Spill the Beans Idiom Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

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Spill the beans idiom meaning

The idiom “Spill the Beans” means to reveal a secret or tell someone something before it’s time to. It is a very popular phrase used in everyday language and conversations, especially when one needs fresh, hot gossip from their friends!

Although the idiom was officially registered in 1919, it traces its origin back to ancient Greek, where people cast votes using one of the two different coloured beans, a white bean meaning “yes” and a black bean meaning “no”. Talk about literally spilling the beans on the election results if the jar accidentally broke!

Some alternative explanations for the origin of “spill the beans” involve actually “ruining the beans” or “knocking over the applecart” which implied messing up something perfect or something that was arranged well.

Spill the Beans Usage with Examples

Here are a few examples of how the idiom is used:

  1. She spilled the beans about her sister’s engagement before it was announced.
  2. Who spilled the beans to the press about the company’s financial troubles?
  3. I won’t spill the beans, I promise. You can trust me with your secret.

Also Read: Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences and Meanings

Synonyms and Similar Words

Here are some phrases having similar meanings to this idiom:

  • Let the cat out of the bag
  • Give the game away
  • Blow the lid off
  • Reveal a secret
  • Dish the dirt

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Spill the Beans Meaning Quiz

Here are 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs):

1. What does the phrase “spill the beans” mean?

A) To cook a meal
B) To reveal a secret
C) To clean up a mess
D) To plant seeds

Answer: B) To reveal a secret

2. Which of the following is a synonym for “spill the beans”?

A) Keep quiet
B) Let the cat out of the bag
C) Take a nap
D) Hide the truth

Answer: B) Let the cat out of the bag

3. In which situation would you use “spill the beans”?

A) When someone ruins a surprise party by revealing it
B) When cooking a dish with beans
C) When someone forgets their homework
D) When discussing a gardening project

Answer: A) When someone ruins a surprise party by revealing it

4. “I told John not to spill the beans.” What does this mean?

A) John should not cook beans
B) John should not reveal the secret
C) John should not eat too many beans
D) John should be careful while carrying food

Answer: B) John should not reveal the secret

5. What is the opposite of “spill the beans”?

A) Keep it under wraps
B) Shout it out loud
C) Open up
D) Speak the truth

Answer: A) Keep it under wraps

6. Which sentence correctly uses “spill the beans”?

A) I accidentally spilled the beans about Sarah’s surprise gift.
B) She loves to spill the beans when cooking.
C) We need to spill the beans before planting them.
D) He spilled the beans into his coffee.

Answer: A) I accidentally spilled the beans about Sarah’s surprise gift.

7. “She spilled the beans about the company’s new product.” What happened?

A) She launched a new product
B) She ruined the product
C) She revealed confidential information
D) She cooked beans

Answer: C) She revealed confidential information

8. What is another way to say “spill the beans”?

A) Let the secret slip
B) Stay silent
C) Keep a promise
D) Hold back information

Answer: A) Let the secret slip

9. “Don’t spill the beans about the wedding!” What does this imply?

A) The wedding is supposed to be a surprise
B) The wedding menu contains beans
C) The person should organise the wedding
D) The wedding is not happening

Answer: A) The wedding is supposed to be a surprise

10. What is the best response if someone tells you, “I accidentally spilled the beans”?

A) “Oh no! You revealed the secret!”
B) “Did you drop your food?”
C) “Are you cooking dinner?”
D) “What kind of beans?”

Answer: A) “Oh no! You revealed the secret!”

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What does it mean to spill the beans?

It means to reveal a secret or disclose confidential information, often accidentally.

Is spill the beans a metaphor?

Yes, this idiom is considered a metaphor because it figuratively represents the act of revealing a secret. The phrase does not literally mean spilling actual beans but instead symbolizes accidentally or intentionally disclosing hidden information—just as spilled beans would no longer be contained.

Since metaphors involve indirect comparisons, “spill the beans” metaphorically links spilling to revealing information in a way that is understood culturally rather than literally.

What is an idiom phrase?

An idiom phrase is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the literal meanings of the individual words. Idioms are commonly used expressions in a language that convey a figurative meaning understood by native speakers.

So this was all about spilling the beans about the idiom “Spill the Beans”. Want to learn more idioms like this and explore other Learn English topics? Then stay tuned to Leverage Edu. Happy Learning!

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