a long way to walk.
- Titles of Works (Singular): Even if the title contains plural nouns, it’s singular. Example: “Pride and Prejudice” is a classic novel.
7. Subject-Verb Agreement with Relative Clauses:
- The verb in a relative clause (introduced by who, which, that) agrees with its antecedent (the noun it refers to).
- Example: The student who studies diligently succeeds. (Antecedent is “student”)
- Example: The books that are on the shelf belong to me. (Antecedent is “books”)
8. Formal vs. Informal Agreement:
- Be aware of the difference between formal and informal agreement, especially with collective nouns. In formal writing, stick to the rules outlined above. Informal usage may be more flexible.
By mastering these rules and practising regularly, Class 10 students can significantly improve their grammar skills and write with greater accuracy and confidence. Remember, the key is to carefully analyse the sentence structure and identify the true subject before determining the correct verb form.
Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet for Class 10
Below we have prepared a subject verb worksheet for Class 10 students where you will be able to test your knowledge. You can easily save and download this worksheet. You canal also find answers to all the questions in the end.
Check Answers:
- Meets
- Is
- Like
- Has
- Walks
- Are
- Is
- Is
- Is
- Has
Check Answers:
- Is (Family can be considered a collective unit.)
- Were (When “neither/nor” connects subjects, the verb agrees with the subject closer to it.)
- Is (Team is acting as a single unit in this context.)
- Have (Several is plural.)
- Is (Mathematics is singular.)
- Are (The verb agrees with “species,” which is plural.)
- Is (Book titles are singular.)
Find more exercises here:
Bonus Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet for Class 10
If you wish to practice more on subject verb agreement for Class 10 students, then make sure you check out these bonus exercises which we have prepared for you. You will find answers to all the questions at the end.
Exercise 1: Indefinite Pronouns
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- Everybody (is/are) excited about the upcoming school trip.
- Several of the students (has/have) already submitted their permission slips.
- Neither the teacher nor the students (wants/want) to miss the bus.
- Someone (has/have) left their backpack in the classroom.
- All of the cake (was/were) eaten quickly.
- is
- have
- wants
- has
- was
Exercise 2: Collective Nouns
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- The team (is/are) practicing hard for the championship game.
- The family (is/are) having a disagreement about vacation plans. (Think about family as individual members here)
- The audience (was/were) captivated by the performance.
- The jury (has/have) reached a verdict. (Consider the jury as a single unit or individual members)
- The flock of birds (is/are) flying south for the winter.
- is
- are (While family can be singular, the sentence hints at individual members with differing opinions)
- was
- has (Or “have” if you emphasize the individual jury members and their separate opinions contributing to the verdict)
- is
Exercise 3: Compound Subjects
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- My friend and I (am/are) going to the library later.
- Peanut butter and jelly (is/are) my favorite sandwich.
- Neither the books nor the pen (was/were) found on the desk.
- The principal or the teachers (is/are) responsible for discipline.
- Reading and writing (is/are) essential skills.
- are
- is (Think of “peanut butter and jelly” as a single unit – the sandwich itself)
- was
- is (When “or” connects subjects, the verb agrees with the subject closer to it.)
- are
Exercise 4:Intervening Process
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- The students, along with their teacher, (is/are) visiting the museum.
- The book, which is very interesting, (is/are) on the table.
- My dog, as well as my cats, (eats/eat) a lot of food.
- The flowers in the vase (smells/smell) beautiful.
- The car, including the spare tire, (was/were) stolen.
- is
- is
- eats
- smell
- was
Exercise 5: Special Cases
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- Many a student (has/have) benefited from her teaching.
- There (is/are) several reasons why I can’t go.
- The news (is/are) reporting heavy traffic.
- Mathematics (is/are) my favourite subject.
- Five dollars (is/are) too much to pay for that.
- Has
- Are
- Is
- Is
- Is
Exercise 6: Titles and Names
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (is/are) a classic novel.
- The United States (is/are) a large country.
- “Friends” (is/are) my favourite TV show.
- Google (has/have) become a verb.
- “War and Peace” (is/are) a long and complex book.
- is (Titles of books, movies, etc., are singular even if they contain plural words.)
- is (Country names are generally singular.)
- is (Titles of TV shows, even if plural, are singular.)
- has (Company names are singular.)
- is (Book titles are singular.)
Exercise 7: Quantifiers
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
- Most of the students (has/have) finished their projects.
- Some of the water (was/were) spilled.
- A number of students (is/are) absent today.
- Several of the books (is/are) missing.
- All of the information (was/were) helpful.
- Have
- Was
- Are (When “a number of” is used, the verb is usually plural.)
- Are
- Was
Tips and Tricks for Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement for Class 10
Subject verb agreement, the harmonious dance between subject and verb, can sometimes trip up even the most seasoned Class 10 student. But fear not! Here are some ninja-level tips and tricks to conquer this grammar hurdle:
1. Unmask the True Subject:
- The Intervening Phrase Illusion: Don’t be fooled by phrases that sneak between the subject and verb. These phrases (often prepositional phrases like “of the books,” “in the garden”) are just distractions. Ignore them!
- Example: “The stack of books on the shelf is interesting.” (Ignore “of books on the shelf”)
- Who or What is Doing the Action? Ask yourself: Who or what is performing the verb’s action? This helps you zero in on the real subject.
2. Compound Subject Deciphering:
- “And” usually means plural: When two subjects are joined by “and,” it’s usually plural. Think addition!
- Example: “My brother and I are going.”
- “Or/Nor” – The Proximity Rule: With “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.
- Example: “Neither the students nor the teacher was late.” (Teacher is closer)
- Example: “Neither the teacher nor the students were late.” (Students is closer)
3. Indefinite Pronoun Mastery:
- Singular Squad: Many indefinite pronouns are always singular: each, every, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, either, neither, one.
- Example: “Everyone is ready.”
- Contextual Chameleons: Some change based on context: some, all, any, most, several. Look at the noun they refer to.
- Example: “Some of the cake is gone.” (Cake is singular)
- Example: “Some of the students are present.” (Students is plural)
4. Collective Noun Nuances:
- The Group as One: If the collective noun acts as a single unit, it’s singular.
- Example: “The team is playing well.”
- Members as Individuals: If the focus is on the individual members, it’s plural.
- Example: “The team members are discussing the strategy.”
5. Special Case Spotting:
- “Neither/Nor” and “Either/Or” revisited: Remember the proximity rule!
- “Many a” and “A number of”: “Many a” is singular, while “a number of” is plural.
- Example: “Many a student has struggled with this.”
- Example: “A number of students have excelled.”
- Units of Measurement/Money/Time: These are generally singular when considered as a whole.
- Example: “Ten dollars is a reasonable price.”
6. Practice, Practice, Practice:
- Real-World Application: Look for subject-verb agreement in your reading and writing. The more you see it in action, the better you’ll understand it.
- Targeted Exercises: Focus on the areas where you struggle most. If collective nouns confuse you, do extra practice with them.
By mastering these tips and tricks, you’ll not only ace your Class 10 English exams but also gain the confidence to express yourself clearly and correctly in writing. Happy grammar hunting!
Take a look at the Subject Verb Agreement Lesson Plan for English Teachers
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At this level, you are dealing with more complex sentence structures. Accurate subject-verb agreement is crucial for clear communication in essays, research papers, and standardized tests. It demonstrates a strong command of grammar, which directly impacts your grades and academic success.
If the collective noun acts as a single unit, it’s singular. Example: The team is playing well. If the focus is on individual members, it’s plural. Example: The team members are discussing the strategy.
The verb in the relative clause agrees with the antecedent (the noun the clause refers to). Example: The students who study hard succeed.
Many are singular: each, every, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, either, neither, one, another. Example: Everyone is invited. Others (like some, all, any, most) can be singular or plural depending on the context.
Titles are always singular, even if they contain plural words. Example: “The Three Musketeers” is a classic.
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